WEEK #25:18 – 24 June 2018


 In this issue:


A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Visitors

D. Campus Updates

E. Faculty and Staff Travel

F. Classifieds (Jobs)




A. Announcements


(i) Extension of AIT Principal / Director of the AIT International School (AITIS)


Email from President (15 Jun. 2018)


Please be informed that I have extended the employment contract of Mr. Kevin Mauritson as Principal / Director of the AIT International School (AITIS) until 31 December 2018.
The direct-hire staff position of AITIS Principal / Director has been subjected to open competition and advertised internationally.  In the meantime, the open competition is still in progress.  The new Principal will hopefully be on board from 1 January 2019 soon after the recruitment process is completed.

The Institute is grateful to Mr. Mauritson for accepting to continue working in this capacity until his successor is selected.  Let us continue to give him our support and utmost cooperation.


Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai
Asian Institute of Technology





(ii) English language requirements on AIT websites


Email from Webmaster OMCO (15 Jun. 2018)


In the AITMT (3 May 2018, Item 2.2), it was decided that there should only be one source of AIT’s English language requirements for students.







2.2. AIT Admissions Website


The President reiterated that there should only be one source of the Institute’s English language proficiency requirements, which all webpages should link to. It should be highlighted that the Institute welcomes and offers appropriate English language classes to qualified applicants, who are less proficient in the English language.

Following this decision, this is a request to everyone that while mentioning English language requirements, please link to the Admissions Website only. Kindly delete the existing English language requirements content from your respective websites, and please link here: 


ELIGIBILITY PAGE: https://www.ait.ac.th/admissions/eligibility/ 



Also, please review your respective brochures, since many program/FoS brochures include a section on English language requirements.






(iii) 7th call for documentaries for the Visual Documentary Project (VDP)


Email from Director, Office of Academic Administration (6 Jun. 2018)


Greetings Filmmakers and Friends!

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University is calling for documentaries for the 7th Visual Documentary Project! Please circulate to all filmmakers in the region. Please help us reach out to young aspiring filmmakers in Southeast Asia!



THEME: Popular Culture and Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia: a region rich in popular cultural traditions. How do popular music, art, literature, theatre, comedy, dance, sport and film, move people in Southeast Asia?  What makes them laugh, cry and feel? Inspire us! For 2018, we open up the visual documentary project to documentaries that capture popular cultures across the region.




1. Applicants must be citizens from Southeast Asia or Japan.

2. Documentaries should be no longer than 30 minutes.

3. Applicants should make sure they have permission from any subjects that appear in the movies.

4. Documentaries should include English subtitles. Translation and subtitling is also the responsibility of applicants.

*Selected documentaries will be screened in their original languages with both Japanese and English subtitles. However, documentaries that are in English will only have Japanese subtitles added and vice versa.


DEADLINE: 31 August 2018




The Visual Documentary Project (VDP) was set up in 2012 by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS). The aims of the project are to explore and introduce the rich diversity of contemporary Southeast Asia (SEA) through the medium of documentary films and to create bridges between academia, the SEA filmmaking community and civil society. From 2014, the Japan Foundation Asia Center joins this project as co-organizer to help widely promote the richness of Southeast Asian cultures to people in Japan. As of 2016, the project has linked up with numerous film schools in the region to help strengthen the documentary filmmaking network.


CONTACT: Visual Documentary project vdp@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp






(iv) Join “Emerald Quiz – the Year of the Dog” today and have a chance to win an Apple Watch


Email from AIT Library (31 May 2018)


AIT Library would like to invite you all to join an online quiz organized by Emerald. If you have FOUR quiz questions answered correctly before 30 June 2018, you will be entered for a lucky draw to win an Apple Watch. Winner of the quiz will be contacted directly by Emerald. Click www.bit.ly/EmeraldQuiz   to find the details and to start the quiz right away!







(v) AC unit cleaning service for SERD Building


Email from OFAM (22 May 2018)


Please be informed that technicians will enter SERD Building for unit cleaning as a part of our preventive maintenance routine from Wednesday, 23 May – Friday, 22 June 2018
It is advisable for the tenants to store their valuables away in a safe place to prevent them from being misplaced or damaged during the process of maintenance.

For AC units cleaning; if any of the tenants find the mentioned schedule to be inconvenient, please contact call center office at 5800 to arrange for another time.


PM Plan for A/C Cleaning


Monday, 18 June: SERD W127, W130, W131, W136-W139

Tuesday, 19 June: SERD W101-W104, W132

Wednesday, 20 June: SERD W117-W120

Thursday, 21 June: SERD W121-W126

Friday, 22 June: SERD W109-W115

Remark: The cleaning time can vary







(vi) AIT Vehicle Registration for new automated system at Main gate


Email from OFAM (6 Jun. 2018)


Please be informed that a new automated gate system at the main entrance has been recently installed. The gate system has two channels to enter or leave AIT. Channel 1 is designed for AITians, where the system will recognize the registered vehicles and command the barrier to open automatically. Channel 2 is for outsiders or guests, where the driver will need to exchange ID card.

Therefore, we request all the faculty, staff, students, residents, contractors and concessionaires to register your vehicle by filling up this form through the link below. The data collected through this form will be incorporated into the new gate system to enable the vehicle plate number to be recognized.


For English version form use the link below


For Thai version form use the link below


Kindly return this form by 20 June 2018, as we want to exercise this system by the end of this month. For those vehicles that are not registered, can enter through channel 2 only and have to exchange their ID card same as an outsiders.


• Please note that the survey form requires you to attach copy of vehicle registration blue book (ทะเบียนรถ)

• If online form cannot be accessed, please visit Call Center, adjacent to Accommodation Office at Physical plant building to fill in the manual form and please also submit the copy of vehicle registration blue book (ทะเบียนรถ).







(vii) Vacant Seats Available for Staff Vans


Email from Office of Human Resources Services (9 Jan. 2018)


Kindly be informed that the available seats for AIT Staff Vans are indicated as follows:


Route 1:  Latplakaow - Ramintra - Sapanmai - Phaholyothin km. 27 - AIT, still has 3 seats available (from 4 seats left 1 seat for relaxing space)


Route 2:  Sathorn - BTS Morchit  - Vibhavadi - AIT , still has 3 seats available  (from 4 seats left 1 seat for relaxing space )


Route 3 :  Nonthaburi - BTS Ministry of Public Health - Pongpetch - Laksi - Vibhavadi - AIT, still has 3 seats available (from 4 seats left 1 seat for relaxing space)


Route 4:  Thonburi- The Mall Tha-pra - Pinklao Intersection- Rama VII Bridge -Vibhavadi - AIT, still has 4 seats available (from 5 seats left 1 seat for relaxing space)


For further communication and reservation, please contract Khun Jirada at ext.5018 or jirada@ait.asia.




















B. Events


(i)    EVENTS




(a) Orientation for New Students: 3 Aug. 2018



An orientation program will be organized on 3 August 2018 for new students enrolled in the August 2018 semester.


More details: https://www.ait.ac.th/event/orientation-new-students/









(a) AIT-Tiger Leong International Innovation & Leadership Camp: 16 – 26 Jul. 2018

The AIT-Tiger Leong International Innovation and Leadership Camp was launched in 2017 by the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in collaboration with its alumnus Ir. Tiger Leong, President, Ellipse Enterprise Malaysia. The camp brought together bright and talented undergraduate students from top universities in the Asia who were selected based on their leadership potential and excellent academic performance. The camp seeks to emerge as a premier leadership camp for promising students.

As part of AIT’s commitment to promote and train the new generation of students as future innovative leaders, the camp aims to nurture the entrepreneurial skills of young people and encourage them to be innovative through increasing their capacity and knowledge to become leading citizens. Students can gain new knowledge, skills through a combination of workshops, seminars, motivational talks, and site visits to pioneering industries in Thailand. The camp is facilitated by the Innovation Lab at AIT Solutions, a creativity hub dedicated to bringing together students, industries, researchers to develop innovative solutions addressing important social and economic challenges.








(b) ICUE 2018 on Green Energy for Sustainable Development: 24 – 26 Oct. 2018


AIT will organize ICUE 2018 on Green Energy for Sustainable Development from 24 – 26 October 2018 at Thavorn Palm Beach Resort, Karon, Phuket, Thailand.

The organizer has received almost 300 abstracts so far from over 40 different countries.

Still many requests for extension are coming and so the deadline is further moved to 15 May 2018. New submissions can either be abstracts or full papers.

Notification of acceptance for the new submissions will be by 31 May 2018.

For further information, please contact visit our website:

www.icue2018.ait.ac.th  and  www.icue.ait.ac.th/2018

or contact:

Conference Secretariat at email: icue2018@ait.ac.th

More details: http://eecc.ait.ac.th/events/icue-conference-2018/







(c) 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Seismic Resilience for Safer Cities and Infrastructures: 22-25 Nov 2018


Urbanization is one of the major global challenges of this era. To address the issues related to safety of cities and infrastructure, the 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (7ACEE 2018) is being jointly organized by AIT and Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) in collaboration with the Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines Inc. (ASEP), from 22 – 25 November 2018 in Bangkok.

Engineers, architects, professionals, students, institutes, universities, and organizations are invited to submit abstracts and share their experience under the theme Seismic Resilience for Safer Cities. Download Abstract Template

All who are submitting Abstracts or papers are also requested to provide a short biography (no more than 100 words) and recent photo that will be published in both the conference program and the conference proceedings.

Open for Abstract Submission - Mar 1, 2018

Deadline for Abstract Submission - Apr 15, 2018

Registration Deadline - Aug 31, 2018 

More details: http://acee2018.org/










(a) LC Bridging Program 2018: 18 June – 26 July


Please be informed that the start of the Bridging Program for this year has been postponed with two weeks to allow more students to enroll. It was noted that for some departments the start of the program comes too soon and that they are still in the process of nominating students.


The updated program dates:

18 June - 26 July (30 hrs of study per week)

Fee: 50,400 THB.

Department 1/2 fee scholarship:

Please note that the AIT-MT has endorsed the opportunity for departments to sponsor students with academic potential with a half fee scholarship. (i..e, the candidate pays 50% and the department sponsors 50% of the fees).


In brief, the program aims to assist those students with academic potential who do not meet the AIT English language requirements to be ready for admission by August. Candidates eligible to join the program are currently at a level of AIT-EET 4.5 or IELTS equivalent.

Results from the past:

Results from the past have shown that students can make great progress in the development of their English skills over the course of the program and that they feel more confident and better prepared to start their course work in English. Over the years, the LC has been able to prepare all candidates joining the BP to be ready for admission. On average students improve with 0.5 - 1.0 band on the AIT-EET scale / IELTS equivalent.

More info:

Please contact us at languages@ait.ac.th for more information or visit our website http://www.languages.ait.asia/bridging-program/







(b) Thai Reading and Writing Course for Beginners: May-June 2018


The Language Center will organize a course, “Reading and Writing Thai for Beginners”.

Reading and Writing Thai for Beginners (8 May –  26 June 2018)

• Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 18:30, 2 times/week, Total 20 hours

• Course Fee: 2,000 baht

• Class Size: 15 persons

Register now at the Language Center, Room 216







(c) Chinese Course for Beginners: May-July 2018


The Language Center will organize Chinese Course for Beginners as follows:

Chinese Course for Beginners (15 May – 3 July 2018)

Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 18:30, 2 times/week, Total 20 hours

The course fee is 1,000THB due to the kind support of the Chinese Government through the Confucius Institute.  (Refunds are not available.)

Class Size: 15 persons

Register now at the Language Center, Room 216







(d) Chinese Course for Beginners: 5 Jun. – 19 Jul. 2018


The Language Center will organize Chinese Course for Beginners as follows:

Chinese Course for Beginners (5 June - 19 July 2018)

Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 18:30, 2 times/week, Total 20 hours


The course fee is 1,000THB due to the kind support of the Chinese Government through the Confucius Institute.  (Refunds are not available.)

Class Size: 15 persons

Register now at the Language Center, Room 216







(e)Thai Language Reading and Writing Course for Beginners: June – July 2018


The Language Center will organize Thai Language Reading and Writing Course for Beginners as follows:


Thai Language Reading and Writing for Beginners

Duration: 5 June – 19 July 2018

Dates: Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 18:30 hrs., 2 times/week, Total 20 hours

Course Fee: 2,000 baht

Class Size: 15 persons

Interested persons please register now at the Language Center, Room 216























C. Visitors / MoU



• Delegation from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)  Roorkee, India, led by Prof. Ajit K. Chaturvedi, Director, IIT Roorkee / 22 Jun. 2018 / to sign an MoU with AIT





















D. Campus Updates



(i) Korea House Renovation


Email from OFAM (22 Mar. 2018)


Please be informed that renovation of the Korea House has started from Monday, 26 March 2018 and is expected to be ready soon.

















E. Faculty and Staff Travel 



Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon / Nan, Thailand / 26 – 27 July 2017*

Miss Sirinapha Srinonil / Nan, Thailand / 29 August – 1 September 2017*

Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon / Nan, Thailand / 29 August – 1 September 2017*

Mr. Andres Rodrigo Parraguirre Alvarado / Singapore / 28 May – 7 June 2018*

Ms. Pattera Jensupakarn, Ms. Auearree Jensupakarn, Ms. Pathumphon Dabsomsri / Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand / 1 – 3 May 2018*

Mr. Sufian Etea / Chonburi, Thailand / 2- 8 June 2018*

Ms. Slanee Meeto / Chonburi, Thialand / 2 – 3 June 2018*

Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe / Yangon, Myanmar / 3 – 8 June 2018*

Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon / Seim Reap, Cambodia / 11 – 15 June 2018*

Prof. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh / Marseille & Pau, France / 13 – 23 June 2018

Mr. Shabbir Ali Talpur / Singapore / 14 – 18 June 2018

Mr. Thaung Htut Aung / Singapore / 14 – 18 June 2018

Dr. Djoen San Santoso / Myanmar / 15 – 16 June 2018*

Dr. Naveed Anwar / Singapore / 16 – 18 June 2018

Ms. Narumon Wangnai / Phrae and Chiang Mai, Thailand / 16 – 18 June 2018

Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Chiang Mai, Thailand / 17 – 18 June 2018

Ms. Warindhorn Wachirasiri / Chiang Mai, Thailand / 17 – 18 June 2018

Dr. Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen / Rome, Italy / 17 June – 9 July 2018

Dr. Adisorn Lersinsrubtavee / San Francisco, USA / 18 – 26 June 2018

Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut / San Francisco, USA / 18 – 23 June 2018

Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand / 19 – 20 June 2018

Ms. Narumon Wangnai / Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand / 19 – 20 June 2018

Ms. Warindhorn Wachirasiri / Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand / 19 – 20 June 2018

Mr. SK Shahin Hossain / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 23 June – 1 July 2018

Prof. Lawrence Stephen Abeln / Boston and New York, USA / 23 June – 2 July 2018

Mr. Voravate Chonlasin / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 24 – 26 June 2018

Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut / Paris, France / 24 June – 11 July 2018


*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)




















F. Classifieds (Jobs)


China Relations Officer (Office of the President)
Ref. No. 29/18
Deadline: 22 June 2018



Position: Administrative Staff (Program Officer) (AIT Extension)
Ref. No. 30/18
Deadline: 25 June 2018



Position: Administrative Staff (Internet Education and Research Laboratory)
Ref. No. 03/18
Deadline: 30 June 2018



Faculty Position (Assistant Professor or Associate Professor) (School of Engineering & Technology)
Ref. No. Fac 02/18
Deadline: 31 July 2018



Faculty Position: Assistant Professor (School of Engineering & Technology)
Ref. No. Fac 03/18
Deadline: 31 August 2018
