WEEK #4, January 26 – February 1, 2015



Campus Notes


Dr. Sangam Shrestha promoted to the rank of Associate Professor

Dr. Sangam Shrestha was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in the School of Engineering and Technology (SET), taking into account the positive and unanimous recommendations of the Faculty Evaluation Panel (FEP) and the SET Faculty Evaluation Committee.

Dr. Shrestha joined AIT as an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering and Technology in November 2009. He obtained his Ph.D. in Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM), from the University of Yamanashi, Japan, in 2007 and his M.Sc. in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 2004.  Dr. Shrestha also gained his M.Sc. in Agriculture (Major: Soil Science) from the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 2002.

Dr. Shrestha’s research encompasses the areas of climate change and adaptation, integrated water resources management, hydrology and water quality modeling, groundwater development and management, and sustainable water management policy.

Dr. Shrestha’s curriculum vitae, the Institute Criteria for Promotion (PA-1-2-5) and the Procedure for Evaluation of Faculty for Promotion (PA-1-2-2) can be accessed through the link provided below:



Chinese Course for Beginners


The AIT Language Center is pleased to announce the opening of a new Chinese course.


Course: Basic Chinese Conversation


Date:  3 February to 26 March 2015 (Every Tuesday and Thursday, from 16:30 - 18:00)


The course is offered at a discounted fee of THB 750 (baht) due to the support of the Chinese Government through the Confucius Institute.  (Sorry no refunds.)


Minimum: 15 persons

Maximum: 20 persons


TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE, CLICK THIS LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RrnN3MCZrE4phbQRxtswpw1V25yYlak-CMd4opW60Cw/viewform?usp=send_form


Please Note: Cost of materials – THB 750/participant. (Pay at AIT Cashier (Pay at AIT Cashier and submit your proof of payment at the Language Center, Room 216)


The AIT Community would like to express its condolences and sympathy to Mr. Nimitr Intralux, Library Assistant, whose father passed away on 20 January 2015.  Funeral rites were conducted at Wat Jaroen Tammaram, and the cremation ceremony was held on January 24.



Sponsored Projects and Research Updates

Opportunities through US State Department for research funding

The United States State Department is providing opportunities for research funding as follows:

1) The Public Diplomacy Innovation Fund - ranging from $6,000 to $250,000 for projects that:

 *develop small-to-medium scale creative ideas that could potentially be scaled up regionally or globally;

*have high potential for significant strategic impact and appropriately engage key audiences with tightly focused program plans;

*could serve as models for other countries or global initiatives;

*have realistic sustainability plans;

*incorporate metrics and evaluation tied to desired outcomes; and

*include in-kind or other matching funds from partner organizations.

Applications are accepted every month until August 2015.

2) Funding for anti-piracy campaign. US Embassy is looking for ideas from AIT to jointly prepare a proposal on innovative ways to address the anti-piracy campaign.

Interested persons please contact: Dr. Gabrielle Groves Punyaratabandhu, Head,  ERCO, at tel. 02 524 6024. Email: gabrielle@ait.asia or head-erco@ait.asia


Event (Invitation)


Colombian Mega Biodiversity


Faculty and staff members are invited to participate in the upcoming Conference on "Colombian Mega Biodiversity" organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Colombia in Bangkok to be held on Monday 26 January 2015, 13.30 -15.30 hrs., at Thammasat University (Tha Prachan Campus), Room 206-207.


The conference will be conducted by Doctor Brigitte Luis Guillermo Baptiste, Ph.D., Director of Alexander von Humboldt Research Institute on Biological Resources of Colombia, the most important of its kind in Colombia and one of the most prestigious in the world in the field of biodiversity. Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world, and the first one on the earth considering the number of live species per square kilometer.





Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook, Officer-in-Charge and Vice Rector Academic and Student Affairs, UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands / 30 Jan. 2015 / to strengthen the existing research and education collaboration between AIT and UNESCO-IHE, especially discussing the possibility of establishing joint PhD program and reviewing the existing joint Masters programs.


A delegation from Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd., Japan, led by Mr. Itonaga Takanori, Senior Manager, Business Development, MRC Rensui Asia Pte. Ltd. / 30 Jan. 2015 / to explore the possible collaboration between Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd. and AIT and to discuss in details about sending their staff members to AIT for diploma and/or professional master’s programs in the fields of EEM, WEM, and UWEM from August 2015 intake.


Faculty and Staff Travel


Mr. Keerati Tunthasuwatana / Apia, Samoa / 10 – 23 Nov. 2014*

Mr. Jayaram Pudashine / Kathmandu, Nepal / 9 – 15 Jan. 2015*

Dr. Faiz Shah / Kathmandu, Nepal / 13 – 18 Jan. 2015*

Mr. Syams Nashrrullah / Jakarta, Indonesia / 18 – 22 Jan. 2015*

Dr. B.H.W. Hadikusumo / Vietnam / 18 – 24 Jan. 2014*

Dr. Clemens Grunbuhel / Sydney, Australia / 19 – 23 Jan. 2015*

Dr. Faiz Shah / Manila, Philippines / 20 – 23 Jan. 2015*

Dr. Manzul K. Hazarika / Jakarta, Indonesia / 21 – 22 Jan. 2015*

Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe / Trondheim, Norway / 22 – 26 Jan. 2015

Ms. Rowena Alcoba / Manila, Philippines / 21 Jan. – 1 Feb. 2015

Dr. K. R. Salin / Rome, Italy / 24 – 30 Jan. 2015

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dash / Singapore and Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 24 Jan. – 1 Feb. 2015

Ms. Soe Soe Htway / Nay PYi Taw, Myanmar / 25 – 28 Jan. 2015

Dr. P. Abdul Salum / Hanoi, Vietnam / 25 – 27 Jan. 2015

Prof. Sivanappan Kumar / Hanoi, Vietnam / 26 – 27 Jan. 2015

Prof. Mukand Singh Babel / Magdeburg, Germany / 26 – 30 Jan. 2015

Mr. Bayasgalan Sanduijav / Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia / 27 Jan. – 1 Mar. 2015

Mr. Syams Nashrrullah / Manila, Philippines / 1 – 6 Feb. 2015


*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)




Research Associate/Senior Research Associate (Geoinformatics Center) – Software Developer

Ref. no: 03/15

Deadline: 30 January 2015



Research Associate/Senior Research Associate (Geoninformatics Center) – Remote Sensing/ GIS

Ref no: 04/15

Deadline: 30 January 2015



English Language Lecturer (Language Center)

Ref no: 73/14

Deadline: 31 January 2015



Head, Human Resources Office (Human Resources Office)

Ref. no: 02/15

Deadline: 31 January 2015



Senior Project Engineering (AIT Consulting)

Ref.no: 07/15

Deadline: 28 February 2015



General Helper Assistant (AIT Consulting)

Ref. no: 06/15


Deadline: 28 February 2015


Assistant Financial Accountant (AIT Consulting)

Ref. no: 05/15


Deadline: 28 February 2015
