WEEK# 18, 29 April – 5 May 2019

 In this issue:

 A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Visitors

D. Campus Updates

E. Faculty and Staff Travel

F. Classifieds (Jobs)





(i)Inviting story ideas for Radio Thailand
Email from OMCO (24 Apr. 2019)
Dear AIT Community,
AIT is working with Thailand's national broadcaster Radio Thailand to explore stories on research and development. We invite AIT people to suggest ideas on how their research work and outreach is contributing to different sectors in Thailand.
We need a two-line story idea which we will discuss with Radio Thailand. After approval, we will work with you on drafting a two-paragraph writeup on your research and recording a 1-2 minute sound byte. Radio Thailand will use the writeup to prepare their story, and they will use the soundbyte as a phone-in. We have done a few pilot stories and the first such story featuring Dr. Ekbordin Winijkul is posted here as well https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=279564722927443 )
You can send your ideas to:
(1) M.L. Thanisa Choombala (thanisa@ait.ac.th ) of the Language Center, who is also a news anchor and reporter for Radio Thailand
(2) Bajinder (bajinder@ait.ac.th ) at the Office of Media and Communications (OMCO).
Both the Language Center and OMCO will help you in the script and the recording.
Thank you and best regards
Office of Media and Communications
List of Subjects of Interest:
1. Agriculture
•Market mechanisms affecting agro exports, domestic consumption
•Policy recommendations to boost product prices
•Current agricultural R&D in the academic sphere
•Climate connection: how climate change & extreme weather events are impacting Thailand's agricultural capacity
2. Drought and Water Management
• Risk analysis for 2019: areas of concern, major factors 
•R&D in the field of water management
•Policy recommendations for long-term management
3. Urban Planning & Environmental Management
•Water management in Bangkok vs other cities
•Traffic in Bangkok vs other cities
•Smart city development: Chiang Mai, Phuket, Khon Kaen, Bangkok, Chachoengsao, Rayong, Chonburi
•R&D in urban development: building resilient and smart cities
4. Thailand 4.0
•Introduction to emerging technologies and applications
•The role of academia in human resource development
•4.0 industries, target industries (electric & autonomous vehicles, robotics, advanced agriculture, etc)
(ii)RTAs, PNs and Oversea Transfer
Email from Office of Finance (19 Apr. 2019)
The President will be on official trip to Europe on 1 – 15 May 2019. As such, the Office of the President (OPRE) and the Office of Finance (OFIN) have set a timeline for the following:
1)     Request for Travel Authorization (RTA)s and Promissory Notes (PN)s.
All completely signed and approved RTAs and PNs must arrive at OFIN on or before 24 April 2019. This will give OFIN time to prepare the cheques for the President’s signature on 29 April 2019 which is the last date that he will be available for cheque signing. 
If these documents fail to arrive at OFIN on the cut-off date, the next cheque issuance will be on the 9th (special case only) and 16th of May 2019.
For cheques to be released on the 9th, all signed and approved documents must arrive at OFIN on the 2nd of May while cheques to be released on the 16th, these documents must arrive at OFIN on the 9th of May.
2)     Oversea Transfer
All completely signed and approved oversea payment requests must arrive at OFIN on or before 24 April 2019. Otherwise, these will be processed when the President is back from his trip.
This notice will take effect only while the President is on travel to Europe.
For your kind information.
(iii)New Bridging Program price for potential candidates
Email from Language Center (11 Apr. 2019)
The Language Center is pleased to announce that the new price of the Bridging Program is now 25,000 Thai Baht for the same 8-week course duration (June-July). The proposed new price is to ensure that AIT continues to provide educational opportunities for students who possess academic standing that meets the AIT requirements but lack necessary prior exposure to English. 
The Bridging program is an immersion program aiming to help incoming students to transition into the international and English-medium education at AIT. The program provides 3 main areas of training through talk-based and task-based approaches: academic English, research skills and intercultural communication skills. 
The Bridging Program targets: 
-applicants who possess good academic standing but can only obtain the English Entry score of 4.5, who will then be able to improve to at least 5.0 by the end of July which will ensure their eligibility for the August entry, and
-applicants who obtain the English score of 5.0 or 5.5 who, though already eligible for entry, can improve their score by at least 0.5 point before the August semester and thus have a higher chance to fulfill the English requirements and start their thesis process on time. 
Important Notes:
• The minimum entry score to the Bridging Program for Master’s applicants is 4.5.
• The minimum entry score to the Bridging Program for Doctoral applicants is 5.0.
The program runs June 3 – July 26, 2019
Time: 9:00 to 16:00 Monday to Friday 
Students must commit themselves to the 6-hour-a-day / 5-day-a-week schedule of the program to ensure successful completion of the program.
Application deadline for the program: May 23, 2019
To apply: email your applicant’s information (Full name, field applied, email address) to us at languages@ait.ac.th 
For more information, you can call LC at 6623 or call Thanisa at 5887
(iv) Extended the Library hours to 2.00 a.m. during this examination period (19 April – 2  May 2019)
Email from AIT Library (17 Apr. 2019)
Please be informed that during this examination period AIT Library hours will be extended to two o'clock in the morning.
The following are the details of the opening hours and service.
Date: 19 – 30 April 2019
Opening Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Group Study Rooms: OPENED
Date: 1 May 2019
Opening Hours: CLOSED (National Labor Day)
Group Study Rooms: CLOSED
Date: 2 May 2019
Opening Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 2 a.m.
Group Study Rooms OPENED
(v)Graduation Photo for Batch book
Email from SU Media (21 Apr. 2019)
As per tradition, SU Media Affairs will be publishing the 131st Batch Book for the graduating students this semester. On behalf of our team, I would like to extend our congratulations to all of you.
Batch Book being a memorable gift, it cannot be complete without your pictures. Regarding this, SU Media Affairs together with AIT Media and Communications Unit, has arranged a Batch Book Photo Shoot for you. The photographer will be available for batch book photo shoot from Monday, 22 April 2019 -  Friday, 3 May 2019. 
To avoid long queue on the last day, we have scheduled for each school as follows:
•29th April 2019 - SERD
•30th April, 2nd, 3rd May 2019 - SOM 
*You can come on the dates scheduled for other school, but please be aware that the school in the schedule will be given priority. 
Gowns are available at the photo studio and white formal shirt is recommended.
Please also be informed that 200 THB shall be paid at the studio when requesting for a photo shoot.Please collect the receipt and keep it with you. 
After the photo shoot, the only one best click will be sent out for retouching and then printed out in 8" x 10" (which may take up to one week). 
Starting Date    :  22 April 2019
Deadline           :  3 May 2019
Time                  :  8.30 -15.30, Monday - Friday
Venue                :  Room no 206, Media and Communication Unit (MCU), 
Charge             :   THB 200 (please take it with you for the photo shoot)
Attire                :   White formal Shirt
We will collect all photos taken within defined timeline. Any photo taken after aforementioned deadline will not be accepted. Hence, we would like to kindly request all graduating students to take some time out in the  above mentioned timeline and not wait for the last day. 
Please do not hesitate to come even if you are not sure that you are going complete your courses by this semester or not, your photo can be kept and used for the next December Graduation.
This photograph and payment is for the batch book photo only. This is not the graduation awarding ceremony photograph.
All the best for your thesis preparations. For any queries please contact us via email at sumedia@ait.asia  .
(vi) Reservation of China Center
Email from Student Union (12 Apr. 2019)
Please be informed that China Center is reserved for the following activities: 
Time & Date: 
5pm to 12 am midnight , 4 May 2019
Vietnamese Student Farewell Party 
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.


B. Events

 (a) AIT’s 131st Graduation: 17 May 2019

 The 131st Graduation of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will be held on 17 May 2019 at the Robert B Banks Auditorium.

 Detailed program: https://www.ait.ac.th/event/131st-graduation-17-may-2019/ 


(b) Orientation for New Students: 2 Aug. 2019

Fri Aug 2nd 9:00am - 5:00pm

 Orientation Day for new students will be organized at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) on 2 August 2019 at the AIT Conference Center.

More details at this link: https://www.ait.ac.th/event/orientation-new-students-2-august-2019/ 


(c)"100 Innovations and Entrepreneurs": 14 – 17 Aug. 2019 

"100 Innovations and Entrepreneurs" is the name of a grand event being organized by AIT that seeks to celebrate the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of AIT. Featuring 100 innovations and entrepreneurs, the event will be organized from 14-17 August at Centara Grand, Bangkok.

More details: https://www.ait.ac.th/ev…/100-innovations-and-entrepreneurs/ 



 (a)Special Lecture on Plastic Waste Reduction to Prevent Marine Litter: 8 May 2019

 RRC.AP will organize RRC.AP Environmental Awareness Series on Plastic Waste Reduction to Prevent Marine Litter on:

 Date : 08 May 2019 (Wednesday)

Time: 13:15-15:00 hrs.

Venue:  Milton E. Bender Jr. Auditorium

The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP) is organizing an awareness raising workshop on plastic waste reduction to prevent marine litter. The workshop promises an interactive, practical, solution-oriented session on “communities participation in reducing marine plastic litter”  as part of its 30th anniversary celebration.

To register, please follow this link . For inquiries, please contact: Mrs. Kristine Mendoza Perez at Kristine.Perez@rrcap.ait.ac.th or call +66 (0)2 524 6246 / + 66 (0)2 516 2124.


C. Visitors / MoU



D. Campus Updates


(i)Installation of new LED street light in the residential area from 1 April

Email from OFAM (26 Mar. 2019)

Please be informed that the contractor will start the installation of new LED street light project in the residential area from 1 April and is scheduled to complete by 6 May 2019. The street light installation work is planned for, route-1 and route-2 as shown in the maps below and following is the schedule plan for the project. 

During this time there might be loud noise and few areas might be closed due to the renovation work. So, people living around that area are requested to be careful when passing through those areas. We request your kind cooperation on this.

Preparatory work and wiring

Installation wires for route 2: 18 – 30 April 2019

Installation main wires and control panel for route 1: 18 – 20 April 2019

Installation main wires and control panel for route 2: 28 – 30 April 2019

Installation street light poles

Installation poles for route 1: 18 – 25 April 2019

Installation poles for route 2: 25 – 30 April and 2 – 5 May 2019

Inspection system: 4 – 6 May 2019


(i)Installation of new LED street light in the residential area from 1 April

Email from OFAM (26 Mar. 2019)

Please be informed that the contractor will start the installation of new LED street light project in the residential area from 1 April and is scheduled to complete by 6 May 2019. The street light installation work is planned for, route-1 and route-2 as shown in the maps below and following is the schedule plan for the project. 

During this time there might be loud noise and few areas might be closed due to the renovation work. So, people living around that area are requested to be careful when passing through those areas. We request your kind cooperation on this.

Preparatory work and wiring

Installation wires for route 2: 18 – 30 April 2019

Installation main wires and control panel for route 1: 18 – 20 April 2019

Installation main wires and control panel for route 2: 28 – 30 April 2019

Installation street light poles

Installation poles for route 1: 18 – 25 April 2019

Installation poles for route 2: 25 – 30 April and 2 – 5 May 2019

 Inspection system: 4 – 6 May 2019


 E. Faculty and Staff Travel

 Dr. Naveed Anwar / Lahore, Pakistan / 26 – 28 March 2019*

Dr. Naveed Anwar / Singapore / 4 – 8 April 2019*

Prof. Deepak Sharma / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam / 20 – 21 April 2019*

Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut / Paris, France / 20 April – 5 May 2019

Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai / Beijing, China / 21 – 25 April 2019*

Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Nong Khai, Thailand and Vientiane, Lao PDR / 21 April – 4 May 2019

Dr. Anchara Taweesan / Sakon Nakhon and Mae Hong Son, Thailand / 21 April – 12 May 2019

Mr. Jonathan Flores Manuel / Singapore / 23 – 25 April 2019*

Mr. Mohamed Shehezard Rifthie / Singapore / 23 – 25 April 2019*

Ms. Ablnayaa Uthayakumar / Singapore / 23 – 25 April 2019*

Ms. Phyu Sin / Chacherngsao and Samut Sakorn, Thailand / 25 – 26 April 2019

Mr. Md. Anishur Rahman / Chachoengsao and Chonburi, Thailand / 25 – 27 April 2019*

Mr. Chatuphol Pholwan / Chachoengsao and Chonburi, Thailand / 25 – 27 April 2019*

Dr. Djoen San Santoso / Myanmar / 26 – 27 April 2019*

Dr. Kavinda G. Hettiarachchige / Dushanbe, Tajikistan / 26 April – 11 May 2019

Mr. Don Rajitha Malshan Athukorala / Dushanbe, Tajikistan / 26 April – 11 May 2019

Prof. Thammarat Koottatep / Glasgow, Scotland / 30 April – 9 May 2019

Dr. Ram C. Bhujel / Chitwan, Nepal / 30 April – 11 May 2019

Ms. Narumon Wangnai / Ubonratchathani and Sisaket, Thailand / 1 May 2019

Ms. Chatchata Prasongsuk / Ubonratchathani and Sisaket, Thailand / 1 May 2019

Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Phuket, Thailand / 1 – 4 May 2019

Mr. Sufian Etea / Phuket, Thailand / 1 – 4 May 2019

Dr. Eden Woon / UK, France, Lithuania, Estonia and Romania / 1 – 15 May 2019

Mr. Shawn P. Kelly / UK, France, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania / 1 – 14 May 2019

Mr. Tharakorn Chanlapa / Jakarta, Indonesia / 3 – 8 May 2019

Prof. S.  Kumar / Delhi, India / 5 – 8 May 2019

Dr. Abdul Salam / Delhi, India / 5 – 8 May 2019


*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)



  F. Classifieds (Jobs)

Faculty Position: Assistant Professor or Associate Professor (School of Environment, Resources & Development)

Ref. No. 01/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019



Faculty Position: Assistant Professor or Associate Professor (School of Environment, Resources & Development)

Ref. No. 01/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019



Faculty Position (Assistant Professor or Associate Professor) (School of Environment, Resources & Development)

Ref. No. 02/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019



Position: Research Staff (Research Assistant/Associate) (School of Environment, Resources & Development)

Ref. No. 14/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019



Position: IP & Licensing Counsel Officer (AIT Solutions)

Ref. No. 16/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019



Position: Business Development Officer

Ref. No. 17/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019



Position: Program Officer for Professional Masters in Tall Buildings Program of AIT Solutions (PMTBP) (AIT Solutions)

Ref. No. 18/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019



Position: Senior Software Developer (AIT Solutions)

Ref. No. 19/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019



Position: Software Developer (JavaScript) (AIT Solutions)

Ref. No. 20/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019



Position: Structural/Project Engineer (AIT Solutions)

Ref. No. 21/19

Deadline: 30 April 2019















