WEEK #4: 23 – 29 January 2017


 In this issue:


A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Visitors

D. Campus Updates

E. Faculty and Staff Travel

F. Classifieds (Jobs)


 A. Announcements



(i)    SERD welcomes new faculty member Dr. Ekbordin Winijkul, Assistant Professor in Environmental Engineering and Management

School of Environment, Resources and Development welcomes Dr. Ekbordin Winijkul who has joined AIT as Assistant Professor in Environmental Engineering and Management Program, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change, School of Environment, Resources and Development.

Dr. Ekbordin received his PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign (UIUC), USA. He also received Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Chiang Mai University and Master’s degree in Environmental Technology and Management from AIT.

Prior to joining AIT, Dr. Ekbordin worked as an Emission Scientist at the Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER), Inc., Massachusetts, USA, and Assistant Environmental Engineer at Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA.  His main areas of research include air pollution emission inventory, household emission distribution and mitigation scenarios, transportation emission reduction strategies, and air quality monitoring and modeling.

He has received a number of awards and honors including YSSP Fellowship Grants from The U.S. National Science Foundation, USA; Ivan Racheff Travel Funds from the UIUC, USA; The best paper award from AWMA – WCS Student Paper Competition, USA.

Dr. Ekbordin Winijkul will be responsible for co-teaching the course ED78.24:  Design of Air Pollution Control Systems, 3(3-0) with Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh in January 2017 Semester.

He can be contacted in the following:

Room No.: W102, EEM/SERD, Academic Building
Phone Number: 66-2-524 5648
Email: ekbordinw@ait.asia

(ii)    SET welcomes two new faculty members - Dr. Salvatore Virdis, Assistant Professor and Dr. Kailash Chandra Tiwari - Visiting Professor seconded by the Indian Government

School of Engineering and Technology (SET) welcome two new faculty members who joined Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems - Dr. Salvatore G.P. Virdis and Dr. Kailash Chandra Tiwari in January 2017.

Dr. Salvatore G.P. Virdis is a geospatial scientist with over 10-years of research and teaching experiences across Europe, Africa and Asia. After obtaining a PhD at the University of Siena (Italy) he worked as a research scientist at Centre of GeoTechnologies of the University of Siena as post-doctoral researcher in between 2006 and 2010. He joined the University of Sassari (Italy) in 2010 after being granted as PI to implement a coastal monitoring project integrating multiresolution remote and proximal sensing. In 2012 he was instrumental for the winning proposal formulation of WADIS-MAR, a 3.5M Euro project funded by the European Union of which he was Project Manager from 2012 to 2014. From 2014 to 2015 he joined the Institute of Biometeorology of the Italian National Research Council as research associate and from 2014 the University of Nottingham in Malaysia as Research Theme Coordinator for Agrometeorology and Ecophysiology seconded at Crops for the Future (CFF), Malaysia.

His methodological and thematic studies are focusing on Geo-Information and Earth Observation Science to assess and evaluate present and future changes of anthropogenic origin as well as their effects on natural and non-natural physical/human environment. In particular: (1) spatio-temporal data mining and advanced geospatial computation; (2) environmental impacts of land cover change and land use intensification across multiple spatial and temporal scales; (3) climate variability and change impact on human and natural environment; (4) sustainable watershed management, with particular focus on agricultural watershed resilience.

Beside research he developed his teaching skills for 13 years in all sectors of Geomatics in international academic and non-academic contexts (Europe, SE Asia, North and Sub Saharan Africa).

Room No.: W205A, Academic Building
Tel: 6196
Email: virdis@ait.asia

Dr. Kailash Chandra Tiwari is Visiting Professor supported by The Government of India from 9 January to 31 May 2017.
His areas of specialization include Microwave/Optical Remote Sensing, GIS, Expert Systems, Image Processing.

Room No.:  W237, Academic Building
Tel:    5583
Email:    tiwari@ait.asia

(iii)    SET welcomes new faculty in Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (CIE)

School of Engineering and Technology welcomes Dr. Kuo-Chieh (GEOFF) Chao who joined Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (CIE) as an Associate Professor.

Dr. Chao has over 20 years of experience in the area of geotechnical engineering and construction.  Before joining AIT, he was the Vice President of Engineering Analytics, Inc., a geotechnical and environmental engineering consulting company in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.  Dr. Chao has extensive experience in the areas of geotechnical and reclamation engineering design, construction and design defect investigations, construction remediation and mitigation, construction oversight experience on a diversity of projects.  His technical specialties include expansive and collapsible soils evaluation, seepage and groundwater modeling, landslide investigation, settlement and consolidation analyses, retaining wall investigation, foundation design and construction for residential and commercial buildings, pavement design and distress evaluation, cover design for wastes, design of tailings impoundment, heap leach pad, and waste rock disposal sites.  Dr. Chao was an Adjunct Professor at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado where he has taught foundation engineering within the Department of Civil and Geoenvironmental Engineering. He is the co-author of a textbook titled “Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils.”  Dr. Chao has authored over 40 technical papers, many of them dealing with structures on problematic soils.

Dr. Chao can be contacted in the following:
Room No:    N249
Office Tel: No.:  5503
AIT email address:  geoffchao@ait.ac.th

(iv)    Trial of EBSCO Business Source Complete

EBSCO has arranged a trial for Business Source Complete for one month for AIT.  The Business Source Complete is set up via the AIT Library website.  Please access the Library at  Please scroll down the Library's web page and click Trial Databases.  Then click Business Source Complete.  Information about the Business Source Complete and links will be available -  link for the main database and related links available in the Business Source Complete as follows.

1) Business Source Complete
2) Harvard Business VDO
3) Harvard Business Review
4) Harvard Business Review : Case  Study
5) Harvard Business Review : Issues available

Please be informed that the trial is authenticated by AIT IP Address ranges.  If you access the trial from AIT campus, there will not be any problem - no username and password are required.  Please also be advised that if you use your mobile phone to access the trial, please logout from your mobile/IPAD Internet and try again to log in to the Internet by using AIT login account.

To access the trial from the Library's webpage is easy and simple, please follow the steps below.

1) Go to  or http://library.ait.asia .  Scroll down and click "Trial Databases"

2) Click on "Business Source Complete" to link to the information of this database.

3) Click "Link" next to Business Source Complete if you want to search the database.  You will see the page that you can search and download.

Please follow the Library’s advice on the login and check whether the users are on campus or whether they are using the Internet from different Internet providers.  If anyone still needs assistance, please contact Khun Watcharin at watcharin@ait.asia

(v)    AIT Medical Center Services

 The mission of the AIT Medical Center is to provide the best possible medical care to AIT students and employees.  The Clinic has three part-time physicians and eight nurses (two full-time nurses and six part-time nurses).  In addition to the general medical care given by the general practitioner, the clinic also provides consultations in ENT (ear, nose, throat) and Rehabilitation Physician (physical rehabilitation), as scheduled below.

Date and Time: Monday from 09:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Type of doctors: General Medicine
Name of Doctor: Dr. Bunsert Jatchavala

Date and Time: Tuesday from 09:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Type of Doctor: General Medicine
Name of Doctor: Dr. Bunsert Jatchavala

Date and Time: Wednesday from 09:00 a.m.  – 12:00 noon
Type of Doctor: General Medicine
Name: Dr. Bunsert Jatchavala

Date and Time: Thursday from 09:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Type of Doctor: General Medicine
Name of Doctor: Dr. Bunsert Jatchavala

Date and Time: Thursday from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Type of Doctor: ENT Specialist (Ear, Nose, Throat)
Name of Doctor: Dr. Amornwan Nilsuwan

Date and Time: Friday from 09:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Type of Doctor: General Medicine
Name of Doctor: Dr. Bunsert Jatchavala

Date and Time: Friday from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Type of Doctor: Physical Rehabilitation
Name of Doctor: Dr. Chuenchom Chueluecha

*Remark: Any changes to the above schedule are announced via email.

The AIT Medical Center can be reached at 02-524-5286 during office hours (from 7.30 to 16.30 hours), from Monday to Friday; and through 02-524-5555 for 24-hour medical emergency service.


Employees can avail a free standard blood chemistry test from the AIT Medical Clinic.

Blood tests for blood sugar, lipid profile, liver function, uric acid and renal function (BUN, Cr) as routine (standard) blood chemistry; hemoglobin (anemia) and urine examination (no pregnancy test) are available.  Other necessary tests can be referred to the Thammasat Hospital laboratory service.

Electrocardiogram is also available.

Medical appliance/apparatus:

Crutches, canes and wheelchairs can be borrowed from the AIT Medical Clinic.  A refundable deposit will be required.  The nurse on duty can be contacted for borrowing these appliance/apparatus.

Generali Insurance:

Those insured under the Generali Medical Insurance should present their Generali Card and meet a doctor for diagnosis of any illness and to charge their treatments to Generali.  If a doctor is not consulted, they will be required to pay in cash.

Medical Emergencies:

Emergency medical care is available at the AIT Medical Clinic at all times. In case of medical emergency, please call 5555, the Nurse will call the guard to take her to the patient’s location using the golf cart. If the patient needs to be taken to the hospital, the Nurse will call the ambulance through 1669.

The AIT Medical Clinic’s emergency care service is not a hospital emergency room.  Emergency illness conditions such as suspected heart attack, stroke or poisoning require immediate treatment at the nearest hospital emergency room.  If anyone is too ill to come to the Clinic or to go to a hospital without assistance, please call 5555 or 1669 directly for Emergency Medical Service (provided by the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand).

Night-Shift Nurse:

A night-shift nurse, who is on duty from 19:30 to 07:30 hours, is reserved for medical emergencies.  For safety and security reasons, the door of the Medical Clinic is locked from 22:00 to 07:30 hours.  In medical emergency cases or if any medical emergency assistance is required, the nurse on duty can be contacted at 02-524-5555.

(vi)    Announcements from Office of the Human Resources Services (OHRS)

1. Contact Information in HRIS

It is imperative that OHRS has a correct record of everybody’s personal data in its system. Information such as name of contact person and telephone numbers are very important especially during emergencies. Please log in the web link, https://hris.ait.ac.th  to update contact information. Use AIT email account credential to log in then click “View Employee Profile” and complete the fields in the “Contact Information”.

2.  Medical Reimbursement

Please be reminded that in order to process medical reimbursement, one must submit the original medical receipt and medical certificate showing the diagnosis and date of consultation to the Office of the Human Resources Services within 60 days after the consultation. Reimbursement submitted later than 60 days will not be accepted.

3. AIT Plastic ID Card


For permanent employees and those on contracts of one or more years, a plastic AIT ID card can be availed from the Office of the Human Resources Services.

Please visit the Office of the Human Resources Services to have your photo and electronic signature taken.  The plastic AIT ID cards will be ready within three (3) working days.

Your plastic AIT ID cards can be used to borrow books from the AIT Library, as well as serve as a cash card in the AIT Cafeteria.

(vii)    Trials for Elsevier e-books, Springer e-books, Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies and Elsevier Knovel

AIT Library will have new online resources and e-books in 2017.  Elsevier e-books, Springer e-books and Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies will be activated in January 2017 whereas Elsevier Knovel will be officially started in April 2017.  During the month of December 2016 (and December 2016 through March 2017 for Knovel), the publishers of these e-books and online resources have set up trials for AIT.  

AIT Library invites all faculty, staff, and students to access the mentioned e-books and online resources from the Library webpage at  The Library webpage may be accessed from the AIT website. Alternatively, click the following URL links to access the e-books and online resources.

For Elsevier e-books:  www.sciencedirect.com

For Springer e-books:
To access the trial for Springer e-books copyright year 2005-2016, please click the link attached below:

The content is about 5,000 titles.  You can view, download and print.  Users can access Springer e-books from the above link or access through the Library webpage at and click "Springer New e-books" from the "Trial Databases".

For Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies:  http://www.emeraldinsight.com/topic/cs_all?sortBy=Ppub

For Elsevier Knovel:  http://app.knovel.com/web/
Users can view, download and print.  The content is about 3,000 titles for Elsevier e-books, 5,000 titles for Springer e-books and 400 cases for Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies.

(iii)    ERP offline

Please be informed that ERP will be offline every day, January 4-31, 2017
From 11:30 - 13:00 during offline period finance has to process the transaction
of Y2016 (Due to Year-end closing).

(iv)    Summer School in Human Sciences 2017! -University of Jyväskylä, Finland (JYU)

University of Jyväskylä is pleased to welcome AIT students to the 14th international Summer School in Human Sciences in May-June 2017. The Summer School comprises 21 interdisciplinary courses for students interested in e.g. cultural and communication studies, education, business & economics, sport and health sciences and social sciences. They also included one PhD-level course in their programme.
Students are accepted to the Summer School in the framework of the bilateral cooperation agreements between the University of Jyväskylä and AIT. Most of the courses have defined a maximum number of participants, JYU cannot accept more than five students in a course.
More information on the Summer School can be found below and at https://www.jyu.fi/hs-summerschool  .
International Summer School in Human Sciences: 22 May - 16 June 2017
Courses available:
22 – 26 May
-              Finnish Language and Culture
-              Education in Finland
-              Organization and Role of Sport in the EU and its Member States
-              Press photography: theory, practice and interpretation                 
29 May – 2 June
-              Finnish Language and Culture
-              Introduction to Ethics of Science
-              Introduction to Dance Movement Therapy and Other Arts Therapies
-              Physical activity, Sport, Health and Health Promotion - International perspectives
-              Intrapreneurship: Current Perspectives on New Business Development and Corporate Entrepreneurship
-              National Educational Systems: Finland and the United States in international context                

5 – 9 June
-              Refugee Resettlement and Integration
-              Introduction to Intercultural Communication
-              Sport Marketing
-              Introduction to Management and Leadership
-              Introduction to Gender Studies
-              Studies in Cultural Anthropology

12 – 16 June

-              Learning and Teaching in the Context of Growing Diversity
-              Approaches and Methods in Music Cognition & Perception
-              Comparative Economic Systems
-              Cultural Economy and Work
-              Challenges in Comparative Education Research (Doctoral level)

Course descriptions
How to apply?
The online application form and instructions for completing the application are available at http://r.jyu.fi/hs-summerschool/apply .  The application deadline is 1 March 2017. You are welcome to apply for the full summer school programme or parts of it. Each course lasts one week and they are worth 2.5 ECTS credits.
1)                  The students should first fill in an online application form, for which the link is available on JYU webpage at: http://r.jyu.fi/hs-summerschool/apply   ->  Application form and instructions for completing the application.  
2)                  After filling in the online application form the applicants will receive an email with further instructions and with a request to register to Mobility-Online using a link which is included in the message.  
3)                  After the registration the applicants should log into the Mobility-Online system to finalize their application by completing their personal data and uploading an official transcript of records in English.
4)                  Students will be notified of the admission to the Summer School by 15 March by e-mail.
5)                  After receiving the notification of admission, applicants are requested to confirm their participation to the Summer School by 31 March in the Mobility-Online system.
6)                  Students can also apply for accommodation in the Mobility-Online system after they have confirmed their participation in the Summer School.

Further information:
Summer School in Human Sciences
University of Jyväskylä
E-mail: hsss@jyu.fi

(v)    NSTDA new Scholarship Program

This is to inform you that the Thai Government has approved budget of 20 million baht /year to NSTDA for a new Scholarship Program namely,  Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: STEM), to accommodate 150 Thai students /year.  The requirement of the project is a tri-party comprising;  student  + researcher/faculty member from university (AIT ) + researcher from NSTDA.  The duration of the research project is from 6-12 months.

The areas of the support are in 2 categories; one to build on the existing strong-based industries; and the other is dedicated to new areas for future industries.

The participating university must already have supporting research funding and equipment. This program will provide only the student salary during the participating period, which is 10,000 Baht/month for master’s degree student, and 12,000 Baht/month for Ph.D student.  Please also note that NSTDA will not be responsible for connecting the university with the industries.

The qualification of the student for application to this program :
1.       Thai citizen
2.       Presently studying for master’s or Ph.D. degree
3.       Academic performance:
a.       GPA not less than 2.50 at Bachelor level, for student who is presently studying for master’s degree
b.       GPA not less than 3.00 at master’s degree, for student who is presently studying for doctoral degree
4.       Have interest in undertaking research under the prescript themes (mentioned in the 3rd paragraph)
5.       Being a disciplined with good behavior records
6.       Must not be under other scholarship which provides salary support.

The application can be done from 1-30 January 2017. The approval of scholarship will be on 22 February 2017.Final announcement of scholarship recipients will be on 28 February 2017.

Interested persons please contact directly via email address stemworkforce@nstda.or.th, or call 02 564 7000 ext. 1462, 1461, 1460.    Please note that the application is limited to 150 students for this year, open to all Thai students, and on first-come, first-serve basis.

For your information.
Director, Office of External Relations (OEXR)

(vi)    Joint Japan World Bank Scholarship Program Opportunity for graduate studies

Joint Japan World Bank Scholarship Program (JJWBGSP) each year awards 15 scholarships to Japanese nationals for graduate studies in a development related field.   The scholarships are provided to university’s students from Japan who are currently either in their first year of a 2-year master program or in a PhD program related to development.    

More details of the scholarship program can see from:



B. Events



(a)    Committee of the National Legislation Assembly on Natural Resources and Environment to visit AIT’s NATS Toilet Technologies: 23 Jan. 2017
On 23 Jan. 2017  members of the committee of the National Legislation Assembly on Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand, will visit AIT to view AIT wastewater management systems.  They also will tour NATS Toilet Technologies, the project headed by Dr. Thammarat Koottatep.

(b)    Blood Donation: 9 Mar. 2017
The Thai Red Cross Society has been working with volunteer students and staff to collect units of blood from the AIT community. The bloodmobile visits AIT every three months, four times a year, hoping to collect enough units to supply the constant demand for blood.
The next visit for blood donation is scheduled on Thursday, 9 March 2017, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. at the parking lot in front of the AIT Conference Center.
Give blood! Experience a fulfilling sense of contribution! The donation process isn't time-consuming. It only takes about half an hour.

(c)    AIT Career Fair & SU Research Exhibition: 29 Mar. 2017

It is time again for everybody's much anticipated event - the AIT Career Fair & SU Research Exhibition, scheduled on 29 March 2017 at the AIT Conference Center !!!


•  Long-term career prospects

•  Job placements

•  Internship opportunities

•  On-the-job training

•  Research partners

•  Networking with company representatives

•  Free Goodies!

As of now, AIT Career Center received confirmation from some companies, namely, Elabram Systems Co.Ltd. and Team Group. Many more will be confirming soon.

Please help AIT Career Center in spreading the word out about the Fair !!!  And inform the center any company contacts that anyone wants the center to invite to the Fair.

Career Talk Schedule:

25 Jan. 2017 – a Commerce Career Talk, 4:00- 5:30 pm, MEB Auditorium

1 Feb. 2017 –Institute of International Education Career Talk, 4:00 – 5:30 pm, MEB Auditorium

Mark the calendar! For developments and career opportunities, drop by at: www.careercenter.ait.asia
or check: https://www.facebook.com/officialaitcareercenter

or email: careercenter@ait.asia
or contact Tel. 02 524-6744, 02-524-6326

(d)     AIT Day in Laos: 27 Jan. 2017

Office of Vice President for Development, Office of External Relations and 3 schools will jointly organize AIT Day in Laos ( Vientiane) together with AIT- Alumni Association (AITAA) Chapter and Ministry of Education and Sports on 27 January 2017 at International Conference and Training Center.

The objective of this event is to enhance visibility of AIT, strengthen Partnerships (existing and new), and increase recruitment.

(e)    AIT Open House: 17 Feb. 2016

AIT Open House will be organized at AIT on 17 February 2016 at the Institute campus.

See more details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/aitopenhousefeb17.pdf


(a)    International Conference on Water Management and Climate Change: 25-27 Jan. 2017

AIT is co-organizing 'THA2017: International Conference on Water Management and Climate Change towards Asia's Water -Energy-Food Nexus' from 25-27 January 2017.

More details are available at: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/1st-announcement-tha2017-2016.09.11.pdf

(b)    Giant Prawn 2017: 20 – 24 Mar. 2-017

Giant Prawn 2017 - a conference on farming of prawns will be organized at AIT from 20-24 March 2016 at the AIT Conference Center.

More details about the conference are available at this link: http://www.giantprawn.org/about.htm


(a)    AIT-Tiger Leong International Innovation and Leadership Camp: 16 – 27 Jan. 2017

A two-week Innovation Camp will be held at AIT from 16-27 January 2017 for select bright undergraduate students from top universities around Asia.

See more details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2016/events/ait-tiger-leong-international-innovation-and-leadership-camp/#.WFnytH33aUl

(b)     Thai Course for Beginners

The Language Center will organize Thai Courses for Beginners:

 Survival Thai Course for Beginners

The 7-week survival Thai course is an introduction to Thai languages which will cover basic words, phrases, daily and simple expressions and basic grammatical structures to communicate with Thais.

30 January – 20 March 2017

Monday and Wednesday from 17:00 – 18:30


Reading and Writing Thai for Beginners

31 January – 16 March 2017

Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 18:30

Course Fee: 2,000 baht

Class Size: 15 persons

Interested persons can register at the Language Center, Room 216

(c)    French Course for Beginners

The Language Center will organize French Course for Beginners:

31 January – 16 March 2017

Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 18:30 hrs. (A total of 20 hours)

Course Fee: 2,000 baht

Class Size: 15 persons

Interested persons can register and make a payment at the Language Center, Room 216

(d)    Chinese Courses for Beginners

The Language Center will organize Chinese Courses for Beginners:

Chinese Course for Beginners

Lunch Time (12:00-13:00)

7 February – 23 March 2017

Every Tuesday and Thursday


Chinese Course for Beginners

Time: 17:00 - 18:30

7 February – 23 March 2017

Every Tuesday and Thursday

The course fee is 1,000THB due to the kind support of the Chinese Government through the Confucius Institute.  (Refunds are not available.)

Interested persons can register and make a payment at the Language Center, Room 216



C. Visitors


•    Mr. Muhammad Mahmood, Secretary of Agriculture, Government of the Punjab / 23 Jan. 2017 / to sign Service Agreement for the PIPIP International HEIS Program (PIHP)with AIT




D. Campus Updates


(i)    Outage of IP Phone System on 25 Jan 2017 17:00-24:00 hrs.

Due to renovation of the Administration Building, the fiber optic cable of the VoIP system, which is currently run via the Administration Building, has to be rerouted. This work will be carried out by the Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) on 25 January 2017 from 17:00 - 24:00 hrs. during which the IP Phone System for the whole campus will be shutdown.
The outage will affect only calls from/to outside the campus, but internal phone system is still working.

(ii)    Testing of the Library Access Gate, Self Check Machine and Book Drop
Currently, the Library is testing the Library Access Gate, Self Check Machine and Book Drop.  

1) The Library Access Gate is installed after the main entrance of the Library.  All Library users are requested to bring their ID Card (i.e. Student ID Card, Employee ID Card) every time when they want to enter the Library.  To access the Library via the Gate, just hold the back of your ID Card which contains bar code to the bar code reader fitted in the Access Gate and wait for five seconds, the Gate will open.

2) Self Check Machine is installed inside the Library near the Circulation Counter.  The Library users can check out the library materials by themselves from this Self Check machine.  However, before being able to use this machine, a PIN (Personal Identification Number) must be created.  This PIN number is required to self check out and to renew online.  

3) Book Drop is installed on the side of the Library facing INTANIN Coffee Garden.  The Library users can return the borrowed materials 24 hours.  The video on the screen of the Book Drop will show how to return the materials. Receipt for the received materials will be printed out for reference.

The Library would like to apologize if anyone finds that these new machine and equipment do not work properly during the testing period.  Please contact the staff on duty at the Circulation Counter when assistance is needed.

(iii)     Swimming pool is temporarily closed for repair

Please be informed that AIT swimming pool is temporarily closed for repair and maintenance until further notice.



E. Faculty and Staff Travel


Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Vientiane, Lao PDR / 8 January – 23 February 2017
Miss Aye Sandar Phyo and Miss Soe Soe Htway / Madalay, Myanmar / 8 – 29 January 2016
Dr. Nalin K. B.S.A. Mudiyanselage / Colombo, Sri Lanka / 13 – 23 January 2017
Mr. Keerati Tunthasuwatana / Brunei / 16 – 18 January 2017
Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe / Kobe, Japan / 19 – 23 January 2017
Ms. Isha Basyal / Bengaluru, India / 22 – 26 January 2017
Ms. Kristina Thapa / Jakarta, Indonesia / 23 – 26 January 2017
Nisarat Tansakul / London, United Kingdom / 23 – 29 January 2017
Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut / London, United Kingdom / 23 January – 3 February 2017
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dash / Jakarta, Indonesia / 24 – 28 January 2017
Dr. Donna L. Doane and Ms. Kanokphan Jongjarb / Phnom Penh, Cambodia / 24 – 27 January 2017
Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto / Bali, Indonesia / 25 – 27 January 2017
Mr. Guilberto H. Borongan / Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia / 25 – 28 January 2017
Dr. Shiro Ochi / Bali, Indonesia / 25 – 29 January 2017
Dr. Nophea Sasaki / Bali, Indonesia / 25 – 29 January 2017
Mr. Nang Sian Thawn / Bali, Indonesia / 25 – 29 January 2017
Ms. Sarina Pradhan Thapa / Vientiene, Lao PDR / 26 – 28 January 2017
Dr. Thammarat Koottatep / The Netherlands and Germany / 29 January – 8 February 2017
*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)



F. Classifieds (Jobs)


Position: Laboratory Technician (GTE) (School of Engineering & Technology)
Ref. No. 52/16
Deadline: 31 January 2017

Position: Administrative Staff (School of Engineering & Technology)
Ref. No. 1/17
Deadline: 31 January 2017

Position: Director (Language Center)
Ref. 2/2017
Deadline: 19 February 2017



