WEEK #42: 16 – 22 October 2017


 In this issue:


A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Visitors

D. Campus Updates

E. Faculty and Staff Travel

F. Classifieds (Jobs)



A. Announcements



(i)    The End of AIT’s Twin Domains

Email from President: 10 October 2017

Dear Faculty and Staff

Currently, AIT maintains two domains


This is proving to be counterproductive in terms of search engine optimization. Web-based rankings like Webometrics penalize universities if they have two domains. Their website clearly states this:
“Surprisingly a large number of universities maintain two or more main web domains that clearly penalize not only their Webometrics Ranking, but even more importantly their position in the search engines and their global internet visibility."
Source: http://www.webometrics.info/en/node/36

Keeping this in view, it's time AIT should move back towards a single domain. Thus, we need to select one of the two.
According to our in-house experts, both “dot ac.th” and “dot asia” have their respective advantages and weaknesses as follows:

(1) ait.asia
This indicates that the domain belongs to an entity based in asia, and this syncs with our name, the Asian Institute of Technology. However, any entity (academic, business, online shops, etc.) located within this Asian region can register a “dot asia” domain.

(2) ait.ac.th
1. Dot ".ac" is reserved exclusively for universities/educational institutions. Unlike ".asia", other non-academic organizations cannot register under ".ac" domain. All universities in the world, except the US which uses ".edu", use the ".ac" extension (followed by their country domain.
Some examples are

a. Cambridge https://www.cam.ac.uk/
b. IIT, Delhi http://www.iitd.ac.in/


2. Subscription/Privileges: Educational institutes also get discounts and free packages. Subscription privilege for Microsoft Office is only available if we use a ".ac" extension, though Google grants similar facilities to dot asia also.

3. Search engine: Search engines routinely rank university websites much higher than other websites. Here the dot ac extension is helpful.
To conclude, I was advised by the AIT webmaster, Mr Bajinder (concurred by our expert, Dr Harianto, and Chair of IT Committee, Dr. Matt Dailey) to select “ait.ac.th”. because the advantages of an "ac.th" domain outweigh the advantages of a ".asia" domain.

I understand that many AIT members prefer ".asia" to “.ac.th” simply to show that AIT is independent of Thailand and is different from Thai universities. However, having “.th” as the country domain simply implies that AIT is located in Thailand, which is the fact.

Since the opinion received from experts so far is unanimous, I am convinced that we must make the decision to use only “ait.ac.th” while we are about to migrate to our new website.
Before I bring this decision to be endorsed for my final approval in the next Management Team Meeting, I invite other views from members of the Community.

With Regards,

Prof Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai
AIT President

P.S. During the transition period, all traffic will be redirected from the “ait.asia” domain to “ait.ac.th” domain.

(ii)    Winner of student blog contest

Email from OMCO: 11 Oct. 2017

Dear members of the AIT community,
We had organized a blog writing contest for AIT students, and we are happy to announce that Nikita Valluri, who is studying for a Master's in Information Management has won the first prize.

We have posted her blogpost at the new AIT website. It is a heart-felt reflection of a student who comes to study at AIT, discovers the beauty of the campus, feels homesick. and then gradually assimilates the true spirit of AIT.

The three winners are:
1. Nikita Valluri (first prize)
2. G C Vinyasa (second prize)
3. Linda Watkin (third prize).
We wish to thank Dr. Freek Olaf de Groot, Director, AIT Language Center for evaluating the blog entries.

Thank you and best wishes
Office of Media and Communications (OMCO)

(iii)    Procedures in acquiring a certificate of being a technological or innovation project by NSTDA (300% tax claim)

Email from Head-OHCR: 11 Oct. 2017

Dear Faculty and Staff,
As per the previous announcement made by the President regarding AIT’s eligibility for a privilege of 300% tax deduction for research, please find below the procedures for acquiring a certificate of being a technological and innovation project from NSTDA (Thailand Science Park).
In order to be eligible for a privilege of 300% tax deduction for research expenses, a Thai corporate must submit the following document through RDC online portal. Portal can be accessed via

1. Proposal
2. Memorandum of Association
3. Agreement between AIT and a Thai corporate for conducting research project.

Please note the following:

1. AIT cannot submit the proposal on behalf of the Thai corporate as the latter has to register with NSTDA online.  We can only act as a facilitator.
2. A hard copy or sending through e-mail is not accepted by NSTDA.
3. A training course for submitting a proposal online is conducted by NSTDA.  Details are as per the following link: http://www.nstda.or.th/rdp/index.php/event/trainning
4. As AIT is in the list of fast track approval, the length of the process will be within 1 month (instead of 3-4 months for the normal process).
The certificate issued by NSTDA must be submitted to the Revenue Department for the tax claim.

Calculation of Tax Privilege:
The companies could invest in many research/innovation projects. The combined total cost N1 is referred as the first 100%. At the end of the year, the company can declare N1+N2+N3 = 3N as its expenditure for research/innovation (confirmed by certificates from NSTDA) with a ceiling on the last N3 as follows:
(1) The first 100% (N1) is the total actual spending certified by NSTDA.
(2) The second 100% (N2=N1) can be added with no ceiling.
(3) The third 100% (N3=N1) can be added with the condition that (N2+N3=2N1) is not over a ceiling (C). If (N2+N3) > C; then the company can claim N1+N2+(N1+N2-C) or N1+N2 whichever larger, for tax reduction.
The Ceiling “C” is obtained from aggregate percentage of incomes at stepwise brackets, i.e., 60% for the first 50 million Baht, 9% for the next bracket of 50-200 million Baht, and 6% for any amount of income more than 200 million Baht. In formula, C can be obtained from one of these 3 formula depending on the size of total taxable revenue (R):
(a) C = 0.6*R   —
(b) C = 0.6*50+0.09*(R-50). — if 50<R<=200
(c) C = 0.6*50+0.09*150+0.06*(R-200) — if R>200
For further information, please contact Ms. Chalita at 02-524-5073 or through e-mail: chalita@ait.ac.th .

(iv)    Confirmation on 2 additional Special Leave

This is to convey the approval from the AIT Management Team to grant the special leaves to AIT employees as follows:
1. Friday, 13 October 2017  - H.M. late King Bhumibol Memorial Day.
2. Thursday, 26 October 2017 - Royal Cremation Ceremony for H.M. late King
    Bhumibol Adulyadej.

(v) Confirmed Notes, AIT Management Team, 14 September 2017

At its 5 October 2017 meeting, the AIT Management Team (AMT) confirmed the notes of its 14 September 2017 meeting, which are now Intranet-published at AIT Management Confirmed Meeting Notes .

(vi)    AIT Academic Calendar 2018

Email from Office of Student Affairs (OSA): 10 Oct. 2017

Kindly be informed that the AIT Management Team agreed to circulate first a soft copy of the AIT Calendar 2018 due to possible changes in the official public holidays in 2018. The calendar will be printed after the official public holidays in 2018 are finalized.

The calendar can now be imported (Import Calendar) to your own e-calendar (i.e google, yahoo, gmail, MS outlook) using the file sent by OSA. Again, please note of the possible changes in the 2018 official holidays later.

The academic schedules can also be viewed at URL: http://intranet.ait.ac.th/admissions/current-students/academic-calendar-...

(vii)    AIT Fun and Sports Day 2017

Email from OHRS: 29 Sept. 2017

It's the time of the year once again that we hear drums and cheers as we gather together as one big family.
Yes! this is it, we are going to have an AIT Fun and Sports Day 2017. Aren't you excited?! Then let's come together on 8 December 2017 and let us shake the AIT grounds with our laughter, dances and spirit of sportsmanship!!

This year's team colors are: SERD- green; SET - Orange; SOM and Centers - Purple; Central Administration – Pink
Come to participate or just cheer your teammates in the games we have especially prepared for you and experience Unity in Diversity through sports!

Theme: Unity in Diversity
What: AIT Fun and Sports Day
When: 8 December 2017 starting at 8:00 a.m.
Who should attend: AIT employees
Where: Morning events will be held at the small football field behind the Administration Building. Lunch and raffle draw will be at the area beside the Administration Building.
Watch out for more announcements!

(viii)    Customer Satisfaction Survey for OFAM Maintenance and Services

Email from OFAM: 6 Oct. 2017

Office of Facilities and Assets Management (OFAM) manages the operation and maintenance of AIT infrastructure through contractors and manages the facilities of Accommodation, Cafeteria, Call Center, Mail Office, etc.
Your feedback will help us to evaluate the performance of the contractors and service units which will also help us to focus on the areas that need improvement.
Thereby we request you to fill in the customer satisfaction survey questionnaires through the link below.
Note: The survey form will be open till 16 October 2017.
The survey could be accessed through AIT email or Gmail only.

(ix)    Staff English Development

Email from OHRS: 21 Sept. 2017
Please be informed that Staff English Development still exists. The Language Center is now available to provide such in-needed training, starting from Friday, 12 January 2018 from 09.00 hrs to 10.30 hrs on every Friday, continuously until completion of 20 sessions.

(x)    Free trial access to Taylor & Francis Online from now to 31 October 2017

Email from Library: 18 Sept. 2017
AIT Library has been offered a free trial access from now to 31 October 2017 to Taylor & Francis Online at this URL link:

(xi)    Free trial access to SAGE Premier for AIT from 25 September 2017 - 5 January 2018
Email from Library: 26 Sept. 2017
AIT Library has been offered a free trial access to SAGE Premier from 25th September 2017 - 5th January 2018.  Please access this URL link: http://journals.sagepub.com/ .  Full text download is allowed.

(xii)    Global Engineering Academic Challenge 2017 – AIT

Email from Library: 22 Sept. 2017

Elsevier is running the Global Engineering Academic Challenge (EAC) 2017 from 18 September 2017 – 22 October 2017.
The EAC 2017 is an partnership program created by both Knovel Team and Drexel University which allows thousands of engineering students from hundreds of institutions around the world to participate and challenge. Solve 5 real-world questions about a trending engineering topic for 5-weeks and get the highest ranks on the leaderboard and win great prizes!
AIT faculty, students, and staff members are invited to join this activity.  Please register at www.elsevier.com/eac  to join.

(xiii)    Invitation to join Taylor & Francis Quiz in Thailand: Stand to win attractive prizes!

Email from Library: 26 Sept. 2017
Taylor & Francis invite interested persons to participate in the Taylor & Francis Quiz in Thailand.  The quiz will end on 31October 2017.  To join, please click this URL link: http://bit.ly/tandfthailand .
You may win attractive prices.


Email from OHRS: 9 Oct. 2017

With a fully-funded UK Government award to Chevening Scholarship, you will be free to focus on what matters most-achieving your professional goals and enjoying the experience of a lifetime in the UK in a one -year Master's degree at one of the UK's top universities with the following priority areas conflict issues, human trafficking migration, climate change, energy, trade and investment, economic governance, democracy, governance and human rights. And after graduation, you will become part of an influential global network of over  48,000 Chevening alumni spanning over 160 countries.

Applications are already open. They will close on 7 November 2017. You can get more information at, www.chevening.org/thailand , and for any further questions or to register, please write to Suparaporn.Kaewharn@fco.gov.uk








B. Events



(a)    Special Talk on Performance Seismic Based Design: Best Practices: 3 Nov. 2017
AIT through AIT Solutions will organize a Special Talk on Performance Seismic Based Design: Best Practices by Ron Klemencic, Chairman and CEO of Magnusson Klemencic Associates (MKA), on 3 November 2017.

(b)    International Forum on Education for Rural Transformation: 13 – 15 Nov. 2017

AIT and the UNESCO International Research Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED) is organizing the International Forum on Education for Rural Transformation (IFERT) during 13-15 November 2017, at the AIT Campus.
More information are available at www.ifert.ait.asia

(c)    International Expert Forum: Mainstreaming Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction in Education: 1 – 2 Dec. 2017

An International Expert Forum on "Mainstreaming Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction in Education" will be organized at AIT on 1-2 December 2017.

More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2017/events/international-expert-forum-mainstreaming-resilience-and-disaster-risk-reduction-in-education/#.WSPuJtylaUl


(a)    Foundation English Program for intake January 2018: 28 Aug. – 17 Nov. 2017

The AIT Language Center is offering an extra Foundation English Program from 28 August – 17 November 2017. This program aims at those applicants with high academic skills potential who were unable to meet the English language entry requirements for admission in August 2017, but who would like to apply for admission in January 2018 instead and need an extra hand in developing their English skills.

In some cases, half fee scholarships are available for applicants with high academic potential. Please contact the Schools and relevant departments for more information.
For more information, please contact the Language Center: Languages@ait.asia

(b)    EL classes for the August 2017 semester: 28 Aug. – 16 Nov. 2017

The registration for EL classes for the August 2017 semester is now open. Please choose from the available time slots in SIS: https://sis.ait.ac.th  (Register/Enroll menu) before the deadline on 18 August at 16:00 (Adding/Dropping).

CLASSES:             28 August – 16 November 2017
NO EL CLASSES:           Monday 25th to Friday 29th September
Monday 23rd  to Friday 27th October

EL COURSE EXAM:         Monday 20th to Tuesday 21st November

After registering for an EL course you will not be allowed to change the class time on SIS.  Students will only be allowed to change EL class times from Wednesday 16th to Friday 18th August before 15.00 at the Language Center, Room 216.
Students with English scores below AIT’s admission requirements will be automatically enrolled in the mandatory English Language (EL) courses listed below. Students will need to pay a registration fee at the AIT Cashier for EL courses before they can attend. The EL course level will be automatically assigned based on a student’s current English score:

5.0 - EL15 Intermediate English Composition
5.5 - EL19 Academic and Technical Writing
English course fee:

·        5,000 Baht one-time flat fee to all new students.
·    Students who have attended EL 15 or EL19 once will be charged an additional 2,000THB; the total amount will not exceed 5,000 THB.
·      Students who have attended EL13 and EL15; EL15 and EL19 or who have already paid > 5,000 will not be charged again.

Students who joined AIT before January 2016 are allowed to drop EL courses.  If you joined AIT after January 2016, you are not able to drop EL courses. The EL courses should be your first priority, therefore scheduling problems and conflicts are not valid reasons to request to unregister from the EL courses. To unregister from the course, you will need to create a memo requesting the EL exemption on a semester basis. This memo will need to be approved by your advisor and submitted to the Language Center before 18 August 2017 (AIT adding/dropping date). If you fail to drop the EL course you are enrolled in before the 22 September, you will still be graded for the EL course you have enrolled.
As you have been informed during the orientation, AIT maintains a strict policy on English language requirements and if you have not met the English language requirements by the third semester of study, you will not be allowed to register for thesis or research credits. Review the Graduation Requirements here.

(c)    Thai, Chinese and French Courses for Beginners: Aug. – Oct. 2017

The Language Center will conduct languages courses as follows:
Thai Courses for Beginners
·         21 August – 4 October 2017
·         Monday and Wednesday
·         Time: 17:00 – 18:30
·         Total of 20 hours
·         Course Fee: 2,000 baht

Chinese Course for Beginners
·         21 August – 4 October 2017
·         Monday and Wednesday
·         Time: Group 1 (17:00 – 18:30)  Group 2 (12:00-13:00)
·         Total of 20 hours
·     The course fee is 1,000THB due to the kind support of the Chinese Government through the Confucius Institute.  (Refunds are not available.)

French Course for Beginners
·         23 August - 6 October 2017
·         Wednesday and Friday
·         Time: 17:00 – 18:30
·         Total of 20 hours
·         Course Fee: 2,000 baht

Register and make a payment at the Language Center, Room 216.

(d)    Reading and Writing Thai for Beginners: 5 Sept. – 19 Oct. 2017

The Language Center will conduct “Reading and Writing Thai for Beginners” course as follows:

5 September – 19 October 2017
Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 18:30 hrs.
Course Fee: 2,000 baht
Class Size: 15 persons

Register now at the Language Center, Room 216

The Language Center is pleased to announce the opening of French course!

(e)    French for Beginners: 6 Sept. – 27 Oct. 2017

The Language Center will conduct “French for Beginners” course as follows:

6 September – 27 October 2017
Wednesday and Friday from 17.00 – 18.30 hrs.
Course Fee 2,000 baht

Interested persons please register now at the Language Center, Room 216.


(a)    SOM Day Nepal: 28 Oct. 2017
School of Management will organize SOM Day Nepal on 28 October 2017 from 11 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Shangri-La Hotel & Resort, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal. The participants will have the opportunity to meet Prof. Lawrence Abeln, Dean of SOM, who will provide the information about the school’s program and curriculum and how to apply to study at SOM.

(b)    AIT Career Fair & SU Research Exhibition: 1 Nov. 2017

Twenty-seven (27) organizations have confirmed so far to join the AIT Career Fair scheduled on 1 November 2017 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. at the AIT Conference Center. You are cordially invited to explore and uncover opportunities offered by the companies that are joining the event.

A brief profile of the companies that are attending our Fair for the very first time are given below:

1. Arcadis (Thailand) Co. Ltd. - leading global design & consultancy firm for natural and built assets
2. Eaton Electric (Thailand) Ltd. - global technology leader in power management solutions
3. John Deere (Thailand) Ltd. - one of the largest and leading agricultural and construction equipment manufacturers in the world
4. Johnson & Johnson (Thailand) Ltd. - offers the world's largest range of consumer healthcare products & multinational medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods   
5. Sahamitr Pressure Container PLC - one of the leading LPG container manufacturers in the world
6. Span Systems International Co. Ltd.- design, fabrication and installation of advanced, tensioned fabric structures
7. Thai Obayashi Corp. Ltd. - Thai construction company

The above companies are now joining the list with:
1. AIT Solutions - offers innovative solutions in technology, engineering, environment, development, and management
2. Amata Corporation PCL -  world’s leading industrial city developer
3. Asian Engineering Consultants (AEC)  Corp. Ltd. - consulting services for major public and private construction projects
4. Bouygues-Thai Ltd. - leading construction company in Asia
5. Double A (1991) PCL-   manufacturer and distributor of pulp and paper in Thailand and internationally
6. ERM-Siam Co. Ltd. - world’s leading sustainability consultancy
7. Kasikorn Bank –  leading universal banking group in Thailand  
8. Lazada Ltd. -  leading online shopping and selling destination in Southeast Asia
9. Panya Consultants Co. Ltd. - provides consulting and management services to the government, private sector and international organizations
10. Pylon PCL - specialty foundation contractor company
11. RECOFTC- The Center for People and Forests - international not-for-profit organization that focuses on capacity building for community forestry in the Asia Pacific region
12. Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES) - int'l institution for the generation & application of early warning information
13. Siam Cement PLC (SCG) – largest cement and building material company in Thailand and Southeast Asia
14. Siam City Cement PCL - second largest cement producer in Thailand
15. Siam Makro PCL – wholesale center for professional business operators
16. Siamese Asset Co. Ltd. - real estate developer
17. SVI PCL -  leading EMS service provider
18. TEAM Consulting Engineering and Management Co. Ltd. – Thailand's largest conglomerate of consulting companies
19. Think Blue Data Co. Ltd. -  software solutions for data visualization company
20. TOA Group -  leading paint manufacturer in Thailand

¤  AIT Student Union (AIT-SU) sponsored RESEARCH EXHIBITION showcasing prototypes and posters related to students’ research at the AITCC Lobby
¤ Variety of food and drinks sold outside the AIT Conference Center
(Note: Stalls for free to those interested to rent for selling refreshments/lunch and provide games! just contact us)
¤  AND Goodies ! free stationery, bags and a lot more!

Mark your calendar! For developments and career opportunities, please drop by at: www.careercenter.ait.asia
or check/like:  https://www.facebook.com/officialaitcareercenter
or email: careercenter@ait.asia
or contact via phone: 662 524-6744, 662 524-6326











C. Visitors


•    Delegation from Capital College and Research Center (CCRC), Nepal, led by Hari Chandra Lamichhane, Principal / 17 Oct. 2017 / to learn more about AIT and know more about School of Engineering and Technology, and School of Management





D. Campus Updates


(i)    New AITCC Annex & renovation of car park near Arcade

A new AITCC Annex building will be constructed opposite to AIT swimming Pool/AIT Solutions. The construction work will start from 1 October 2017 and expected to be completed by April 2018. To prepare the area for construction, the car park area opposite to swimming pool/AIT Solutions will be demolished partially and a new sewage line will be laid from Arcade area.

During the process of this work, the area will be barricaded and there might be some disturbance as well as noise.

Please be also informed that currently partial section of car park area opposite to Arcade is being renovated. It may take a week to complete the work and the area will be closed.

(ii)    Temporary Relocation of Photo Vending Machine from Administration to Cafeteria

Please be informed that due to the renovation of the ground floor of the Administration Building, the photo vending machine has been moved temporarily to Cafeteria (entrance opposite Korea House).






E. Faculty and Staff Travel


Miss Neha Thapa / Kathmandu, Nepal / 14 September – 1 November 2017
Dr. Sangam Shrestha / Nepal / 2 – 7 October 2017*
Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul / USA / 6 – 16 October 2017
Miss Soe Soe Htway and Miss Aye Sandar Phyo / Yangon & Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar / 8 – 19 October 2017
Dr. Thammarat Koottatep / Delft and Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Glasgow, UK. / 8 – 24 October 2017
Mr. Furqan Ali Shaikh / Karachi, Quetta, Sukkur, Pakistan / 9 October – 12 November 2017
Dr. Victor Shinde / Jaipur, India / 10 – 13 October 2017*
Prof. Pennung Wartnitchai / China / 10 – 14 October 2017*
Prof. Mukand Singh Babel / Jaipur and Udaipur, India / 10 – 15 October 2017*
Dr. Jonathan Shaw / Dubai Yerevan, Republic of Armenia / 10 – 14 October 2017*
Ms. Kluaymai Thongkham / Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Cambodia / 12 – 16 October 2017
Ms. Farah Nashid Hossain / Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Cambodia / 12 – 16 October 2017
Dr. Djoen San Santoso / Myanmar / 13 – 15 October 2017*
Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Nong Khai, Thailand and Vientiane, Lao PDR / 15 – 18 October 2017
Prof. C. Visvanathan / Osaka, Japan / 16 – 19 October 2017
Prof. Kanchana kanchanasut / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and Paris, France / 16 October – 4 November 2017
Alla Metelitsa / Tokyo and Kobe, Japan / 19 – 28 October 2017
Lyan Baybay Villacorta / Tokyo and Kobe, Japan / 19 – 28 October 2017
Mr. Surendra Shrestha / Brussels, Belgium / 21 – 24 October 2017
Dr. Anil Kumar Anal / Gunsan & Incheon, South Korea / 21 – 25 October 2017
Prof. C. Visvanathan / Islamabad, Pakistan / 21 – 27 October 2017
Mr. Sanjeev Pradeep Jayasinghe / Columbo, Sri Lanka / 21 – 28 October 2017
Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Savannakhet, Lao PDR / 22 – 26 October 2017
Dr. P. Abdul Salam / India / 22 – 27 October 2017
*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)






F. Classifieds (Jobs)


Administrative Staff (Admin. Secretary) (Office of the President )
Ref. No. 34/17
Deadline: 20 October 2017

Position: Administrative Staff (Office of Finance)
Ref. No. 42/17
Deadline: 31 October 2017





