WEEK #46: 14 – 20 November 2016


 In this issue:


A. Announcements

B. Campus Updates

C. Events

D. Visitors

E. Faculty and Staff Travel

F. Classifieds (Jobs)


 A. Announcements


(i)    Institute Forum, 1 Dec 2016, 2-4pm, AITCC Auditorium

Email from President: 14 Nov. 2016

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

I would like to invite you to an Institute Forum, which will take place at the AIT Conference Center Auditorium on Thursday, 1 December 2016, from 2 to 4 p.m. (1400-1600 hours).
With the ongoing discussions on a new vision statement being considered for our Institute, I attached a reference document from UNESCO on Global Citizenship Education: Topics and Learning Objectives.
The theme for this year’s Institute Forum will be “Let's Learn from the Students”.  In this Forum, I have invited a team of students to present the students’ perspective in pushing the Global Citizen agenda. For a change, no presentations are expected from Administrators, Faculty and Staff in this Forum.
After the students’ presentation, there will be a question and answer session during which members of the community would have an opportunity to raise any questions, comments or concerns that they might have related to how we can transform AIT to be a platform for producing global citizens (global leaders).  All ideas are welcome.

•       1345 -  1400    Arrival and registration
•       1400 -  1415    Welcome and Introduction by the AIT President, Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai
•       1415 -  1500    Students’ Presentation on “Pushing the Global Citizen Agenda – Students’ Perspective”
•       1500 -  1545    Open Forum

Following the Institute Forum, there will be a tea reception, in the AITCC lobby, from 3:45-4:15 p.m., to which you are all invited.
With classes and final examinations completed by then, we expect the active participation of members of our community, especially our faculty and students.
I very much look forward to your participation at the Forum and to meeting and interacting with you during the informal tea-reception.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai
Asian Institute of Technology


(ii) Prominent Alumnus Honored with International Water Award at UN Headquarters

Email from President: 11 Nov. 2016

Dear Members of the AIT Stakeholders,

It is my great pleasure to share with you the exciting news about a world-class recognition of our AIT Alumnus at the UN Headquarters recently.

Prominent AIT Alumnus and Member of AIT’s Institute-Level Advisory Board (ILAB), Prof. Tissa H Illangasekare was honored with the 7th Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW) at an award ceremony organized at the United Nations Headquarters on 2 November 2016. Presided by the UN Secretary General H E Ban Ki-moon and HRH Prince Khaled Bin Sultan, the event was witnessed by 150 top diplomats and UN officials.

Prof. Tissa, who is the AMAX Endowed Chairman of the Environmental Sciences and Engineering department and professor of Civil Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines, graduated with a Master’s in Water Resources Engineering from AIT in 1974. Sharing details about the award, Prof. Tissa thanked AIT and Dr. Subin Pinkayan, Chairman, AIT Board of Trustees for “introducing him to hydrology.”

Speaking at the award ceremony at the UN, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hoped that the award “will motivate more research and raise awareness of this issue around the world.” Water sanitation requires investment, partnership, international attention, and cooperation among different scientific communities and nations, the Secretary-General added.

Every two years, PSIPW offers five awards to scientists, researchers and inventors around the world for pioneering work that addresses the problem of water scarcity in creative and effective ways.

Prof. Tissa was awarded for his work in the prediction of the long-term fate of pollutants in groundwater systems. His innovation can help reverse the process of contamination of groundwater systems with hazardous wastes by reliably predicting the movement of toxins and devising ways to mitigate their environmental risk.

Dr. Illangasekare said: “As a professional and a citizen, we have the responsibility and moral obligation to help sustain this critical resource we share. Prestigious prizes like this will motivate creative people to pursue research to develop innovations and solve the pressing problems with the Earth’s water.”

Award winners included Dr. Rita Colwell of University of Maryland at College Park and Dr. Shafiqul Islam of Tufts University, (Creativity Prize); Dr. Gary Parker of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Surface Water Prize); Dr. Tissa H. Illangasekare of Colorado School of Mines (Groundwater Prize); Dr. Rong Wang and Dr. Anthony G. Fane of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Alternative Water Research Prize); and Dr. Daniel P. Loucks of Cornell University (Water Management and Protection Prize).

On behalf of the AIT Community and Stakeholders, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Prof Tissa Illankasekare for the supreme honor he has received, which is a testimony of AIT's mission in developing global leaders.

 With kind regards,

Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai

AIT President

(iii) Final order of rice

Email from President: 10 Nov. 2016

Dear Members of the AIT Community

Referring to my invitation for the Community to participate in a charitable program to purchase rice directly from rice farmers. 

Up to now, we have received 64 orders of 270 pack@5 kg or a total of 1,350 kg., earning 51,800 Baht to the farmers. Thus, I write to personally thank the 64 members for your kind heart.

Since the rice is claimed to be without chemical fertilizer and insecticides, I suggested we buy a small amount to test the quality. If later we find the rice quality satisfactory, we can engage the farmer on a regular basis.

I was told by an AIT alumnus who initiated this project to help farmers that the real critical situation is still to come in December after rice harvesting. So this is a small way that we can do to help the poor farmers who work so hard to feed us.

I look forward to your cooperations on more charitable activities in the future.

With regards,

Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai

AIT President

(iv)  Confirmed Notes AMT 6 Oct 2016, New & Revised P&Ps, Policy Documents

Please be informed that the AIT Management Team (AMT), in its 10 November 2016 meeting, confirmed the notes of its 6 October 2016 meeting, which are now Intranet-published at http://www.ait.ac.th/management/aitmt-notes/confirmed-notes-aitmt-6-oct-2016.pdf

Through the endorsements of both the AIT Strategic and Management Teams, the President approved the following Institute Policy and Procedure (P&P Statements and policy documents:

§    (new)       AA-1-2-7   Central Administrative Structure


§    (new)       AA-2-1-4   Academic Administrative Structure


 Revisions on the following incorporate the recent academic administrative restructuring:

§    (revised) PA-1-2-1   Procedure for Recruitment and Appointment of Direct-Hire Faculty


§    (revised) PA-1-2-2   Procedure for Evaluation of Faculty for Promotion


§  (revised) PA-1-2-3   Procedure for Evaluation of Faculty for Contract Renewal


 Explicitly included retired faculty (beyond 61 years of age) and research faculty under P2 (project-hired employees and external resource persons involved in the projects):

§    (revised) AA-5-2-1   Annex 1 Scheme for sponsored / contracted research and development projects


 Added a separate salary level range for Research & Professional Staff:

§    (revised) PA-1-1-1 / PA-1-3-3 Annex 1 Salary Scale


§    (revised) Minimum degree qualifications and experience requirements


 These new and revised P&P and policy documents are Intranet-published at Policies and Procedures / (AA) Academic and Administrative Affairs and (PA) Personnel Affairs for easy reference.

(v) CTCN: Project opportunity in Bangladesh

The CTCN project requests for technical assistance received from Bangladesh entitled “Technology for Monitoring & Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Geo-morphology in the Coastal Areas".

If the subject area fits anyone’s expertise well, and if he/she would like to be involved in providing 'technical services' towards the implementation of this request, please contact Victor Shinde (victorshinde@ait.asia ). He will help you in preparing a small application package (2-3 pages) that will be submitted to the CTCN Headquarters in Copenhagen. He will also explain to you the CTCN assistance mechanism. The application package will essentially contain information on:

Capacity to work in the language used by the country requesting assistance.

Work conducted on related topic/technology, if any (optional: provide relevant documents).

Previous work in the country or region, if any (optional: provide relevant documents).

Relationships and partnerships you may have in the country, if any.

Please note that submission of an application package does not guarantee an award. The CTCN Headquarters receives a number of applications from different organizations and it is their prerogative to choose the one they deem appropriate.

Interested persons please show their interest in this opportunity before 21 November, 2016.

(vi)  EURAXESS ASEAN Flashnotes - Latest Funding and Career Opportunities for AIT Researchers

 The Office of External Relations (OEXR) has announced a number of attractive opportunities for researchers which are presented in the latest EURAXESS ASEAN flash notes.


1)      United Kingdom - Newton Fund Institutional Links Programme. Thailand and Vietnam Eligible

2)      EMBO Short-Term Fellowships Open to Researchers in ASEAN. 3 month Research Visits to Labs in Europe and Elsewhere. Rolling Deadline.

3)   Germany - Humboldt Incoming Fellowships for researchers at different stages in their careers. ASEAN Researchers Eligible. Rolling Deadline.

4) Advice on applying to funding schemes by Dr Claire McNulty, Director Science and Research, British Council

5)  List of European Institutions Interested in Hosting Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

6)  United Kingdom: Training Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine. ASEAN Researchers Eligible. Deadline 28 November, 2016

Check out: asean@euraxess.net


Sign up to EURAXESS Links ASEAN here: http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/links/singapore/index_en.html

For more details, please contact Director of Office of External Relations (OEXR) at email: shawnpk@ait.asia

 (vii) Gentle reminder: work permit renewal

In December 2016, work permit of many non-Thai AIT faculty and staff will expire. Due to a long holiday in December, please renew your Work Permit at least 1 month before it expires. Kindly provide the following documents:

  • Passport and Visa
  • Work permit license
  • Medical certificate (valid for 1 month) from AIT Medical Clinic.
  • Certificate Employee from HRO
  • Rate of Government Fees for Work Permit
  • 950 Baht (For 3 months)
  • 1,700 Baht (For 6 months)
  • 3,200 Baht (For 1 year)
  • 3,950 Baht (For 1 year and 3 months)
  • 4,700 Baht (For 1 year and 6 months)
  • 6,200 Baht (For 2 years)

Please apply to extend the work permit from 15 November – 15 December 2016. However, if you submit late you must apply for a new work permit.

For further questions, please contact K.Suvanee/K.Pipat, GRU Unit, at Tel. 5014 or 5021


B. Campus Updates


(i)  Construction of 7Eleven Convenience Store at the Corner of 4th Street and D Street SW

Please be informed that construction work will begin for 7Eleven Convenience Store located between the corner of 4th Street and D Street SW as follows:

1. Start of Construction Work: 1st Week of November 2016

2. Total Construction Days: 70

3. Schedule Days of Work: Monday to Sunday

4: Schedule Time of Work: 8:00am to 5:00pm

5. Tentative Store Opening Date: 10 January 2017

We thank you for your kind support and apologies for any inconvenience caused.


C. Events and Happenings



(a) CPR Training: 18 Nov. 2016

Office of Human Resources Services will organize a half day training on CPR: First aid , for students, staff, faculty and contractor  services, like security guards, etc.

Venue:  Room B-206, AIT Center

Date:    18  November 2016

Time :   13.00 hrs - 16.00 hrs.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies including heart attack or near drowning in which someone's breathing or heart beat  has stopped.

CPR Thamasat Hospital Team, leading by Assistant Professor Dr. Intanon Imsuwan M.D. will be the resources persons for this training

 As there are limited 40 seats, please don't hesitate to enroll this valuable training for life before 16 November 2016 by sending e-mail to:

Jiraphong          jiraphong@ait.asia    /or

Jirada                jirada@ait.asia


(a) SERD Lecture on "Re-Imagining Coastal Agricultural Development in Climate Adaptation Planning and Governance in Developing Countries: The case of Ghana": 14 Nov. 2016

School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) will organize a Special lecture on "Re-Imagining Coastal Agricultural Development in Climate Adaptation Planning and Governance in Developing Countries: The case of Ghana" to be delivered by Dr. Kenneth O. Mensah, Production Management and Quality Assurance, (Limited Secondment),  Tandelle-Pacer truss.

The presentation will be held on:

Date:         Monday, 14 November 2016

Time:        1:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Venue:       S101, SERD Meeting Room

(b) Institute-level Talk on “Innovation Challenges – How to Become Better in Research–based Innovation and Commercialization” - A Swedish Perspective: 15 Nov. 2016

AIT Solutions will organize an Institute-level Talk on “Innovation Challenges – How to Become Better in Research–based Innovation and Commercialization - A Swedish Perspective” by Mr. Kjell-Håkan Närfelt on 15 November 2016, from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. at Room 115, AIT Extension Building. Mr Närfelt is currently working at VINNOVA (the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems) as a Chief Strategy Officer.

(c)  SERD/RRDP Special Lecture: 15 Nov. 2016

School of Environment, Resources and Development will organize a special lecture on “Approaches to Measure the Impact of Climate Change in Agriculture” by Dr. Surendran Arumugam, Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics, the State University of  New Jersey,USA. The presentation will be held as follows:

Date:         Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Time:        13:30-15:30 hrs.

Venue:       S101, SERD Meeting Room

(d) TALK on Career Planning: 15 Nov. 2016

Mr. Surendra Shrestha, Vice President for Development (VPD), AIT, will deliver a talk on “Career Planning” on 15 November 2016, from 4:00pm – 5:30 p.m. at Milton E. Bender Jr. Auditorium.

(e)  Special Lecture on "Research on seed production for freshwater fish"

SERD/AARM (Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management) extends its invitation to a Special Lecture on "Research on seed production for freshwater fish" to be delivered by Dr. Thumronk Amornsakun, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, on Friday, 18 November 2016, from 9 a.m. (0900 hours) in room A120 (AFE Building).

All interested are welcome to the presentation.

AARM students are required to attend.

(f)   11th GMSARN International Conference 2016: 16 – 18 Nov. 2016

The 11th Greater Mekong Sub-region Academic and Research Network (GMSARN) International Conference 2016 will be held from 16-18 November 2016 in Kunming, China.

The conference brochure is available at: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2016/events/gmsarnbrochure.pdf

More details are available at the GMSARN website at: http://www.gmsarn.com/conference2016/

(g) DPMM Open Seminar on Higher Education Opportunities Related to Disaster Risk Reduction: 17 Nov. 2016

Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Management (DPMM) is organizing an open seminar on Higher Education Opportunities related to Disaster Risk Reduction on 17 Nov, 2016 as per the following detail. The event will be useful for the Students in the context of higher education.

Venue: Room E220, SERD Building, AIT

Date: 17 November, 2016

Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm

All interested are welcome to attend this open seminar.

(h) Workshop on "Liberating Structures": 18 Nov. 2016

Mr. S. Fisher Qua, Principal Practitioner at Back Loop Consulting, Seattle, Washington, USA. will conduct a Workshop on “Liberating Structures” as follows:

Date: 18 November, 2016 (Friday)

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Venue: AIT Conference Center (exact venue to be announced to registered participants early this week).

Fee : Free

This workshop will especially be beneficial to faculty and staff who are involved in teaching and public engagement activities.

Interested persons please register through the link provided below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIKIvrNWEAQUELonOQmRfRoF1HqmWdWqYMQDR2MkTRkeKSZw/viewform

For further information, please contact Dr. Victor Shinde at victorshinde@ait.asia .

(i)     European Research Days in ASEAN: Workshops on Effective Proposal Preparation for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA): 18-25 November, 2016

These one-day workshops in Jakarta, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok will provide detailed information on the eligibility and application criteria for the MSCA Individual Fellowships and the MSCA Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE). Hands-on training led by a European trainer will focus on proposal structure, partner Identification, financial aspects, evaluation as well as a review of sample proposals.

These workshops will take place in Jakarta, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Bangkok 18-25 November, 2016.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge but registration is required. Participation is limited to 60 people only.

This workshop will be conducted by Dr Juliane Sauer, EUresearch, Switzerland.

For more information: https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/erd-2016-effective-proposal-preparation-for-the-marie-skodowska-curie-actions-tickets-27921422727?aff=erellivmlt

Check out:



Sign up to EURAXESS Links ASEAN here:


 (j)   7th AIT Distinguished Adjunct Faculty (DAF) Seminar: 2 Dec. 2016

AIT will organize the 7th AIT Distinguished Adjunct Faculty (DAF) Seminar" entitled, “Between Global and Local Challenges: Water Resources and their Management will Shape our Future” The seminar will be delivered by Professor Janos J. Bogárdi, a Professor at the University of Bonn, Germany.

Date:               Friday, 2nd December 2016

Time:               10:30 -  12:00 hrs.

Venue:             B108, AIT Conference Center

Interested persons please kindly confirm your participation by registering through the following link or by emailing Ms. Chotiros (Nam) at chotirosm@ait.asia , Tel.  02-524-6319.

There will be also be a live broadcast of the talk.

Further details on the DAF initiative is available at the below link:



(a) Training Course on "Accounting for Carbon Emission Reductions and Removals through REDD+ Activities": 27 Nov. – 4 Dec. 2016

Natural Resources Management Field of Study, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) will organize a training course on "Accounting for Carbon Emission Reductions and Removals through REDD+ Activities" on 27 November – 4 December 2016 at the AIT conference center.

For more information, please see:  


(b) Training: Community Based Financial Inclusion and Microfinance: 14 – 25 Nov. 2016

A professional training program on "Community based financial inclusion and microfinance" will be organized by AIT Extension from 14-20 November 2016.

More details are available at this link: http://www.extension.ait.ac.th/news/724

Professional development program on Community based financial inclusion and microfinance, 14 – 25 November 2016

This 2 week program is designed to provide concept and practice of Financial Inclusion and Microfinance as well as to provide a holistic perspective to participants. The program is ideal for entry level and middle management participants from financial institutions and banks operating or opening a microfinance desk.

More details: www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2016/events/training-community-based-financial-inclusion-and-microfinance/#.WCkfkcn3aUk


D. Visitors


  • Dr. Richard Fuller, President, Pure Earth, USA / 14 Nov. 2016 / to explore possible partnership for future work in Asia and Thailand
  • Prof. A K Randev, Head, Department of Social Sciences, Colleges of Forestry, and Dr. YSPUH&F, Nauni Solan, HP-India and Former visiting faculty of AIT / 14 Nov. 2016 / to discussion on admission procedures and applied economic aspects of Natural Resource Management with emphasis on Water specialization at PG/doctoral levels


E. Faculty and Staff Travel

Hiromi Inagaki / Hanoi, Vietnam / 27 – 28 September 2016*

Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe / Luang Namthan, Lao PDR / 30 October – 2 November 2016*

Prof. Nitin Kumar Tripathi / Hyderabad, India / 3 – 7 November 2016*

Prof. Mukand Singh Babel / Chiang Mai, Thailand / 5 – 8 November 2016*

Dr. Sanyogita Andriyas / Chiang Mai, Thailand / 6 – 7 November 2016*

Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon / Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam / 6 – 8 November 2016*

Dr. Ram C. Bhujel / Siem Reap, Cambodia / 6 – 8 November 2016*

Ms. Aakanchya Budhathoki / Chiang Mai, Thailand / 7 – 8 November 2016*

Dr. Soparth Pongquan / Chiang Mai, Thailand / 8 – 10 November 2016*

Dr. Jagath K. Rajapaksha / Hanoi, Vietnam / 8 – 11 November 2016*

Dr. Kavinda Gunasekara / Hanoi, Vietnam / 8 – 11 November 2016*

Mr. Syams Nashrrullah / Hanoi, Vietnam / 8 – 11 November 2016*

Dr. Syed Falzul Hassan Shah / Paris, France and London, U.K. / 8 – 15 November 2016

Mr. Sufian Etea / Vientiane, Laos / 9 – 16 November 2016

Dr. Djoen San Santoso / Myanmar / 10 – 11 November 2016*

Mr. Tharakorn Chanlapa / Tak Province, Thailand / 10 – 11 November 2016*

Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut / Seoul, Korea / 12 – 18 November 2016

Dr. Naveed Anwar / Singapore / 13 – 16 November 2016

Mr. Arturo G. Roa / Vientiane, Laos / 13 – 17 November 2016

Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul / Beijing, P.R. China / 13 – 19 November 2016

Mr. Ashreya K. Shrestha / Dakar, Senegal / 13 – 19 November 2016

Dr. Lal Samarakoon / Manila, Philippines / 13 – 23 November 2016

Dr. Kavinda Gunasekara / Uttarakhand, India / 13 November – 3 December 2016

Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Vientiane, Lao PDR / 14 November – 15 December 2016

Watcharathorn Chanthimathorn / Kunming, China / 14 – 19 November 2016

Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai / Kunming and Yunnan, China / 15 – 19 November 2016

Mr. Surendra Shrestha / Hanoi, Vietnam / 15 – 18 November 2016

Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul / Kunming, China / 15 – 19 November 2016

Mrs. Wannapa Pliansri / Kunming, China / 15 – 19 November 2016

Ms. Chotiros / Kunming and Yunnan, China / 15 – 19 November 2016

Ms. Pratchanan Tippanya / Kunming, China / 15 – 19 November 2016

Dr. Abha Mishra / Hanoi and Bac Giang, Vietnam / 17 – 19 November 2016

Dr. Harsha Abeykoon / Vinius, Lithuania / 19 – 27 November 2016

Mr. Sanjeev Pradeep Jayasinghe / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 20 – 22 November 2016

Dr. Manzul K. Hazarika / Manila, Philippines / 20 – 26 November 2016

*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)


F. Classifieds (Jobs)


Position: Program Associate/Senior Program Associate (School of Environment, Resources & Development)

Ref. No. 41/16

Deadline: 15 November 2016


Position: Assistant Administrative Officer (Office of Host Country Relations)

Ref. N0. 25/16

Deadline: 15 November 2016



Position: Programme Officer (Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific)

Ref. No. 50/16

Deadline: 18 November 2016



Position: Action Research Coordinator (Asian Center of Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture (ACISAI))

Ref. No. 47/16

Deadline: 25 November 2016



Position: Research Associate (Asian Center of Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture (ACISAI))

Ref. No. 48/16

Deadline: 25 November 2016



Position: Programme Officer (Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific)

Ref. No. 50/16

Deadline: 30 November 2016



Faculty Position (Assistant or Associate Professors)  (School of Management)

Ref. No. Fac 5/16

Deadline: 31 December 2016



Position: Director (Office of the Human Resources Services)

Ref. No. 7/16

Deadline: 31 December 2016

