WEEK #9: 27 February – 5 March2017

In this issue:


         A.    Announcements

         B.    Events

         C.    Campus Updates

         D.    Faculty and Staff Travel

         E.    Classifieds (Jobs)


A.    Announcements


(i)    Facebook Group for AIT Faculty & Staff

To create a platform for better interaction between AIT employees, a new "AIT Faculty and Staff Group" has been created on Facebook. It aims to be a virtual coffee lounge for all AIT employees to meet, chat, and discuss issues.
It is a closed group, and meant for serving employees.

This will be a new channel of communication for all employees, which shall allow us to share our opinions on AIT affairs. It is a platform for everyone to informally discuss matters related to AIT.

(ii)    MoU Signing between AIT and Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS)
An MoU Signing Ceremony between AIT and the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS), will be organized on Monday 27, February 2017, at the Tele Conference , AIT Library. The MoU to be signed by AIT President Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai and Mr. Somn Promaros, CIFS Director, on Traffic Accident Investigation.

(iii)    Dr. Chuenchom Chueluecha (Rehabilitation Physician) will be on leave
Please be informed that Dr. Chuenchom Chueluecha (Rehabilitation Physician) will be on leave on Friday, 24 February 2017 and 3 March 2017. Those who have an appointment with the doctor during this period please re-schedule your appointment.

(iv)    Condolences - Passing away of the father of Mrs. Saowarot Buabok, Internal Auditor
AIT community would like to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to Mrs. Saowarot Buabok, Internal Auditor, whose father passed away on 18 February 2017.
Religious rites were held at Wat Sai Thong located at Ampher Mueang, Trad Province and the Cremation ceremony was held on Wednesday, 22 February 2017.

(v)    AIT Posters
Office of Media and Communications (OMCO) has prepared AIT posters based on three themes - facts and figures, rankings, and international orientation. All three posters have been prepared in three sizes: landscape mode, portrait mode, and as presentation slides.
They can be downloaded for printing from this link: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/branding/ait-posters/#.WKuh_9Jq200

(vi)    KURITA Scholarships available for all Asian nationalities
Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) is now providing scholarships for Master’s Degree program in Water Engineering and Management, Environmental Engineering and Management, and Natural Resources Management for Asian nationalities to further their studies at AIT for  August 2017 intake.

The eligibility criteria are:
1. Nationalities: All Asian Countries
2. Applicant with physical impediment is encouraged to apply
3. Applicant must fulfill the AIT Entry Requirements:
-Four years of undergraduate degree or equivalent;
-Two letters of recommendation;
-English Proficiency Requirement: TOEFL (Computer based: 210 or iTOEFL: 76) or IELTS: 6 (writing and overall) or AIT-EET score of 6 or equivalent


KWEF Scholarship covers the tuition and registration fees, provides bursary and accommodation allowances, medical insurance, visa renewal fee, research grant, and roundtrip air ticket fare from home country. In addition, the selected candidates may have opportunity to join a short term internship at Kurita Water Industries Ltd., Japan during their study at AIT.

For further enquiry, please contact: Admissions and Scholarship Unit at admissions@ait.asia or Office of External Relations at oexr@ait.asia

Deadline of application is 21 April 2017.

More details: http://www.ait.asia/admissions/Current_Scholarships/kurita-scholarships-for-august-2017-intake/#.WK_lTfl97cs

(vii)    New Locations of the Offices in the Administration Building

The Administration Building will be renovated from Jan – June 2017. Most offices in the building have started moving to AIT Conference Center and other buildings. Below is the list of the new location of Administration Offices:

President: Presidential Lounge, AITCC
VP Administration: Room B138
VP Academic Affairs: Room B136
VP Development: Room B130
Office of the President and Office of the Institute Secretary: Room B144B
Office of Academic Administration: Room B144A
Office of Human Resource Services: Room B109
Office of Internal Auditor: Room B113
Office of External Relation and Office of Host Country Relation: B115
Office of Special Degree Program: B115
Office of Advancement: Room 102 (ground floor), Outreach Building
Office of Finance: Room 225 (2nd Floor)
Office of GRU: Room 223 (2nd Floor)
Office of Purchasing and Inventory Procurement: Admin (No Change)
Office of Student and Affairs: Admin (No Change)

(viii)    Trial of EBSCO Business Source Complete

EBSCO has arranged a trial for Business Source Complete for one month for AIT.  The Business Source Complete is set up via the AIT Library website.  Please access the Library at  Please scroll down the Library's web page and click Trial Databases.  Then click Business Source Complete.  Information about the Business Source Complete and links will be available -  link for the main database and related links available in the Business Source Complete as follows.

1) Business Source Complete
2) Harvard Business VDO
3) Harvard Business Review
4) Harvard Business Review : Case  Study
5) Harvard Business Review : Issues available

Please be informed that the trial is authenticated by AIT IP Address ranges.  If you access the trial from AIT campus, there will not be any problem - no username and password are required.  Please also be advised that if you use your mobile phone to access the trial, please logout from your mobile/IPAD Internet and try again to log in to the Internet by using AIT login account.

To access the trial from the Library's webpage is easy and simple, please follow the steps below.
1) Go to  or http://library.ait.asia .  Scroll down and click "Trial Databases"
2) Click on "Business Source Complete" to link to the information of this database.
3) Click "Link" next to Business Source Complete if you want to search the database.  You will see the page that you can search and download.

Please follow the Library’s advice on the login and check whether the users are on campus or whether they are using the Internet from different Internet providers.  If anyone still needs assistance, please contact Khun Watcharin at watcharin@ait.asia

(ix)    2016 Personal Income Tax – IMPORTANT

Please be reminded that the deadline of 2016 Personal Income tax filing will be on March 31, 2017.

Payroll now has already finished your a) Withholding income tax certificate and b) Draft PND 91 to guide  your tax filing (created by IT Department). The documents will be delivered to you no later than this week.

You can either submitted the tax filing on line or by hard copy. On-line is encouraged. However, if you want to submit by hard copy, you can print the official PND 91 from the soft file enclosed in this email.

For comparison of Draft PNG 91 by IT with the official Thai PND 91:-

        Draft PND 91 by IT    Official PND 91
A    Tax Computation    Page 1    Page 2
B    Exempted Income    Page 1    Page 2
C    Details of Allowances and Exemptions after deduction of Expenses    Page 2    Page 3
Please note that in 2016, there were several special tax incentives provided by the        Thai government to stimulate the economic. These are taxable expenses which you can declare in the PND 91 form Section C items 15-19.

Item    Description    

15    Food and domestic tourism expense allowance during the Songkran festival (09-17 April 2016)    Amount actually  paid but not more than 15,000 baht
16    Domestic travel and hotel expense allowance for cost paid during 01 Jan – 30 Dec 2016    Amount actually  paid but not more than 15,000 baht
17    OTOP (One Tambon One Product) purchase allowance during 01 – 31 Aug 2016    Amount actually  paid but not more than 15,000 baht
18    Domestic travel and hotel expense allowance for cost paid during 01 – 31 Dec 2016    Amount actually  paid but not more than 15,000 baht
19    Year-end shopping boost allowance for spending during 14 – 31 Dec 2016    Amount actually  paid but not more than 15,000 baht
   Remarks: This can be applied only for goods & service with VAT
  You need to submit proper VAT Receipts together with the PND 91.

(x)    Trial of Henry Stewart Talk - Business & Management Collection : Video lectures and case studies

Henry Stewart Talk has offered a trial for the Business & Management Collection up to 10 March 2017.  To access the HST Business & Management Collection, please click this link: http://www.hstalks.com/business Alternatively, go to AIT website and click "Library".  When the Library's page is open, scroll down and click "Trial Databases".  Titles of all trial databases will be shown.  

The summary of the collection and content formats is underneath.

The Business & Management Collection


AIT Library has organized trial access for all faculty and students to The Business & Management Collection - a collection over 1000 specially commissioned lectures and case studies by experts from commerce, industry, the professions and academia.

Lectures and case studies, or extracts from them, are easy to integrate and embed in your course to complement and enrich the teaching and learning experience. They are all compatible with your learning management systems and particularly appropriate for distance and blended learning courses and flipped classroom education.

The Collection is divided into six broad subject areas:
Finance, Accounting & Economics; Global Business Management; Management Leadership & Organizations; Marketing & Sales; Strategy and Technology & Operations

Content is presented in four different formats (click on the hyperlink to view example):
-    Traditional format lectures with high quality graphics : the entire lecture as well as extracts can be embedded in course notes and online learning systems.
-    Case Study Interviews : They are designed to explore how different participants in commerce and industry, from start-up entrepreneurs to large corporation executives, confront the challenges they encounter. Additionally, all videos are accompanied by suggested topics for discussion and individual and group projects.
-    Extended from case studies : these accounts of real world experience describing what was done, how, when and with what consequences have proved especially useful in preparing students for in-class discussions.
-    Bite-size case studies : these short descriptions of real world commercial activities come with suggested topics for consideration and discussion. Subscribers have found that they stimulate thinking and assist is developing the ability of students to question, analyse and appraise. They are often set as pre-classroom preparation and in-class discussion.
(xi)    Trials for Elsevier e-books, Springer e-books, Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies and Elsevier Knovel

AIT Library will have new online resources and e-books in 2017.  Elsevier e-books, Springer e-books and Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies will be activated in January 2017 whereas Elsevier Knovel will be officially started in April 2017.  During the month of December 2016 (and December 2016 through March 2017 for Knovel), the publishers of these e-books and online resources have set up trials for AIT.  

AIT Library invites all faculty, staff, and students to access the mentioned e-books and online resources from the Library webpage at

The Library webpage may be accessed from the AIT website. Alternatively, click the following URL links to access the e-books and online resources.

For Elsevier e-books:  www.sciencedirect.com

For Springer e-books: To access the trial for Springer e-books copyright year 2005-2016, please click the link attached below:
http://link.springer.com/search?facet-content-type="Book"&date-facet-mode=between&facet-end-year=2016&facet-language="En"&showAll=falsThe content is about 5,000 titles.  You can view, download and print.  Users can access Springer e-books from the above link or access through the Library webpage at and click "Springer New e-books" from the "Trial Databases".

For Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies:  http://www.emeraldinsight.com/topic/cs_all?sortBy=Ppub

For Elsevier Knovel:  http://app.knovel.com/web/

Users can view, download and print.  The content is about 3,000 titles for Elsevier e-books, 5,000 titles for Springer e-books and 400 cases for Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies.

(xii)    Call for Application on The Newton Fund Grants

The Newton Fund is now offering 2 grants below for researchers. The grants are an initiative that aims to develop long-term sustainable growth and welfare of partner countries by building research and innovation capacity. It forms part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitment.

Mobility grants:
This scheme helps strengthen the research and innovation capacity of Thailand-based researchers across sciences and social sciences & humanities by facilitating exchanges of researchers.

The closing date is Wednesday 15 March 2017, 5pm (UK time)

For researchers across sciences, if you want more information on eligibility and how to apply, visit:  https://royalsociety.org/grants-schemes-awards/grants/newton-mobility-grants/

For researchers across social sciences and humanities, if you want more information on eligibility and how to apply, visit:  http://www.britac.ac.uk/newton-mobility-grants/

Thailand – UK Newton Advanced Fellowships:

Newton Advanced Fellowships provide mid-career researchers with an opportunity to develop their strengths and capabilities within their research group or network. This is done through training, collaboration and reciprocal visits with a partner in the UK.

For researchers across sciences, if you want more information on the process, eligibility and how to apply, visit: https://royalsociety.org/grants-schemes-awards/grants/newton-advanced-fellowships/

The closing date is Thursday 23 March 2017, 5pm (UK time)

For researchers across social sciences and humanities, if you want more information on the process, eligibility and how to apply, visit:  http://www.britac.ac.uk/newton-advanced-fellowships
The closing date is Wednesday 15 March 2017, 5pm (UK time)

(xiii)    Summer School in Human Sciences 2017 -University of Jyväskylä, Finland (JYU)

University of Jyväskylä is pleased to welcome AIT students to the 14th international Summer School in Human Sciences in May-June 2017. The Summer School comprises 21 interdisciplinary courses for students interested in e.g. cultural and communication studies, education, business & economics, sport and health sciences and social sciences. They also included one PhD-level course in their programme.

Students are accepted to the Summer School in the framework of the bilateral cooperation agreements between the University of Jyväskylä and AIT.

Most of the courses have defined a maximum number of participants, JYU cannot accept more than five students in a course.

More information on the Summer School can be found below and at https://www.jyu.fi/hs-summerschool  .

Course descriptions

How to apply?

The online application form and instructions for completing the application are available at http://r.jyu.fi/hs-summerschool/apply .  The application deadline is 1 March 2017. You are welcome to apply for the full summer school programme or parts of it. Each course lasts one week and they are worth 2.5 ECTS credits.
1)                  The students should first fill in an online application form, for which the link is available on JYU webpage at: http://r.jyu.fi/hs-summerschool/apply   ->  Application form and instructions for completing the application.  
2)                  After filling in the online application form the applicants will receive an email with further instructions and with a request to register to Mobility-Online using a link which is included in the message.  
3)                  After the registration the applicants should log into the Mobility-Online system to finalize their application by completing their personal data and uploading an official transcript of records in English.
4)                  Students will be notified of the admission to the Summer School by 15 March by e-mail.
5)                  After receiving the notification of admission, applicants are requested to confirm their participation to the Summer School by 31 March in the Mobility-Online system.
6)                  Students can also apply for accommodation in the Mobility-Online system after they have confirmed their participation in the Summer School.
Further information:
Summer School in Human Sciences
University of Jyväskylä
E-mail: hsss@jyu.fi

(xiv)    Invitation to participate for Summer School, Chulalongkorn University, March 19-24, 2017

Chulalongkorn Universty, Thailand & IWR, Heidelberg University, Germany are jointly organizing a summer school on applied mathematics and computational sciences to be held on March 19 to 24 at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. Program, tentative list of speakers and courses can be

found on the following web site:

The program itself will be free of charge with the support from Chulalongkorn University and IWR. Accommodation and catering are not included.

Assistance will be provided to participants in finding suitable hotels in range of the summer school venue.

HGS MathComp, the graduate school of IWR, is also *offering 10 mobility grants for students and postdocs* from Asia wishing to participate. These grants cover the local costs (fees, student accommodation, daily allowance) as well as travel costs (flight).

Topics of the compact courses:
   * Introduction to biomolecular modeling and simulation with
     examples from current research (Prof. J.Langowski)
   * Optimization Methods for Calibration and Validation of
     Dynamic Models (Prof. E.Kostina)
   * Discontinuous Galerkin methods and radiation transport
     (Prof. G.Kanschat)
   * Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic PDE
     (Prof. P.Bastian)

(xv)    UN-CECAR Postgraduate Course on Leadership for Sustainability, 13-22 March 2017, UNU, Tokyo, Japan

UNU-IAS and the University of Tokyo's, Sustainability Science Programmes, will organize a course on “Leadership for Sustainability” from 13 – 22 March 2017 at UNU, Tokyo, Japan.

There are two free slots for partner institutions offered on first-come first-serve basis. The program’s participants have to support their own travel expenses and accommodation.

Course information and registration are available at the following links:

(xvi)    Extended library hours during the mid-semester exams from 17 February - 2 March 2017

AIT Library will extend the Library hours to one o'clock in the morning during the mid-semester exams.  The library hours from 17 February through 2 March 2017 will be as follows:
Monday - Sunday         8.00 a.m. - 1.00 a.m.

(xvii)    Invitation to the International Congress on Education for the 21st Century, 3-4 May 2017, Impact Forum, Nonthaburi, Thailand

The Ministry of Education Thailand, in collaboration with SEAMEO, will organize the International Congress on Education for the 21st Century (ICE2017) with the theme “Making a Difference: Shaping a New Learning Paradigm for a Sustainable Southeast Asia.”  The congress is to be held on 3-4 May 2017 at Impact Forum, Nonthaburi, Thailand.

The Congress aims to provide a platform for conversations, consensus, commitment to collaborate and cooperate among educators and stakeholders in Southeast Asia.  It also aims to generate perspectives on how to best shape education and human resource development policies and practices to not only be in line with regional accelerating development but also for sustainable development for well-being and peaceful living of people in the region.
In this relation, the Organizing Committee wishes to invite interested persons to participate in the event.  The Organizing Committee also welcomes 70 scholars/officers/practitioners from other countries outside Southeast Asian Region to attend the ICE2017 only if they successfully register online via www.ice-moeth2017.seameo.org .

Interested persons are invited to submit abstracts to ICE2017 under the designated sub-themes to related academe and institutions.  The Ministry of Education Thailand will provide 2-night accommodation at Novotel Bangkok Impact Hotel and meals during the event for the selected paper presenters.  The presenters will be responsible for airfare and transportation costs to and from the meeting venue.  The abstract submission deadline is 30 March 2017.






B.    Events



(a)    Tennis court near Library is open starting today, 27 Feb 2017 from 06:00 pm

The tennis court renovation near Library is now complete, and it will be opened to AIT community starting today, 27 Feb. 2017 from 6:00 pm onward.
From 4:00 to 6:00 pm an opening game will be played by AIT President and friends.  Everyone is invited to watch this game.

In order to maintain and keep this facility in good condition, everyone is requested to strictly observe the following:
- Please wear tennis shoes only when playing.
- Tennis court is for AIT faculty, staff, students and their immediate family members use only.  
- Tennis court is open from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm daily.
- Please switch off the lights after using in the evening.
- Please pick up all your trash before leaving.

For outsiders and guests they will be requested to register at the Security box near tennis court/Lawson every time they play for record and reference.

(b)    World Wildlife Day: 1 Mar. 2017

AIT-WEMS Wildlife Day will be organzied on on 1 March 2017 at the AIT Conference Center to raise awareness for conservation of biodiversity and endangered species from 10:00-12:00 hours.

More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/1wems-world-wildlife-day-in-ait.pdf

(c)    Blood Donation: 9 Mar. 2017

The Thai Red Cross Society has been working with volunteer students and staff to collect units of blood from the AIT community. The bloodmobile visits AIT every three months, four times a year, hoping to collect enough units to supply the constant demand for blood.

The next visit for blood donation is scheduled on Thursday, 9 March 2017, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. at the parking lot in front of the AIT Conference Center.
Give blood! Experience a fulfilling sense of contribution! The donation process isn't time-consuming. It only takes about half an hour.

(d)    AITAA Golf 2017: 17 Mar. 2017

AIT Alumni Association (Thailand), together with AITAA and Friends of AIT Foundation will organize a golf tournament for charity, “AITAA GOLF 2017” at Cascata Golf Club (Nakhon Nayok) on 17 March 2017, starting from 12 noon.

The event aims to raise funds to support AIT activities and research work as well as the activities of AITAA, AITAA (Thailand), and Friends of AIT Foundation.

Khun Panomporn
Email: panomporn_c@ensol.co.th
Tel: 08 1846 7476

For further details, please join the Line group of AITAA (Thailand)’s current administration committee at Khun Manat, tel. 08 1983 7747, manatsup999@hotmail.com

More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/aitaa-golf-2017/#.WJfXkfL3aUk

(e)    AIT Career Fair & SU Research Exhibition: 29 Mar. 2017


Sixteen (16) organizations have confirmed so far to join the AIT Career Fair scheduled on 29 March 2017 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. at the AIT Conference Center. You are cordially invited to explore and uncover opportunities offered by the companies that are joining the event.

Brief profile of the participating companies are given below:

1. Asian Engineering Consultants Corp. Ltd. - consulting services for major public and private construction projects

2. Bangkok Produce Merchandising PCL (CP Foods Group) -  provides broiler chicken processing and distributes animal feed raw material

3. Black and Veatch Thailand Ltd. - global leader in engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services for energy, water and telecommunications

4. Boon Rawd Brewery Co. Ltd. – Thailand’s first and largest brewery

5. Bouygues-Thai Ltd. - leading construction company in Asia

6. Chip Mong Insee Cement (Cambodia) Corporation –  a Cambodian registered business with modern green field cement manufacturing and a joint venture between Chip Mong Group and Siam City Cement Company (SCCC) from Thailand (first timer)

7. Dairy Plus Co. Ltd. (Dutch Mill Group) - provider of premium quality dairy products

8. Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc. (EJEC) - provides infrastructure solution consultancy services in Japan and internationally

9. Elabram Systems Co. Ltd.-  provider of Network Planning Optimization (NPO), Talent Acquisition & Deployment (TAD) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) (first timer)

10. Italthai Engineering Co. Ltd. - leading Thai professional engineering contractor

11. Meinhardt Thailand Co. Ltd. - one of the world's few multidisciplinary, and truly integrated engineering, infrastructure and project management consulting firm

12. Micromatics Co. Ltd. - one of the finest manufacturers of high precision turned parts for the automotive and many other industries in Southeast Asia (first timer)

13. Panya Consultants Co. Ltd.  – multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary professional consulting and management service provider

14. Pylon PCL - specialty foundation contractor company

15. Team Consulting and Engineering Co. Ltd. - Thailand's largest conglomerate of consulting companies

16. The Bangchak Petroleum PCL – Thai energy company which deals in refining and marketing petroleum products


¤  ADECCO CV/Interview Tips & Career Talk, 8 March 2017, Wednesday, 4:00 – 5:30 pm, MEB Auditorium

¤  Chip Mong Insee (Cambodia) Career Talk, 10 March 2017, Friday, 4:00 – 5:30 pm, MEB Auditorium

¤  Schneider Career Talk,  15 March 2017, Wednesday, 4:00 – 5:30 pm, MEB Auditorium

¤  TIPCO Foods Career Talk, 22  March 2017, Wednesday, 4:00 – 5:30 pm, MEB Auditorium


¤ Micromatics Co. Ltd.


¤ Long-term career prospects

¤ Job placements

¤ Internship opportunities

¤ On-the-job training

¤ Research partners

¤ Networking with company representatives

and the

¤ Student Union Research Exhibition!

Mark your calendar! For developments and career opportunities, please drop by at: www.careercenter.ait.asia
or check:  https://www.facebook.com/officialaitcareercenter

or email: careercenter@ait.asia

or contact via phone: 02 524-6744, 02 524-6326


(a)    A Special Talk on “Telecouplings in the East-West Economic Corridor”: 3 March 2017

Natural Resources Management Field of Study, Department of Development & Sustainability will organize a special talk “Telecouplings in the East-West Economic Corridor” by Dr. Stephen J. Leisz, Associate Professor of Geography, Colorado State University, USA.
Date: 3rd March 2017
Time: 14:00-15:00
Room: S101 SERD Building

Stephen Leisz’s work is focused in the field of land change science. Through the use of remote sensing data, social science fieldwork, and GIS, he investigates the human-environment interactions that lead to land-use and ultimately land-cover changes over local and regional landscapes.

Those interested please see more details at: https://goo.gl/YYv0mY


(b)    A Presentation and Dialogue on “Augmented Regional Innovation Systems in Asia - Paths Towards A Common Prosperity”: 6 Mar. 2017

Professor Haider A. Khan, currently the John Evans Distinguished University Professor and Professor of Economics at the Joseph Korbel  School of International Studies, University of Denver, USA, will give a presentation and dialogue on “Augmented Regional Innovation Systems in Asia - Paths

Towards A Common Prosperity” on 6 March 2017, from 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon at AIT Conference Center, Room 108.

Professor Haider Khan will provide an assessment of the effectiveness and potentialities of National Innovation Systems (NIS) in the Asia-Pacific for deeper economic integration. To this end, some preliminary policy suggestions have been formulated, based on formal models that he has developed. These models are aimed at enhancing the region’s overall innovation strategy.

Interested persons please kindly confirm your participation by emailing Ms. Arjin Piromrak at arjin@ait.ac.th  or Tel.  02-524-5338
More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/presentation-and-dialogue-on-augmented-regional-innovation-systems-in-asia-paths-towards-a-common-prosperity/#.WKO08PL3aUk

(c)    Giant Prawn 2017: 20 – 24 Mar. 2017

Giant Prawn 2017 - a conference on farming of prawns will be organized at AIT from 20-24 March 2016 at the AIT Conference Center.

More details about the conference are available at this link: http://www.giantprawn.org/about.htm


(a)    Training on National Geo-Database and Geo-Portal for Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development: 6 Feb. – 3 Mar. 2017

Geoinformatics Center (GIC), School of Engineering and Technology (SET), will organize a month-long training program on National Geo-Database and Geo-Portal for Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development for participants from Pacific Island countries with the support of UNESCAP from 6 February – 3 March 2017. The opening session of the training will be participated by officials from UNESCAP and Japanese Embassy.

The 12 training participants are from the eight Pacific countries: Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Micronesia, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu.








C.    Campus Updates


(i)    Update : Swimming pool is temporarily closed for repair

In December 2016, Office of Facilities and Asset Management (OFAM)
found that there were reports of few incidents that occurred in the swimming pool. During the year end break, OFAM scheduled the big cleaning by draining out the water as well as do minor repairs in the affected areas.

However after draining out the water from both the swimming pools, OFAM found out damages that need to be immediately repaired for the safety of the community members using swimming pool. In January 2017, OFAM coordinated and finalized the contractor to repair/replace broken tiles, broken light frames, floor inlets, vacuum tubes and grout the tiles including other minor repairs.

Please be informed that OFAM has already started the repair, which will take few weeks to complete, thus it will be open to the community by end of February 2017

(ii)    Temporary Relocation of Photo Vending Machine from Administration to Cafeteria

Please be informed that due to the renovation of the ground floor of the Administration Building, the photo vending machine has been moved temporarily to Cafeteria (entrance opposite Korea House).

(iii)    Vacant Food stalls available at The AIT Cafeteria

3 Food Stalls at the AIT Cafeteria are now available for food providers.

Interested parties are invited to submit your proposals by hand or email to the OPIA (Purchasing) (purchasing@ait.ac.th ) not later than 3.30p.m. on Thursday, 9 March, 2017.

Contact person:

Ø  For Bid information and submission:         Pakkamol:  Tel - 02524 5029,    pakkamol@ait.ac.th

Ø  For Space information & requirements:    Elizabeth:   Tel - 02524 6323,    bethc@ait.asia





D.   Faculty and Staff Travel


Ms. Kwankaew Chavengvorakul / Khon Kaen and Mahasarakam, Thailand / 25 – 26 January 2017*
Dr. Thammarat Koottatep / Chennai, India and Kathmandu, Nepal / 18 – 27 February 2017
Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul / Savanakhet, Laos PDR / 19 – 21 February 2017*
Prof. Mukand Singh Babel / An Giang, Vietnam / 21 – 24 February 2017*
Dr. Donna L. Doane and Ms. Kanokphan Jongjarb / Yangon, Myanmar / 21 – 28 February 2017
Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam / Vietnam / 23 February – 2 March 2017
Dr. B.H.W. Hadikusumo / Hong Kong / 24 – 26 February 2017*
Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam / 24 February – 4 March 2017
Ms. Sweet Mae Monteciaro / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam / 25 – 27 February 2017
Mr. Syed Muntasir Husain Bokhari / Dhaka, Bangladesh / 25 Febraury – 4 March 2017
Ms. Wilailuk Yooprem and Ms. Kanchana Wilailak / Khon Kaen and Mahasarakam, Thailand / 26 – 27 February 2017
Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe / Singapore / 26 – 28 February 2017*
Dr. Lal Samarakoon / Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar / 26 – 28 February 2017*
Mr. Fazie Karim / Dhaka, Bangladesh / 26 February – 4 March 2017
Ms. Isha Basyal / Dhaka, Khulna, Jhenaidah and Kushtia, Bangladesh / 26 February – 5 March 2017
Nisarat Tansakul / Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam / 28 February – 1 March 2017
Dr. Jonathan Shaw / Dhaka, Bangladesh / 28 February – 3 March 2017
Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Manila, Philippines / 28 February – 5 March 2017
Dr. Pham Huy Goao and Mrs. Supamas Rojjanapitakphan / Chiang Mai, Thailand / 2 – 4 March 2017
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dash / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 5 – 8 March 2017
Ms. Kanlaya Muangsean / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 5 – 8 March 2017
Miss Soe Soe Htway and Miss Aye Sandar Phyo / Yangon, Myanmar / 5 February – 8 March 2017
Dr. Nophea Sasaki / Sweden / 5 – 9 March 2017
Dr. Jonathan Shaw / Pakistan / 5 – 15 March 2017
Dr. Gregory Chiu / Pakistan / 5 – 15 March 2017
Mr. Furqan Ali Shaikh / Pakistan / 5 – 15 March 2017

*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)


E.    Classifieds (Jobs)


Position: Laboratory Supervisor (School of Engineering and Technology)
Ref. No. 36/16
Deadline: 28 February 2017

Position: Consultant (Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific)
Ref. No. 3/17
Deadline: 28 February 2017

Position: Head, Strategy & Coordination Cluster (Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific)
Ref. No. 46/16
Deadline: 15 May 2017
