WEEK# 52, 23 – 29 December 2019

 In this issue:

A. Announcements

B. Events 

C. Faculty and Staff Travel 

D. Classified (jobs)

A. Announcements

(i) Gentle Reminder: December 31, 2019 closing announcement
Email from Finance Office (6 Dec. 2019)

To ensure that there will be no overlapping of transactions between 2019 and 2020, please strictly follow these guidelines:

1) 2019 Payments cut off
● All “approved” 2019 Payment Requests/ Cash Payment Summary with attached supplier invoices/receipts (dated within 2019) should be received by Finance Office by 24th December 2019.
● Please avoid any delay in submission of the above documents since Finance has deadline to close the annual account. Delay in submission means your request for payment will not be able to charge to 2019 budget.
2) Payroll 
● Overtime cut off is 13th December.
● Actual overtime up to the cut-off date plus estimation of overtime for the remaining weeks up to 31st December 2019 must reach Finance Office by 13th of December 2019 for reserving in 2019 account.
● Failure to submit estimated overtime within the deadline means there will be no budget to pay the overtime.
● All completed documents for reimbursement/refund through salary should reach Finance before 13 December; if not, it will be paid together with January’s salary.
3) Purchase Requisition (PR) and Purchase Orders (PO)
Before issuing Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order in December 2019, please check whether works/services can be delivered/completed within the year 2019 or not. If yes, Purchase Requisition must be approved before 13th December 2019 and all Purchase Orders must be approved before 19th December 2019.
Work/service/Goods which cannot be completed/delivered by Suppliers/Contractors within 2019 will be charged to 2020 budget, even if Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders are issued in 2019. External Auditor will not accept to record goods /services delivered in 2020 as transactions of 2019.
For materials/ services to be delivered in 2019, please request suppliers to submit their Suppliers’ invoices to Finance office by December 31 for recording in 2019 account.
Note: There is a common misunderstanding that by simply placing Purchase Requisition (PR) or Purchase Order (PO) in 2019, it is sufficient to utilize the 2019 budget.
4) Settlement of outstanding Promissory Note and RTA
Please settle your Promissory note and RTA within 24th December 2019.
5) Invoicing Income 
● Schools/Units are requested to submit Requests pertaining to work/services performed for third parties in 2019 (e.g. fees recoverable from donors, income due from project sponsors) to Finance Office by 24th December 2019.
6) Internal Charges
● All Units which have authority to update Internal Charges through ERP must ensure that the charges of 2019 have been completely updated by 24th December 2019. Units which do not have the authority must submit the Internal Charge Form to Finance Office by 24th December 2019.
Other issues
7) Sponsored Projects under Fund 30
Schools/Cost centers must ensure that Form E has been completely issued for all closing projects in 2019. Please also provide the list of the completed projects (both Academic and non-Academic projects) to Finance office. Khun Vandee, Administrative Staff, will contact schools/units for the list.
For further enquiries, please contact:
● Ms. Orawan Kosaipolkul, Senior Accounting Manager Ext # 6346
● Ms. Duangdao, Finance Manager Ext # 6342 (for Payment)
● Ms Pakkamol, Director, Procurement, Inventory and Assets Ext # 5029 (for Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order)

(ii) Important Changes on Admissions Requirements
Email from Admissions and Scholarships Office (22 November 2019)

Dear Academic Program Chairs, Department Heads, and School Deans,

Based on the recommendations of the Admissions Committee, which were approved by the AGT, the following important changes have been made in the admissions requirements:
1) No more offering of “certificate leading to Master Program” and “CAS leading to Doctoral program” to avoid confusion and possible misunderstanding with the applicant. Therefore, applicant with the low CPGA (below 2.75) to be admitted to Master program (provided the academic program agrees) with the condition to achieve minimum cPGA of 2.75 in the first two semesters. Similar conditions to be followed for Doctoral applicants but at cGPA of 3.50. 
2) Applicants for non-doctoral programs need not submit recommendation letters. For special cases, program /department can ask for the letter of recommendation for authentication;
3) Applicants applying for the full scholarships monitored by AIT are not required to submit nomination form;
4) AIT Fellowship to be termed as "AIT Partial Scholarships" in all internal documents;
5) The term “financial aid” mentioned in the online application system is removed.
6) Applications of applicants who are not able to pay the processing fees are to be processed internally, but reminded in the acknowledgement note to pay the fees. However, if still not paid, a conditional offer letter can be issued mentioning the fee (800 baht/25 US Dollar);
7) Accept good applicants with low English score and provide them an English-bridging course. If they pass, the cost of Bridging Program (BP) is to be supported by the program. The six week BP program should be arranged in June to July to target for the August Intake. The date of BP must be calendared. 

(iii) AIT official public holidays and year-end Break for the Year 2020
Director of Academic Administration (8 Oct. 2019)

In line with Institute policies, the AIT Management agreed to designate the following 13 official public holidays, and 6-day year-end break, for the year 2020.
§     1   January,     Wednesday  --  New Year's Day
§     2   January,     Thursday      --  Year-end Break
§     6   April,          Monday        --  Chakri Memorial Day
§  13   April,           Monday        --  Songkran Festival
§  14   April,           Tuesday       --  Songkran Festival
§     1   May,           Friday           --  National Labor Day
§     4   May,           Monday       --  Coronation Day
§     6   May,           Wednesday  --  Visakha Bucha Day
§     3   June,          Wednesday  --  H.M. Queen Suthida's Birthday
§  28   July,            Tuesday       --  H.M. the King's Birthday
§  12   August,       Wednesday  --  H.M. the King's Mother Birthday
§  13   October,      Tuesday       --  H.M. late King Bhumibol Memorial Day
§  23   October,      Friday           --  Chulalongkorn Memorial Day
§  7     December,  Monday        --  Birthday Anniversary of H. M. late King's Bhumibol Adulyadej (substitute for 5 December, Saturday)
§  25   December,  Friday           --  Year-end Break
§  28   December,  Monday        --  Year-end Break
§  29   December,  Tuesday       --  Year-end Break
§  30   December,  Wednesday  --  Year-end Break
§  31   December,  Thursday      --  Year-end Break
Please be guided accordingly.

B. Events


(a) "WINTER CAMP2019": 14 – 16 Dec. 2019
SET’s Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management Program will organize a "WINTER CAMP2019" Essential Skills Project Management Training for all engineers and architects who work in construction projects.
Date: 14 - 16 December 2019
Venue: Asian Institute of Technology
Please click to register here:

(a) GNSS for Policy & Decision Makers: 6 – 8 Jan. 2019

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is widely used in almost all systems that require absolute position and time. It is due to its accuracy, availability and reliability. In addition to GPS of the United States, several other systems such as GLObal Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) of the Russian Federation, the European global navigation system (Galileo) of the European Union, the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) of China, the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (NavIC), India and the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), Japan are now available. Collectively, they are called GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). Today, a GNSS receiver can provide centimeter level accuracy even with a low-cost receiver, if an error correction technique is used. Thus, availability of low-cost and high-accuracy receivers will eventually increase GNSS related applications and its market. In order to keep the pace with these new applications and technological developments, it is necessary to develop human resources and skills.

Geoinformatics Center of Asian Institute of Technology (GIC/AIT) together with the Center for Spatial Information Science of The University of Tokyo (CSIS/UT) and International Committee on GNSS (ICG) are taking initiatives to create awareness on GNSS and its applications in Asia and the Pacific region. This program is a part of this initiative.

(b) Training on GNSS-Course:  6 – 10 Jan. 2019
Jointly Organized by GIC/AIT, CSIS/UT and ICG
Training on GNSS - Course: T151-40 (06 - 10 Jan 2020)
Geoinformatics Center of Asian Institute of Technology (GIC/AIT) together with the Center for Spatial Information Science of The University of Tokyo (CSIS/UT) and International Committee on GNSS (ICG) are taking initiatives to create awareness on GNSS and its applications in Asia and the Pacific region. This program is a part of the initiatives and organizing the training program for the 3rd time in AIT.
More Information: geoinfo.ait.ac.th/gnss-training-2020/

 (c)EL course schedule for the January 2020 Semester
Email from AIT Language Center (22 Nov. 2019)
We have updated the English course timetable for the January 2020 Semester. Please see our website here: http://languages.ait.ac.th/english-writing-courses .
Students who are required to take the EL15 or EL19 must select one time from session A and one time from session B.
We are asking for your cooperation during the scheduling of courses in your program to allow room for those students required to attend EL 15 and 19 to attend these courses.

C. Faculty and Staff Travel
Dr. Indrajit Pal / Sakokn Nakhon, Thailand / 30 November – 1 December 2019*
Miss Nuntarat Boonlao / Pathumthani, Thailand / 1 December 2019 – 30 May 2020
Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul / Japan / 7 – 11 December 2019*
Jirapas Sangsue / Dhaka, Bangladesh / 8 – 13 December 2019*
Dr. K. R. Salin / Phnom Penh, Cambodia / 8 – 15 December 2019*
Ms. Nisarat Tansakul / Bengaluru, India / 11 – 16 December 2019
Dr. Roger Levermore / Yangon, Myanmar / 13 – 15 December 2019*
Mr. Zia Islam / Yangon, Myanmar / 14 – 16 December 2019
Mr. Voravate Chonolasin / Phnom Penh, Cambodia / 15 – 18 December 2019
Ms. Narumon Wangnai / Phnom Penh, Cambodia / 15 – 18 December 2019
Dr. Manzul K. Hazarika / Songdo, Korea / 15 – 18 December 2019
Dr. Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee / Paris, France / 16 – 20 December 2019
Ms. Pratichhya Sharma / Uttararakhaned, India / 16 – 24 December 2019
Dr. Eden Woon / Kathmandu, Nepal / 19 – 21 December 2019
Prof. Mukand Singh Babel / Shanghai, P.R. China / 21 – 25 December 2019
Dr. Ram C. Bhujel / Karachi, Pakistan / 21 – 25 December 2019

*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)


D. Classifieds (Jobs)

Position: Administrative Staff (IntERLab)
Ref. No. 47/19
Deadline: 20 December 2019

Position: Strategic Partner Manager (Office of the President)
Ref. No. 60/19
Deadline: 23 December 2019

Position: Administrative Staff (Academic Quality Officer) (Office of Academic Affairs)
Ref. No. 59/19
Deadline: 23 December 2019

