WEEK #28: 10 – 16 July 2017



 In this issue:


A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Campus Updates

D. Faculty and Staff Travel

E. Classifieds (Jobs)



A. Announcements


(i)    AIT Distinguished Adjunct Faculty (DAF) Lecture by Dr. Bindu N. Lohani, 20 July, 3:00-4:30 pm
Email from President: 8 Jul. 2017

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
You are cordially invited to the AIT Distinguished Adjunct Faculty (DAF) lecture which will be delivered by Dr. Bindu N. Lohani on the topic “Building a Knowledge Economy in Asia: The Role of Knowledge-based Institutions and Relevance to AIT”.
Asian growth in the past three decades has been remarkable and many countries have become Middle Income Countries (MICs) and others will become so in the future. However, becoming a High-Income Country (HIC) from a MIC is a challenge and needs a new thinking and actions, to avoid the Middle Income Trap (MIP). This presentation will discuss the importance for MICs to move into the Knowledge Economy in order to avoid the MIP and become HICs and explain the role of knowledge institutions (including relevance to AIT) in helping countries in becoming HICs.

Date: Thursday, 20 July 2017
Time : 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Venue : Main Auditorium, AIT Conference Center

Distinguished AIT Alumnus Dr. Bindu Lohani is a Member of the AIT Board of Trustees. He currently serves as the Head of the Global Climate Change Practice, Centennial Group, USA; Distinguished Fellow, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan; and Chief Advisor, K water and Founding Member, Asian Water Council, Korea. Dr. Lohani was Ranking Vice-President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development. Dr. Lohani served as Chairman and Associate Professor of the Division of Environmental Engineering at AIT, prior to joining ADB.
Please could you kindly confirm your participation by registering through the following link or by emailing Ms. Chotiros (Nam) at chotirosm@ait.asia , tel. 02-524 6319.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

(ii)    Thai Alumni and Siam Yamato donate new clock tower for AIT
Message from AIT President: 4 July 2017

Today, Khun Manat Supasirilux, Executive Secretary of Asian Institute of Technology Alumni Association - Thailand Chapter (AITAA-Thailand) has kindly handed over 2 cheques to AIT on behalf of Dr. Verapong Chaiperm, President of AITAA-Thailand.
The first cheque of 0.8 million Baht serves to sponsor the construction of AIT Clock Tower, which shall become another new landmark of AIT. The other sponsor of the Tower Clock is also due to Khun Paitoon Jiranantarat, CEO of Siam Yamato Steel (SYS) who donated all structural steels used in the construction.
The second cheque of 0.2 million Baht from AITAA-Thailand is to sponsor a new "Campus Street Map" to be installed later near the Guard House.
On behalf of the AIT Community, I wish to thank the AITAA-Thailand under the superb leadership of Dr Verapong and Khun Paitoon of SYS for the interest to enhance the living environment of our alma mater.

(iii)    My keynote at STISWB in Kunming University of Science and Technology  

Message from AIT President: 6 July 2017

I was invited to give a Keynote Lecture in the International Conference on Sciences, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Well-Being (STISWB) that was organized during 26-28 June 2017, at Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China.
The topic of my Keynote Lecture is "Global Competence for the Sustainable Future of Humankind". The gist of my Keynote Address can be summarized below:
Today, virtually every major issue human faces — from climate change to urbanization to natural disasters — has a global dimension. More than ever people, cultures, and nations are interdependent, requiring the preparation of our engineering students capable and disposed to solve problems on a global scale and participate effectively in a global economic and civic environment. Put simply, universities must prepare our engineering graduates to be globally competent.
The education system today should emphasize the new skills for the 21st century. Universities must groom their engineering students to be “Global Citizens”. A global citizen requires these 5-I “global competence”: (1) International Perspective, (2) ICT Fluency; (3) Innovative Mindset; (4) Industrial Relevance; and (5) Interdisciplinary Competence.

(iv)     Replacement of existing plastic ID card

The Institute has decided to replace existing plastic ID card with RFID card. With this RFID employee card, AIT faculty and staff will be able to enjoy new services which will be introduced soon such as Institute wide common printer (anywhere printer) announced earlier by the President.

Office of Human Resources Services (OHRS) would like to convey our thankfulness to Dr. Harianto, IT Serve, for his development on this new card.
Faculty and staff can obtain your RFID card from the Office of Human Resources Services from now.

(v)    Social Media Directory is live

The AIT Social Media Directory is now live
The Social Media Directory is a compilation of official pages of AIT Schools / Departments/ Programs/ Offices/ and Units. It does not include personal accounts and groups. If any unit wishes to be included in this directory, kindly send Office of Media and Communications (OMCO) at omco@ait.asia  these three details:
1. Name of Unit
2. URL of Social Media Page
3. Email of page manager (will not be published)

(vi) Dr. Chuenchom Chueluecha (Rehabilitation Physician) will be on leave on Friday, 14 July 2017

Please be informed that Dr. Chuenchom Chueluecha (Rehabilitation Physician) will be on leave on  Friday, 14 July 2017.  For those who have an appointment with the doctor on that day, please re-schedule your appointment.

(vii)    New Locations of the Offices in the Administration Building

The Administration Building will be renovated from Jan – June 2017. Most offices in the building have started moving to AIT Conference Center and other buildings. Below is the list of the new location of Administration Offices:

President: Presidential Lounge, AITCC
VP Administration: Room B138
VP Academic Affairs: Room B136
VP Development: Room B130
Office of the President and Office of the Institute Secretary: Room B144B
Office of Academic Administration: Room B144A
Office of Human Resource Services: Room B109
Office of Internal Auditor: Room B113
Office of External Relation and Office of Host Country Relation: B115
Office of Special Degree Program: B115
Office of Advancement: Room 102 (ground floor), Outreach Building
Office of Finance: Room 225 (2nd Floor)
Office of GRU: Room 223 (2nd Floor)
Office of Purchasing and Inventory Procurement: Admin (No Change)
Office of Student and Affairs: Admin (No Change)





B. Events



(a)    AIT Tiger Leong Innovation and Leadership Camp: 24 July – 4 August 2017

The Second AIT-Tiger Leong Innovation and Leadership Camp will be organized from 24 July-4 August2017 at AIT campus.

It is an interactive camp designed to contribute to the nurturing of young minds on a unique mix of innovation, leadership, multi-disciplinary, and cross-cultural attributes. Bright and talented undergraduate students from top universities are encouraged to attend the AIT-Tiger Leong International Innovation and Leadership Camp II co-sponsored by AIT and AIT Alumnus Mr. Tiger Leong.

More details at this link: http://innov-camp.solutions.ait.asia/index.html

(b)    ELLTA Conference: Perspectives on Leadership, Learning and Social Enterprise in Asia – 25 – 27 July 2017

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and ELLTA, as Co-hosts, welcome you to the fourth International, Academic Conference of ELLTA: ‘Perspectives on Leadership, Learning and Social Enterprise in Asia’ –� Sharpening Focus on Research Collaborations and Publications.
The conference invites original contributions on the following Key Themes:

  •  Leadership in/ and Context (Asia)
  •  Learning Organisation/ Organisational Learning in Context (Asia)
  •  Enterprise-led Development, Social Business and Transformation: Perspectives from Asia
  •  Researching Context/ Context-based  Research
  •  Learning and Change: Asia in Focus

More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/elta-conference-perspectives-on-leadership-learning-and-social-enterprise-in-asia/#.WNh7SGelaUk

(c)    International Expert Forum: Mainstreaming Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction in Education: 1 – 2 Dec. 2017

An International Expert Forum on "Mainstreaming Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction in Education" will be organized at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) on 1-2 December 2017.

Call for ABSTRACTS Open: 23 May 2017
Abstract Submission Close: 15 July 2017
Registration Open: 15 August 2017
Full Paper Submission: 30 September 2017
More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/international-expert-forum-mainstreaming-resilience-and-disaster-risk-reduction-in-education/#.WSPuJtylaUl





C. Campus Updates


(i)    Renovation work at AIT Extension Building

Please be informed that Office of Facilities and Asset Management (OFAM) is now renovating the AIT Extension Building with the following schedule.

1.  Replacement of floor tile of the walk way on the 2nd floor (18 Jul - 16 Aug'17)
2.   Replacement of the office wooden doors to glass doors (8 - 16 Aug'17)

(ii)    Dorm F Renovation

Please be informed that Office of Facilities and Asset Management (OFAM)
has started the renovation of dorm F and is scheduled to be complete by end of August 2017.

During this renovation period, there might be loud noise and also some disturbance on the pathway near to dorm F.

OFAM apologizes for any inconveniences that may cause and requests kind understanding from the AIT Community.

(iii)    Temporary Relocation of Photo Vending Machine from Administration to Cafeteria

Please be informed that due to the renovation of the ground floor of the Administration Building, the photo vending machine has been moved temporarily to Cafeteria (entrance opposite Korea House).





D. Faculty and Staff Travel


Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh / San Francisco, California, USA / 1 June – 7 August 2017
Dr. Manzul K. Hazarika / Manila, Philippines / 4-5 July 2017*
Mr. Syams Nashrrullah / Manila, Phillippines / 4-6 July 2017*
Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat / Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand / 28 – 29 June 2017*
Ms. Isha Basyal / Seattle, USA / 29 June – 10 July 2017
Ms. Anyarat Chalom / Surin, Thailand / 30 June – 2 July 2017*
Mr. Ashreya K. Shrestha / Seattle, USA / 2 – 12 July 2017
Dr. Thammarat Koottatep / Seattle, USA / 4 – 12 July 2017
Ms. Colleen Curran / Manila, Philippines / 4 July – 2 August 2017
Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam / Vietnam / 5 – 6 July 2017*
Dr. B.H.W. Hadikusumo / Vietnam / 5 – 12 July 2017
Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe / Solo, Indonesia and Singapore / 7 – 14 July 2017
Dr. Shah Syed Faizul Hassan / Melbourne, Hobart, and Sydney, Australia / 7 – 23 July 2017
Ms. Parichad Nuntavong / Melbourne, Hobart, and Sydney, Australia / 7 – 23 July 2017
Dr. Pisut Koomsap / Singapore / 11 - 13 July 2017*
Nisarat Tansakul / Batangas, Philippines / 11 -15 July 2017*
Prof. C. Visvanathan / Colombo, Sri Lanka / 8 – 12 July 2017
Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut / Beijing, China / 10 – 13 July 2017
Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul / Chicago, USA / 15 – 24 July 2017
*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)


E. Classifieds (Jobs)


Position: General Support Staff (Messenger) (AIT Solutions)
Ref. No. 24/17
Deadline: 10 July 2017

Position: General Support Staff (Office Assistant) (AIT Solutions)
Ref. No. 25/17
Deadline: 10 July 2017

Position: Program Manager, International Forum on Education for Rural Transformation, Project sponsored by the ASEAN for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community financed by the ASEAN-China Cooperation Fund
Ref. No. 29/17
Deadline: 11 July 2017

Position: Program Associate, International Forum on Education for Rural Transformation, Project sponsored by the ASEAN for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community financed by the ASEAN-China Cooperation Fund
Ref. No. 28/17
Deadline: 11 July 2017

Position: Administrative Staff (Planning & Outreach) (School of Environment, Resources & Development)
Ref. No. 21/17
Deadline: 15 July 2017

Position: Head, Strategy & Coordination Cluster (Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific) (Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific)
Ref. 22/17
Deadline: 17 July 2017

Ref. No. Fac. 03/2017
Deadline: 26 July 2017

Position: Head, Strategy & Coordination Cluster (Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific)
Ref. No. 22/17
Deadline: 31 July 2017

Administrative Staff (Executive Administrative Secretary) (Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific)
Ref. No. 26/17
Deadline: 31 July 2017

Position: Administrative Staff (Program Officer) (Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific)
Ref. No. 27/17
Deadline: 15 August 2017

Position: Technical Staff (Laboratory Supervisor) (School of Environment, Resources & Development)
Ref. No. 23/17
Deadline: 20 August 2017

Faculty Position: Assistant or Associate Professors Positions (School of Management)
Ref. No. Fac 2/17
Deadline: 30 September 2017




