WEEK #35:27 August – 2 September 2018





 In this issue:


A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Visitors

D. Campus Updates

E. Faculty and Staff Travel

F. Classifieds (Jobs)




A. Announcements





Message from AIT President (21 Aug. 2018)


I write to inform the community and friends that AIT has now secured a double-tax incentive for donors of AIT effectively from 28 March 2018. This means that any Thai corporate/individual who donates to AIT can deduct 200% of the donated amount in the tax calculation. For example, a person with tax bracket at 35% who donates 100 Baht will be able to save an income tax of 70 Baht.

I have been working on this tough issue since 2014 after all Thai universities, public or private, were given the double-tax incentive for their donors. AIT was not included because it is neither a Thai private or public university. By its Enabling Act, “the Institute shall be exempt from compliance with the law on private schools and the law on the National Education Council”.

I have been in consultation with the Prime Minister Secretariat on this matter since 2014. Only last year, thanks to the strong support of the PM’s Secretary General, a solution was found. A proposal was submitted to the RTG Cabinet on 17 October 2017 (see Photo) to issue a new Royal Decree specifically for AIT, under another category of higher education institutes set up in cooperation with Specialized Agencies (SEATO). Hence, this new Royal Decree (see Photo) was issued on 24 March 2018 to be effective on 28 March, one day after the RTG Gazette was announced.

I did not announce this good news earlier, as we should, by courtesy, wait for the Official Announcement from the Revenue Department (RD) first. After checking last week, the RD confirmed that the double-tax incentive for AIT’s Donors was already effective since 28 March and run until 31 December 2018. Then next year, under a new Royal Decree, the original list of eligible universities will be expanded to include AIT. They suggest that the AIT's official receipts for donors should always make reference to this specific Royal Decree.

I would like to thank Khun Chalita Lertpinyo, Director of the Host Country Relation (OHCR), who has persistently helped follow up on this particular issue for the last 3 years until its success.

With kind regards,

Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai
AIT President






(ii) Appreciation Event for the AIT President and his team on 27 August 2018


Email from Office of President (2018 Aug. 2018)


Dear Faculty and Staff,


Warm greetings from the Office of the President.


You are cordially invited to an Appreciation event for the AIT President and his team.  AIT President Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai will deliver his farewell lecture on the topic “AIT as I Know and the Disruptive World” .


Date:           Monday, 27th August 2018
Time:           15:00 p.m. – 19:30 p.m.
Venue:         Robert B. Banks Auditorium, AIT Conference Center


You are also welcome to attend the Appreciation Dinner from 18:00 hours at the main RBB Auditorium, AIT Conference Center (the dinner will be very informal and lots of fun; speeches, talks and singing will be open for everyone).

Note: Please do not bring any gifts. You are welcome to contribute towards “Professor Worsak Emergency Fund” set up to assist AIT students under financial emergency.


Please kindly confirm your participation by registering through the following Link


or by emailing Ms. Chotiros (Nam) at chotirosm@ait.ac.th, tel. 02-524-6319 or Ms. Jutamas at jutamas@ait.ac.th, tel. 02-524-5004.


With kind regards,
Office of the President






(iii) “In Appreciation of Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai”


Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai is all set to bid adieu to his Presidency by the end of August 2018. He joined AIT as a student when the AIT campus in Pathum Thani had not yet been built. He was among the students who began their first year of studies at the Chulalonkorn University campus, and then moved to the present campus in Pathum Thani. He was witness to the inauguration of the campus by the late King HM Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1973. Since then, he has been associated with AIT as a faculty member (since 1979), and then Dean of School of Civil Engineering (SCE), Founding Dean of School of Engineering and Technology (SET), as Vice President for Resource Development, and then as Acting President, Interim President (from 1 July 2013) and President (from 17 July 2014).

He has witnessed AIT’s glorious period, its trials and tribulations, recovery and renaissance.

As we move towards the end of his Presidency, this webpage has been created as a forum to share your memories, messages and associations with Prof. Worsak.Please join us in sharing your messages ‘In appreciation of Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai.’

Thank you







(iv) Confirmed AIT Management Notes, 16 August 2018


Email from Director, Office of Academic Administration (24 Aug. 2018)

The AIT Management confirmed the notes of its 16 August 2018 meeting, which are now Intranet-published at AIT Management Confirmed Meeting Notes , as well as attached herewith for easy reference.


(v) Revised P&P on Academic Curriculum Structure (AA-2-1-5)

Email from Director, Office of Academic Administration (20 Aug. 2018)

On the endorsement of the Academic Senate, the President approved the revised Institute Policy and Procedure (P&P) Statement on Academic Curriculum Structure (AA-2-1-5), with effect from this August 2018 semester:


§    (revised)  AA-2-1-5     Academic Curriculum Structure
(II.1.) Added range of credits for required and elective courses for master’s programs with Area of Specialization
(II.1.3.) The students of master’s programs with Area of Specialization would be required to do the Thesis / Research Study in the particular Area of Specialization.
This revised P&P statement is Intranet-published under  (AA) Academic and Administrative Affairs for easy reference and perusal.

Please be guided accordingly.






(vi) AIT logo policy


Email from OMCO (21 Aug. 2018)


Dear AIT Community,

This is a reiteration of the AIT logo policy, signage and branding guidelines, particularly for those who have joined AIT in the August 2018.semester.
The AIT logo, presentation templates, and seminar poster templates are available for download in the Branding section of the AIT website.



LOGO Usage:

(i) The AIT logo is available for download,. However, you can always contact the Office of Media and Communications (OMCO) for high resolution files.
(ii) Please do not use older versions of the logo.
(iii) While using the logo, please ensure that the AIT logo is not altered or modified.


Six versions of the Presentation templates are available for use, and the community is encouraged to use these templates.


Two editable variations (each with multiple color options) are available for download.





(vii) Blog Contest: When I First Entered AIT


Message from OMCO (17 Aug. 2018)


Dear Students,

"When I first entered AIT" is the title of our blog contest.

What were your feelings when you set foot on the AIT campus? Were you excited or anxious? Were you mesmerized by the green campus or was it insipid? Did the campus serenity clash with myriad multicultural ethos of AIT?

Write a blog post for us, add a few photographs and mail it to us. The best entry will win a cash prize of 3000 THB, while the second and third entries get 2000 THB and 1000 THB each, The best entry will also be posted on the AIT website.

The ideal post ranges between 300-600 words, but we will not penalize if creativity demands that you violate these parameters.


Here are two previous winning entries

Curiosity killed the ignorant me https://www.ait.ac.th/2018/04/curiosity-killed-ignorant/ https://www.ait.ac.th/2017/10/first-days-ait/

My first days at AIT https://www.ait.ac.th/2017/10/first-days-ait/


The contest is open to all AIT students.


Deadline: 31 August 2018 (midnight).

Email: Send your entries to omco@ait.ac.th .

Header: Please write "Blog Contest" in the email subject heading.






(viii) Change to WhatsApp Backup in Google Drive


Email from Helpdesk (23 Aug. 2018)

Dear users,

Due to a new agreement between WhatsApp and Google, WhatsApp backups will no longer count against Google Drive storage quota. However, any WhatsApp backups that have not been updated in more than a year will automatically be removed from storage. This policy will go into effect for all users on November 12, 2018 though some users may see the quota benefits earlier.
To avoid the loss of any backups, we recommend that users manually back up WhatsApp before November 12, 2018.

Recommended Actions:

1. Confirm that your current Android WhatsApp client is backed up (https://faq.whatsapp.com/en/android/28000019/?category=5245251)
2. If you would like to refresh any existing backups, please manually back up your WhatsApp client before October 30, 2018






(ix) A free trial for SAGE Premier 2018 Journal Database


Email from AIT Library (22 Aug. 2018)


Sage has offered a free trial for SAGE Premier journal database to AIT.  The journals can be accessed and downloaded from 20 August – 30 November 2018 from this URL link: http://journals.sagepub.com/

Details of the product are underneath for your perusal. 


Product description:


SAGE Premier was designed with and for librarians to provide great savings off list prices for individual journals!
·        Electronic access to more than 1,000 peer-reviewed journals (over 800,000 articles)
·        Content ownership of the subscribed content published by SAGE during the term of the agreement
·        Complimentary access back to 1999, where available, is included while a current subscription is maintained
·        Quality new content added to the package annually


The Content: International in scope • Peer-reviewed • High-quality • Interdisciplinary journal content
·        High impact - 52% of the content is ranked in the 2016 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2017)*
·        Scholarly and professional - research published in partnership with over 400 key societies
·        Interdisciplinary - exceptional discipline coverage appropriate for numerous fields
·        Discoverable - journals are indexed in Summon (ProQuest), World Cat Discovery (OCLC), Primo Central (Ex Libris), and EDS (EBSCO)
·        Archives - Back articles available in the SAGE Deep Backfile and Shallow Backfile packages



Cutting Edge Online Access
·        Responsive design - allowing for a seamless, multi-device experience
·        Enhanced experience - including clear PDF download options and article metrics powered by Altmetric.com
·        Usage statistics - COUNTER 4 compliant and available for download


The Support: Interactive • Customer Focused
·        Training - user guides, videos, and live online training sessions highlight features and functionality for librarians and end-users
·        Usage-driving tools - online banner ads, search widgets, posters, and custom end-user training
·        Customer support - dedicated Account Representative Team to assist with inquiries, renewals of SAGE products, and any questions specific to your institution's account


The Library hopes you will find the journals useful and relevant to your research and studies.






(x) Visit of Thammasat architecture students group in AIT Campus


Email from OFAM (20 Aug. 2018)


Please be informed that 1st year architecture students of Faculty of Architectural and Planning, Thammasat University will visit AIT campus from 21 August 2018 to 4 September 2018 between 9:30 to 16:30 to take measurements and make sketches of following buildings:


   - Student village 1-8
   - AIT Conference Center
   - Administration Building
   - Cafeteria and SU cafe Building

The group visiting AIT is composed of 120 students, 3 instructors, and 4 teaching assistants, will be moving around the campus to observe, survey and to draw sketches of the above listed buildings.






(xi) GENTLE REMINDER: Online Performance Appraisal 2018 (covering the period 1 July 2017-30 June 2018)


Email from OHRS (14 Aug. 2018)


To all concerned immediate supervisors and Unit Directors of direct-hire (centrally-funded) staff members,

The online performance appraisal for this year 2018, covering the period from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 is open until 31 August 2018.

The online system can be accessed through the “PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL” link in the HRIS menu (https://hris.ait.ac.th).  The immediate supervisors can complete the individual Performance Appraisal Reports for all the employees under their supervision, and individually (electronically) submit them.  The Unit Heads shall then review and endorse all completed Performance Appraisal Reports not later than 31 August 2018.

Please note that the annual performance appraisal results will be used for the purpose of determining the annual merit increment, among others.  Those with no performance evaluations will not be considered for any merit payment and/or salary increments, which are performance-based.

Thank you.






(xii) Sumitomo Foundation, Japan-Research Grant Information Session – 5 Sept. 2018 


Email from OEXR (8 Aug. 2018)


Akinori Matsunaga, Program Officer, The Sumitomo Foundation, Japan, will give a presentation on Sumitomo Foundation, Japan Grant for Fiscal Year 2018, on 5 September 2018, Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:00 hrs in the Board Room, Administration Building.

Please find below the announcement regarding the Sumitomo Foundation, Japan Grant for Fiscal Year 2018 for Japan Related Research Projects:

Purpose of the Program:

The program aims at enhancing mutual understanding between Asian countries and Japan through promoting research projects in the field of the social sciences or humanities that are related to Japan.


Eligible Projects for Application:

Any research project to be carried out by individual or a group mainly in the field of the social sciences or humanities that is related to Japan

*This program is not a scholarship, fellowship or grant for the publication of research result alone.


 Qualifications of Applicant:
-Researcher of Asian Nationality (non-Japanese)
- Researcher who is living outside Japan


*Researcher who has a plan to stay in Japan for more than 6 months in the research period as a student or a visiting professor, etc. is requested to decline the application.
 (Awarded researcher must conduct the proposed research by himself or herself.)


Fiscal 2018 Program:
Application period: September 1 ~ October 31, 2018
Grant period: One year (extendable up to two years)
Grant budget: Approximately 50 million Japanese Yen in total (Maximum 2 million Japanese Yen per Project).


The Application Form duly filled in and signed shall be submitted together with a letter of recommendation, free-form from a person with an academic background by registered airmail.

The Application Form, the Application Guide and the Instruction Sheet for Fiscal 2018 can be downloaded from the below link:

Language for Application:
English or Japanese


The selection of applications will be made by the Foundation’s Selection Committee made up of certain persons of high academic standing. Based on such determination, the Foundation’s Board of Directors will approve the grant.

If you wish to know more about Sumitomo Foundation, Japan Grant and apply for this grant, you are cordially invited to attend this presentation. I would appreciate if you could confirm your participation not later than Friday 31st August 2018, with a reply email to Ms. Sumana Shrestha, Senior Program Officer, Office of External Relations (OEXR) at sumana@ait.asia






(xiii) Global Youth Climate Video Competition! Application Deadline - 31 August 2018!


Email from AIT Career Center (20 Jul. 2018)


Are you 18-30 and taking part in activities to fight climate change?

Send a 3 minute video for a chance to be a youth reporter at the UN Climate Change Conference in Poland in December.


The two themes of the 2018 Global Youth Video Competition are:

•             Sustainable Consumptions and Production
•             Green and Climate-friendly Jobs

For further information and application, click here.

Deadline for application: 31 August 2018

The Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change is co-organized by the UNFCCC secretariat and the UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme.

For more details, please contact:

UNFCCC secretariat
UN Campus
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn

Email: secretariat@unfccc.int , sgp.info@undp.org , connect4climate@worldbank.org


Please do not miss this opportunity and apply now!






(xiv) New Trial Databases: eBook Academic Collection and eBook Business Collection


Email from AIT Library (2 Jul. 2018)

Please be informed that EBSCO has offered a trial for eBook Academic Collection and eBook Business Collection. The trial period starts from now until the end of December 2018. Full-text downloads are available.

For your information:

eBook Academic Collection

Offering more than 170,000 e-books, this collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier, Ashgate Publishing, Taylor & Francis, Sage Publications and John Wiley & Sons.

Subject coverage includes: Art, Business and economics, Education, Language arts and discipline, Literary criticism, Medical, Performing arts, Philosophy, Poetry, Political science, Religion, Social science, Technology and engineering, and other academic fields.

eBook Business Collection

This collection offers more than 18,000 business e-books selected to assist students and scholars with various business research, special project and entrepreneurial needs. A key resource for academic and business school libraries, eBook Business Collection encompasses a variety of topics, such as marketing, finance, supply chain management and entrepreneurship. Titles are available from many noteworthy academic and business publishers, including Oxford University Press, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, World Scientific Publishing Company, Princeton University Press, AMACOM and Gallup Press.

The URLs to access “eBook Academic Collection Trial” and “eBook Business Collection Trial” are:

eBook Academic Collection Trial:


Book Business Collection Trial:


Please note that off-campus users will be required to enter ID and Password.  User ID and Password will be provided by the Library upon request via e-mail to the library at library@ait.ac.th.

The Library hopes that these trial databases will be useful for your study and research.  If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the Library at library@ait.ac.th






(xv) SAGE Business Cases : A free trial


Email from AIT Lobrary (23 Aug. 2018)

Sage has offered a free trial for SAGE Business Cases from 22 August – 30 November 2018.  The business cases can be accessed at this URL link:



SAGE Business Cases is the first digital collection tailored to library needs, providing librarians, faculty, and students with cases to support their curriculum and independent research. Offering 1,700 cases from around the world—this collection will grow to 2,500 case studies by 2018. These cases are:

URL: http://sk.sagepub.com/cases


•  Accessible campus-wide, providing easy discovery for students and faculty for the use in courses and research
•  Critically minded, up-to-date, and developed to elicit discussion and further research
•  Accompanied by instructor-only teaching notes with suggested teaching strategies, target audience, and possible responses to discussion questions that can help facilitate classroom discussion
• Contemporary and newsworthy. Topics include Marketing, Operations Management, Small Business & Entrepreneurship, International Business, Human Resource Management, and more
• Offered on SAGE's digital library platform, SAGE Knowledge, these cases are integrated with SAGE's book, video, and reference content, allowing for a rich scholarly environment and enhanced discovery
• Complementary to other SAGE Business & Management content
• Designed to suit a range of academic uses: from short vignettes to narrative long form, written using both field research and publicly available sources
• Available for subscription or purchase


This collection brings together cases selected from a variety of sources, including key university and association partnerships, to meet the needs of business faculty and students internationally.

The Library hopes you will find the Sage Business Cases useful for your research and studies.






(xvi) SAGE Video - Business and Management : A free trial


Email from AIT Library (23 Aug. 2018)


Sage has offered a free trial for SAGE Video - Business and Management from 22 August  - 30 November 2018.  The video can be accessed from this URL link: https://sk.sagepub.com/video

SAGE Product

SAGE Video is a series of online collections developed in partnership with leading academics, societies and practitioners, including many of SAGE’s own authors and academic partners, to deliver cutting-edge pedagogical collections mapped to disciplinary curricular needs within the social sciences.

Each discipline collection is now presented alongside our book and reference collections on SAGE Knowledge. SAGE Video supports use across higher education, from pedagogical needs for undergraduate teaching and learning, through to higher level academic research.

SAGE Video combines originally commissioned and produced material with licensed videos and co-productions, to provide a complete disciplinary resource for students, faculty, and researchers.

With each collection overseen by an esteemed and international Editorial Advisory Board, the SAGE Video is a must-have for any academic library with holdings in these fields.

Please find the below highlight video clip for each subject collection.
1.     Sociology: http://sk.sagepub.com/profile/sharedlist/26448
2.     Criminology: http://sk.sagepub.com/profile/sharedlist/26447
3.     Business & Management: http://sk.sagepub.com/profile/sharedlist/26214
4.     Psychology: http://sk.sagepub.com/profile/sharedlist/26213
5.     Counselling & Psychotherapy: http://sk.sagepub.com/profile/sharedlist/26103
6.     Media & Communications: http://sk.sagepub.com/profile/sharedlist/26102
7.     Education: http://sk.sagepub.com/profile/sharedlist/26099
8.     Politics & International Relations: http://sk.sagepub.com/profile/sharedlist/26060
SAGE Video – Business & Management

Business & Management (Title lists - http://sk.sagepub.com/uploads/files/Business%20and%20Management%20List%200716.pdf )

Preview this collection: http://sk.sagepub.com/profile/sharedlist/26214

The Library hopes you will find the video useful for your research and studies.






(xvii) Vacant Seats Available for Staff Vans


Email from Office of Human Resources Services (9 Jan. 2018)


Kindly be informed that the available seats for AIT Staff Vans are indicated as follows:

Route 1:  Latplakaow - Ramintra - Sapanmai - Phaholyothin km. 27 - AIT, still has 3 seats available (from 4 seats left 1 seat for relaxing space)

Route 2:  Sathorn - BTS Morchit  - Vibhavadi - AIT , still has 3 seats available  (from 4 seats left 1 seat for relaxing space )

Route 3 :  Nonthaburi - BTS Ministry of Public Health - Pongpetch - Laksi - Vibhavadi - AIT, still has 3 seats available (from 4 seats left 1 seat for relaxing space)

Route 4:  Thonburi- The Mall Tha-pra - Pinklao Intersection- Rama VII Bridge -Vibhavadi - AIT, still has 4 seats available (from 5 seats left 1 seat for relaxing space)


For further communication and reservation, please contract Khun Jirada at ext.5018 or jirada@ait.asia .


































B. Events


(i)    EVENTS



 (a) Career Talks: 30 Aug. 2018


AIT Career Center will organize a Career Talk by  TEAM Consulting  on Thursday, 30 August 2018 at 4:00 pm, at Milton E. Bender Auditorium


To pre-register:






(b) Blood Donation: 5 Sept. 2018


Email from AIT Medical Center (3 Aug. 2018)


The Thai Red Cross Society has been working with volunteer students and staff to collect units of blood from the AIT community. The bloodmobile visits AIT every three months, four times a year, hoping to collect enough units to supply the constant demand for blood.

AIT Medical Center again would like to ask for your help. The next visit for blood donation is scheduled on Wednesday, 5th September 2018, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. at the parking lot in front of the AIT Conference Center.

Give blood! You'll experience a fulfilling sense of contribution. And the donation process isn't time-consuming. It only takes about half an hour.

On behalf of needy patients whose lives you may save, we would like to thank you very much for your time and support.





(c) AIT Career Fair & SU Research Exhibition - 31 October 2018!


Email from AIT Career Center (22 Aug. 2018)


We are pleased to inform you that the August 2018 Semester AIT Career Fair & Student Union (SU) Research Exhibition is scheduled on 31 October 2018 at the AIT Conference Center !

Long-term career prospects
Job placements
Internship opportunities
On-the-job training
Research partners
Networking with company representatives
Free Goodies!

Please help us in spreading the word out about the Fair!  And let us know as well if you have any company contacts that you want us to invite to the Fair.

Upcoming Career Talks:

1) 30 August 2018 (Thurs) – TEAM Consulting Career Talk, 4:00 pm, Milton E. Bender Auditorium
To pre-register:

2) 6 September 2018 (Thurs) – Fourth Valley Concierge Career Talk, 4:00 pm, Milton E. Bender Auditorium

3) 12 September 2018 (Wed) – Japan Career Seminar by Energize,Inc. (with Daikin), 3:00 pm, Milton E. Bender Auditorium

To pre-register:


More details will follow about the Career Talks!


Mark your calendar! For developments and career opportunities, please drop by at: www.careercenter.ait.ac.th

or check/like:  https://www.facebook.com/officialaitcareercenter
or email: careercenter@ait.ac.th
or contact us via phone: 662 524-6744, 662 524-6326








(a) Bangkok Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation for Addressing Wildlife and Forest Crimes and Attaining SDGs: 28 – 30 Aug. 2018


AIT solutions will organize a Bangkok Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation for Addressing Wildlife and Forest Crimes and Attaining SDGs at AIT on 28 – 30 August 2018

Further details are available at this link: http://solutions.ait.ac.th/eicsti2018/ 






(b) SERD Special Lecture on Open Data for Agriculture in the Context of Climate Change: 28 Aug. 2018


School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) will organize a special lecture by André Laperrière, Executive Director of the Secretariat for Global open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) on 28 August 2018.  The talk will address key emerging issues around open data for agriculture in the context of climate change and wider sustainable development agenda.

During his career Mr. Laperrière has led numerous large-scale projects on behalf of private corporations and also within the United Nations. He has extensive work experience in Africa, the Americas, Caribbean, Europe and Middle East, in particular in developing countries and in conflict and post-conflict environments. Mr Laperrière has held various senior management positions in the United Nations Common System, including Executive Director in the International Criminal Court, Director of Administration and Finance Division in the World Health Organization and Oil for Food coordinator for UNICEF. Before joining GODAN, Mr. Laperrière was Deputy CEO of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

GODAN emerged from a series of G8 meetings in 2012 and 2013 and was formally launched at the Open Government Partnership Summit in London in October 2013.

The lecture will be held on:

Date:       Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Time:       16:30 – 17:15 hrs

Venue:     SERD Meeting Room (S-101), Academic Bldg.

This special lecture is organized by Dr. Sylvia Szabo.







(c) Gender and Aquaculture Fisheries Conference 2018: 18 Oct. 2018



Gender and Aquaculture Fisheries Conference 2018 will be organized at the AIT from 18-21 October 2018.

See more details at this link: https://www.gafconference.org/home.htm






(d) ICUE 2018 on Green Energy for Sustainable Development: 24 – 26 Oct. 2018


AIT will organize ICUE 2018 on Green Energy for Sustainable Development from 24 – 26 October 2018 at Thavorn Palm Beach Resort, Karon, Phuket, Thailand.

The organizer has received almost 300 abstracts so far from over 40 different countries.

Still many requests for extension are coming and so the deadline is further moved to 15 May 2018. New submissions can either be abstracts or full papers.

Notification of acceptance for the new submissions will be by 31 May 2018.

For further information, please contact visit our website:
www.icue2018.ait.ac.th  and  www.icue.ait.ac.th/2018

or contact:

Conference Secretariat at email: icue2018@ait.ac.th

More details: http://eecc.ait.ac.th/events/icue-conference-2018/






(e) 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Seismic Resilience for Safer Cities and Infrastructures: 22-25 Nov 2018


Urbanization is one of the major global challenges of this era. To address the issues related to safety of cities and infrastructure, the 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (7ACEE 2018) is being jointly organized by AIT and Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) in collaboration with the Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines Inc. (ASEP), from 22 – 25 November 2018 in Bangkok.

Engineers, architects, professionals, students, institutes, universities, and organizations are invited to submit abstracts and share their experience under the theme Seismic Resilience for Safer Cities. Download Abstract Template

All who are submitting Abstracts or papers are also requested to provide a short biography (no more than 100 words) and recent photo that will be published in both the conference program and the conference proceedings.

Open for Abstract Submission - Mar 1, 2018

Deadline for Abstract Submission - Apr 15, 2018

Registration Deadline - Aug 31, 2018 

More details: http://acee2018.org/








(a) Training for Business Source Complete: 28 Aug. 2018


AIT Library in cooperation with EBSCO will organize a training for Business Source Complete - one of the Library's subscribed online resources on Tuesday, 28 August 2018 from 13.00 - 15.00 hrs. at the Library's Training Room.

Here are the topics of the training.

Tutorial Topics:

• Introduction to Business Source Complete
• Basic Search and Advance Search
• How to use Personal Folder, citation and other tools
• Keyword or Journal Alert
• Harvard Business Video
• Company profile, Industry Report and Country Report
• Swot Analysis
• eBook

Bio-data of the speaker

Name: Ms. Montagarn Chantaravarin            

Position: Sales Manager                                                                                                                                                                   

Education background: MA. International Business, Leeds Metropolitan University

Seats are limited and are available on a first come, first served basis. Interested persons can register by emailing to: library@ait.asia            






(b) Survival Thai Course for Beginners: 27 Aug. – 10 Oct. 2018


The Language Center will organize Survival Thai Courses for Beginners. The 7-week survival Thai course is an introduction to Thai languages which will cover basic words, phrases, daily and simple expressions and basic grammatical structures to communicate with Thais.

Survival Thai Course for Beginners:

• 27 August – 10 October 2018 (20 hours)
• Monday and Wednesday from 17:00 – 18:30, twice a week
• Course Fee: 2,000 baht
• Class Size: 15 persons

Interested persons can register and make a payment at the Language Center,  Room 216. 






(c) Survival Thai Course for Beginners Group 2: 28 Aug. – 11 Oct. 2018


The Language Center is pleased to announce the Group 2-Survival Thai Courses for Beginners. The 7-week survival Thai course is an introduction to Thai languages which will cover basic words, phrases, daily and simple expressions and basic grammatical structures to communicate with Thais.

Survival Thai Course for Beginners:

• 28 August – 11 October 2018 (20 hours)
• Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 18:30, twice a week
•  Course Fee: 2,000 baht
• Class Size: 15 persons

Interested persons can register and make payment at the Language Center, Room 216






(d) Chinese Course for Beginners: 27 Aug. – 26 Sept. 2018


The Language Center will organize Chinese Course for Beginners!

Chinese Course for Beginners:

• 27 August – 26 September 2018 (15 hours)
• Monday and Wednesday from 17:00 – 18:30, twice a week
• Course Fee: 1,000 baht due to kind support of the Chinese Government through the Confucius Institute.  (Refunds are not available.)
• Class Size: 15 persons

Interested persons can register and make payment at the Language Center, Room 216.






(e) Thai Reading and Writing Course for Beginners: 28 Aug. – 11 Oct. 2018

The Language Center will organize Thai Reading and Writing Course for Beginners!

Thai Reading and Writing for Beginners:

• 28 August –  11 October 2018
• Tuesday and Thursday from 18:30 – 20:00, 2 times/week, Total 20 hours
• Course Fee: 2,000 baht
• Class Size: 15 persons

Interested persons can register now at the Language Center, Room 216.



























C. Visitors / MoU


• Delegation from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia / 28 Aug. 2018 / to discuss about possible collaborative activities between UTP and AIT

• Delegation from University of Architecture, Ho Chi Minh City (AIT Partner) in Vietnam / 28 Aug. 2018 / to have a courtesy visit to AIT

• Delegation from HCMC National Academy of Politics, Vietnam / 28 Aug. 2018 / to gain experience in the development of AIT under Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai’s Leadership as the President and to visit AIT School of Management






















D. Campus Updates



(i) Vegetarian Food Counter available at The AIT Cafeteria

Email from Purchasing Office (23 Aug. 2018)


Vegetarian Food Counter at the AIT Cafeteria is available for food providers.

Interested parties are invited to submit your proposals by hand or email to the Purchasing Office (purchasing@ait.ac.th) not later than 3.30p.m. on Wednesday, 5 September 2018.

Contact person:


Ø  For Bid information and submission:  Vasvan:  Tel.  02-524-5027,    vasvan@ait.ac.th

Ø  For Space information & requirements: Elizabeth:   Tel. 02-524-6323,    bethc@ait.asia



(ii) Renovation of car parking space behind AITCC Annex

Email from OFAM (6 Aug. 2018)



Please be informed that the car parking area behind AITCC Annex is being  renovated. The renovation work has started from 7 August 2018 and is scheduled to be ready by end of this month. 
























E. Faculty and Staff Travel 


Dr. Indrajit Pal / Roorkee, India / 17 – 21 July 2018*
Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai / Lucknow, India / 11 – 15 August 2018*
Mr. Ashok Dahal / Uttarakhand, India / 16 – 29 August 2018
Mr. Choum Chomnan / Phnom Penh, Cambodia / 18 August – 5 September 2018
Teerapon Jongpiphathanasiri / Phuket, Thailand / 21 – 24 August 2018*
Anant Suphavilai / Phuket, Thailand / 21 – 24 August 2018*
Dr. Sohee Minsum Kim / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam / 23 – 25 August 2018*
Mrs. Siriporn Hanmeng / Shanghai, China / 23 – 26 August 2018*
Ms. Aakanchya Budhathoki / Shanghai, China / 23 – 26 August 2018*
Ms. Sopida Khamyai / Phnom Penh, Cambodia / 23 – 31 August 2018
Dr. K. R. Salin / Montpellier, France / 23 August – 1 September 2018
Dr. Pisut Koomsap / Seoul, Korea / 25 – 31 August 2018
Dr. Kavinda Gunasekara / Beijing, China / 26 – 31 August 2018
Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat / Vienna, Austria / 26 August – 2 September 2018
Dr. Chitrini Mozumder / Vienna, Austria / 26 August – 2 September 2018
Dr. Sanit Arunplod / Vienna, Austria / 26 August – 2 September 2018
Dr. Apichon Witayangkurn / Vienna, Austria / 26 August – 2 September 2018
Dr. Sundar Venkatesh / Chittagong, Bangladesh / 27 – 29 August 2018
Prof. C. Visvanathan / Colombo, Sri Lanka / 28 – 31 August 2018
Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe / Colombo, Sri Lanka / 29 August – 2 September 2018
Mrs. Nitasha Arora / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 2 – 9 September 2018

*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)























F. Classifieds (Jobs)


Dual position for Director of the Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology (COEN) and faculty member (School of Engineering & Technology)
Ref. No. Fac 06/18
Deadline: 30 August 2018


Faculty Position: Assistant Professor (School of Engineering & Technology)
Ref. No. Fac 03/18
Deadline: 31 August 2018


Position: Director/PRINCIPAL for AIT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (AIT International School) (AIT International School)
Ref. No. 31/18
Deadline: 31 August 2018


Position: Technical Staff (Technician) (Office of Facilities and Assets Management)
Ref. No. 38/18
Deadline: 31 August 2018


Faculty Position: Assistant Professor (WEM) (School of Engineering & Technology)
Ref. No. Fac 07/18
Deadline: 20 September 2018


Faculty Position: Assistant/Associate Professor (School of Engineering & Technology)
Ref. No. Fac 08/18
Deadline: 30 November 2018
