WEEK #24: 12 – 18 June 2017


 In this issue:


A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Campus Updates

D. Visitors

E. Faculty and Staff Travel

F. Classifieds (Jobs)


A. Announcements



(i)    Institute-wide Common Printers


Email from President: 8 June 2017

Dear Colleagues,

As part of our effort to modernize our campus, the Institute plans to introduce a new generation of multifunction laser printers in this coming August 2017 semester. This Institute-wide common printers will allow students, faculty, and staff to send print request from anywhere on campus as well as collect the printout from any printer on campus by tapping his/her RFID based student or employee ID card at any common printer located at a number of locations in the campus at any convenient time. Such printers are sometime called "Anywhere Printers".

This technology has been used now in many universities, here in Thailand as well as abroad. The printers support various sizes of paper, black & white or color printing and can be used as scanner and fax machines.

With this system, management of the printers will be centralized. Every month each unit will receive monthly report on usage and printing costs. The costs will be deducted from your account through internal charge. Students and faculty will be provided with a free quota by Schools, but will have the option to print more for costs.

All currently rented printers will be incorporated in this new system, however older printer models that cannot be integrated into this system will be replaced with newer models. In order to make it most costs effective, all currently rented printers will be replaced by the Anywhere Common Printers to be located at designated locations around the campus, which may not necessarily in the same locations. The Office of Purchasing, Inventory and Asset (OPIA) and ITserve will survey the proper locations of the printers soon.

Your cooperation to modernize our campus-wide printing facilities will be highly appreciated.

With regards,

Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai
AIT President

(ii)    URGENT : Contract Renewal Issue

Email from President: 1 June 2017

Dear Colleagues

The performance evaluation of faculty and staff whose contract ends on December 31, 2017 needs to start. This step is necessary as we were reminded by our Compliance Officer to comply with our P&P on the contract renewal. The related P&P stipulates that all our employees must be informed 6 months in advance before the end of their contract whether their contracts will be renewed.

Thus I request the OHRS, as soon as possible, to provide a list of AIT employees whose contacts end on this December 31 to Deans and RC Directors to evaluate and recommend the result to me by 20 June 2017.  If we do not receive a recommendation on renewal for any employee by this date, the OHRS will notify the employee that his or her contract will not be renewed.

For Faculty, the VPAA will communicate with the Deans how the evaluation process should be done.
Sorry for the urgency of this exercise as it was brought to my attention only recently. For next year, we will try to come up with a better process, or to revise the P&P if it is deemed impractical.

By local Thai Laws, the employers only need one month to give notice of employment termination. The AIT's 6-month advance notice also applies to employees who want to resign from AIT, but this was not strictly observed.

Note that the evaluation results will also be used to determine the merit increment at the year end.

With kind regards,
Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai,

(iii)    Acting Dean SET during 5 - 14 June 2017

Please be informed that Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Dean SET continues on his annual leave from 5 - 14 June 2017, Dr. Pisut Koomsap and Dr. Matthew N. Dailey have kindly agreed to serve as the Acting Dean as follows.

12-14 June 2017:  Dr. Matthew N. Dailey, Department Head, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

(iv)    Confirmed Notes, AIT Management Team Meetings

At its meeting last 31 May 2017, the AIT Management Team (AMT) confirmed the notes of its 4 May 2017 meeting, which are now Intranet-published at AIT Management Confirmed Meeting Notes .

At its meeting on 8 June 2017, the AIT Management Team (AMT) confirmed the notes of its 31 May 2017 meeting, which are now Intranet-published at AIT Management Confirmed Meeting Notes .

(v)    Revised P&P on Responsibility Center Management (FB-2-2-1)

At the 31 May 2017 AIT Management meeting, on the endorsement of the AIT Management Team, the President approved the following revised Institute P&P:

       * (revised) FB-2-2-1 Responsibility Center Management

•    Distinguished between academic and non-academic Responsibility Centers (RCs), and introduced Tier 1 category for non-academic RCs.
•    Simplified the basic RCM principles, as well as the Institute allocated costs scheme.

This P&P statement and its annexes are Intranet-published at Financial and Business Affairs, as well as attached herewith for easy reference.

(vi)    Student & Research Challenges: G-STIC 2017 Conference

Student & Research Challenges:
G-STIC 2017 Conference
23-25 October 2017
Brussels, Belgium

OPPORTUNITIES FOR AIT STUDENTS and JUNIOR RESEARCHERS technological solutions that hold great potential for achieving the Sustainable Development

As a participant, you will not just be invited to pitch your ideas related to any of the Nine technology themes addressed by the G-STIC 2017 conference. You will also be given the opportunity to join the peer review process, and elect the winning pitch within your theme. All winners of the Student & Research Challenges will be invited to participate for free in the G-STIC 2017All winners of the Student & Research Challenges will be invited to participate for free in the G-STIC 2017


The G-STIC 2017 Student Challenge is open to all undergraduate and (post) graduate students, PhD students and junior researchers whose research work is involved with any of these technology themes, are welcome to join the G-STIC 2017


After registering online, you will be invited to submit a pitch within any of these themes: Agriculture/Food, Circular Economy, CO2 as a resource, Energy,
ICT as enabling technology, Sustainable technology and development, Technology for climate change mitigation & adaptation, Urbanization, and Water

Whichever challenge you join, your participation doesn’t stop here as you will be invited to help elect the winning pitch within your theme. You will receive a request to evaluate up to 5 pitches on our online platform, providing you with a unique opportunity to interact with other participants.


You’ve got a smart, original idea on technology that holds potential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

You want to engage with other students or researchers on technology for SDGs?

You want to ultimately get the opportunity to meet with science, technology & innovation experts at G-STIC 2017 in Brussels?



If you’re joining the Student Challenge, you will be asked to frame your pitch by presenting a 1-page overview of existing SDG-relevant technologies within the theme you’ve selected.

Your short video pitch should then discuss which new technological solution should be developed, and why and how this will make a difference in achieving the SDGs. If you participate in the Research Challenge, you will be invited to provide a 1-page overview of state-of-the-art technologies related to the theme you are contributing to. As part of that overview, you should also identify the technology that – if applied worldwide – has the greatest potential to contribute to achieving the SDGs. Your short video pitch should then illustrate how your personal research goes beyond one or more technologies listed in your overview, and how it impacts achievement of the SDGs.




Submit your Pitch:  BEFORE 30 JUNE 2017

Participate in Online Preview

30 August 2017


Dr. Anil Kumar Anal: anilkumar@ait.asia

Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal: shobhakar@ait.asia

Further Contact:
Roderveldlaan 5, 2600 Antwerpen-Berchem, BELGIUM | +32 3 286 74 58 | info@gstic.org

(vii)    ASEAN-US Women's Science Prize Launched

The third annual ASEAN-U.S. Science Prize for Women was launched on 3 May 2017 by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a global safety science company.

This is a great opportunity for support and recognition for women scientists in Thailand. For further information, please see the links below.

Press release: https://asean.usmission.gov/launch-asean-u-s-science-prize-women/ - shortened link: https://go.usa.gov/x5V9r
Application website: https://asean.usmission.gov/2017-asean-u-s-science-prize-women/  - shortened link: https://go.usa.gov/x5V9G

Deadline of nomination: 23 June 2017

(viii)    Schwarzman Scholars Now Accepting Applications for Third Batch of Future Leaders

New York & Beijing, April 17, 2017 – Schwarzman Scholars has opened their global application for the third cohort of young leaders. The highly selective, fully-funded scholarship program is designed to ensure that the next generation of business, political, and civil society leaders can effectively serve as bridges between China and the rest of the world.

Anchored in an 11-month professional Master’s Degree in Global Affairs at Beijing’s prestigious Tsinghua University, the Schwarzman Scholars experience encompasses unparalleled opportunities inside and outside the classroom, including extensive leadership training, a network of senior mentors, practical training/internships, and travel seminars around China.

Scholars will learn about the emergence of China as an economic and political force from world‐class faculty from leading institutions and guest speakers at the state‐of‐the‐art Schwarzman College. The dynamic core curriculum offers the choice of concentrations in public policy, international studies, or business and economics.

The scholarship aims to build a professionally diverse cohort each year and welcomes undergraduates, graduates, and young professionals up to age 28 of any citizenship who are proficient in English and have obtained an undergraduate degree. A Schwarzman Scholar should demonstrate extraordinary leadership potential, the ability to anticipate paradigm changes, strong intellectual capacity, and exemplary character. Eligible applicants from any field are invited to apply.

The application can be found on the Schwarzman Scholars website, www.schwarzmanscholars.org  and will be open until 11:59PM on September 28, 2017.
Learn more at www.schwarzmanscholars.org , like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SchwarzmanScholars , and follow us on Twitter at @SchwarzmanOrg .
See more details: https://www.facebook.com/AITasia/posts/10155198729249709

(ix)    New Locations of the Offices in the Administration Building

The Administration Building will be renovated from Jan – June 2017. Most offices in the building have started moving to AIT Conference Center and other buildings. Below is the list of the new location of Administration Offices:

President: Presidential Lounge, AITCC
VP Administration: Room B138
VP Academic Affairs: Room B136
VP Development: Room B130
Office of the President and Office of the Institute Secretary: Room B144B
Office of Academic Administration: Room B144A
Office of Human Resource Services: Room B109
Office of Internal Auditor: Room B113
Office of External Relation and Office of Host Country Relation: B115
Office of Special Degree Program: B115
Office of Advancement: Room 102 (ground floor), Outreach Building
Office of Finance: Room 225 (2nd Floor)
Office of GRU: Room 223 (2nd Floor)
Office of Purchasing and Inventory Procurement: Admin (No Change)
Office of Student and Affairs: Admin (No Change)



B. Events



(a)    ELLTA Conference: Perspectives on Leadership, Learning and Social Enterprise in Asia – 25 – 27 July 2017

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and ELLTA, as Co-hosts, welcome you to the fourth International, Academic Conference of ELLTA: ‘Perspectives on Leadership, Learning and Social Enterprise in Asia’ –� Sharpening Focus on Research Collaborations and Publications.
The conference invites original contributions on the following Key Themes:

  •     Leadership in/ and Context (Asia)
  •     Learning Organisation/ Organisational Learning in Context (Asia)
  •     Enterprise-led Development, Social Business and Transformation: Perspectives from Asia
  •     Researching Context/ Context-based  Research
  •     Learning and Change: Asia in Focus

More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/elta-conference-perspectives-on-leadership-learning-and-social-enterprise-in-asia/#.WNh7SGelaUk

(b)    International Expert Forum: Mainstreaming Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction in Education: 1 – 2 Dec. 2017

An International Expert Forum on "Mainstreaming Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction in Education" will be organized at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) on 1-2 December 2017.

Call for ABSTRACTS Open: 23 May 2017
Abstract Submission Close: 15 July 2017
Registration Open: 15 August 2017
Full Paper Submission: 30 September 2017
More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/international-expert-forum-mainstreaming-resilience-and-disaster-risk-reduction-in-education/#.WSPuJtylaUl




C. Campus Updates


(i)    AC unit cleaning service for SERD Building

Please be informed that maintenance technicians will enter SERD Building for AC unit cleaning as a part of Office of Facilities and Asset Management (OFAM)’s preventive maintenance routine throughout the month of June.
The secretaries of the unit are requested to kindly support OFAM technicians to open the rooms.

It is advisable for the tenants/Users of the room to store their valuables away in a safe place to prevent them from being misplaced or damaged during the process of maintenance.

For further information on the schedule, please contact call center office at 5800 or email to callcenter@ait.asia  & cc to bhimesh@ait.asia .

(ii)    Temporary Relocation of Photo Vending Machine from Administration to Cafeteria

Please be informed that due to the renovation of the ground floor of the Administration Building, the photo vending machine has been moved temporarily to Cafeteria (entrance opposite Korea House).




D. Visitors


•    Delegation from World Vision International, led by Ms. Meimei Leung, Director, Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs, World Vision International, East Asia Regional Office and Mr. Theerawut Worachat, World Vision Foundation of Thailand / 12 June 2017 / to explore the collaboration opportunity with DPMM / AIT for their activities in Thailand and South Asian Region

•    Delegation from the Chiniese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE), China / 15 June 2017 / to discuss possible cooperation with AIT





E. Faculty and Staff Travel


Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon /Trat, Thailand / 29 March – 1 April 2017*
Mr. Jonathan Manuel / Yangon, Myanmar / 25 – 27 May 2017*
Mr. Maverick Talaid / Yangon, Myanmar / 25 – 27 May 2017*
Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat / Chiangmai and Prae, Thailand / 30 – 31 May 2017*
Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh / San Francisco, California, USA / 1 June – 7 August 2017
Mr. Nawarathnage L. Deshapriya / Nuku’alofa, Tonga and Nadi, Fiji / 1 June – 8 July 2017
Dr. Oleg Shipin / Puerto Princesa, Philippines / 4 – 15 June 2017
Dr. Sanyogita Andriyas / India / 4 – 17 June 2017
Prof. C. Visvanathan / Graz, Austria / 7 – 14 June 2017
Dr. Ram C. Bhujel / Odisha, India / 10 – 16 June 2017
Mr. Bayasgalan Sanduijav / Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia / 10 – 18 June 2017
Prof. Pennung Warnitchai / Reykjavik, Iceland / 11 – 16 June 2017
Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe / Trongheim, Norway / 11 – 19 June 2017
Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad / Seoul, Republic of Korea / 15 – 17 June 2017
Mr. Surendra Shrestha / Singapore / 15 – 18 June 2017
Prof. Barbara Igel / Hanoi, Vietnam / 16 – 24 June 2017
Mr. Sanjeev Pradeep Jayasinghe / Columbo, Sri Lanka / 17 – 24 June 2017
Mr. Thaung Htut Aung / Yangon, Myanmar / 18 – 22 June 2017

*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)



F. Classifieds (Jobs)


Position: Assistant or Associate Professors Position (School of Environment, Resources & Development)
Ref. No. Fac. 1/17
Deadline: 30 June 2017

Position: Assistant or Associate Professors Positions (School of Management)
Ref. No. Fac. 2/17
Deadline: 30 June 2017

Position: Research Staff (Research Assistant) (School of Environment, Resources & Development)
Ref. No. 20/17
Deadline: 30 June 2017

Ref. No. Fac. 03/2017
Deadline: 26 July 2017



