WEEK#11, 16 -22 March 2020

 In this issue:

A. Announcements

B. Events


D. Faculty and Staff Travel

E. Classifieds (jobs)


 A. Announcements

i) AIT Suspends Face-to-Face Classes from 18 March through 20 March

E-mail from AIT President on 16 March 2020.

The Covid-19 crisis is rapidly developing globally, with serious outbreaks now in many parts of the world - the most recent being Europe and the USA.  Universities around the world have been impacted and are under severe stress.  We here at AIT watch with great concern, as the number of cases in Thailand has also steadily gone up.

As you know, AIT has been monitoring this crisis with serious attention, and our Covid-19 Task Force has been issuing advisories and policies frequently to keep you all updated and keep our campus and our people safe.
Just this past weekend, we learned that a Japanese gentleman, who worked in an office in the same building - different floor - as our SOM Bangkok office, tested positive for Coronavirus.  No SOM faculty, staff or students is ill, but we took the precautionary step of asking any AIT member or visitor who were in that building the last two weeks to self-isolate for 14 days from the day they last were in our Bangkok SOM Offices.

So far, we are fortunate that no AIT member has contracted the Coronavirus, but given the developments around us, we must be ready for the next possible phase.  Therefore, face-to-face classes at AIT will be suspended from Wednesday, 18 March, through Friday, 20 March, so that we can test with students - on an all-institute scale - our online instruction.  For students, they can attend online classes via Zoom from their dormitories.  Students will be receiving from VPAA and faculty and School details of this week’s online instruction arrangement.  Then this coming weekend, we will make a decision on how to go forward, but whatever decision that is, we will make sure that education for students will not stop this semester.

Administrative and other functions of AIT will continue as normal for now.  During Wednesday through Saturday this week, we will take the opportunity to clean classrooms and public spaces around the AIT campus—more information on the schedule of cleaning will come from OFAM in the next two days.

I understand totally that everyone has anxiety during this very tense time for Thailand, and indeed for the world.  We take all these steps with preserving our community's health and peace of mind as our priority, while serving our education mission.   Let us all take care of ourselves, follow the policies, listen to the guidance, and cooperate with each other during this difficult period. 

For all other information regarding Covid-19 and AIT, please consult the Intranet site which is updated almost daily.  If you have any questions or hear of any unconfirmed story, please feel free to contact the Task Force at any time, on vpa@ait.ac.th.  

I thank you for your patience and understanding and cooperation and confidence!  Together, we will get through this!!

Dr. Eden Woon

President AIT

ii) Updated Guidelines for Events/Activities/Gatherings with effect from 15 March 2020

E-mail from the Vice-President for Administration on 13 March 2020.
Dear AIT Community

The AIT Covid-19 Task Force (TF) continues to monitor the coronavirus situation, and with the dramatic increase in the number of cases around the world, the WHO has now declared Covid-19 a Global Pandemic. Given these changing circumstances and our ongoing vigilance, we are updating our safety and precautionary measures regarding ALL future Events/Activities/Gatherings. This supersedes previous messages on events/activities/gatherings.

As from Sunday 15 March 2020, excluding classes and regular academic/administrative meetings, NO events/activities/gatherings of more than 25 persons will be allowed.

Event/activities/gatherings with more than 10 people and up to 25 persons WILL require TF approval. Those events/activities/gatherings with 10 people or less may continue, without the need for TF approval, but we encourage you to keep the TF informed and contact the TF anytime you have a question.

In summary, prior approval MUST be sought from the TF (℅ vpa@ait.ac.th) for organizing, any on-campus or off-campus, events/activities/ gatherings involving more than 10 people.  Remember that the principle behind having smaller gatherings is because “social distancing” is a known way to minimize the risk of being infected.  Being one meter away when speaking to another person, not shaking hands, avoiding crowded occasions, being alert to high risk situations, etc. should all be practiced at this time. 

Organizers should also ensure the strict observance of practical recommendations as outlined in the Task Force email of 21 February 2020, which can be found at our Intranet site here. In addition to this, ALL non-AIT visitors attending events/activities/ gatherings MUST have their temperature checked by the Medical Center before proceeding to the event/activity/gathering.   

Once again, please consult the TF before you host an event. And the TF strongly recommends that you regularly visit the Coronavirus Updates intranet site. There is a major update this week on AIT travel advisories and policies and quarantine/self-isolation measures. Please consult the Intranet site.

We fully understand that this is a time of anxiety for our AIT community. Please remember that the intranet or an email to the TF (℅ vpa@ait.ac.th) can provide you with the most up-to-date details of the current situation. Speculation and rumours are not constructive.

The Covid-19 Task Force will continue to provide updates as circumstances change quickly worldwide. Please be reminded that the TF is here to serve you and we encourage you to contact us with any queries you may have.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and support. Please stay healthy, and if you feel unwell, immediately seek medical attention.
The AIT Covid-19 Task Force


iii) LC moving all EET tests online effective March 24th, 2020
E-mail sent from the Language Center on 14 March 2020.

To reduce the amount of traffic involving outsiders entering our campus, LC will cancel on-campus EET tests and move all EET tests online via ZOOM and Google Document. This will take effect starting March 24th until further notice.  Please find more information on test registration and test instructions here.

The Language Center



 B. Events


a) Training Program on "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence"

Program: "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence"
Duration: 25 - 27 March 2020
Venue: Asian Institute of Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more than just another buzzword, it is a fast-growing technology that is changing industries and job functions around the world. It is gradually introducing itself to all aspects of daily life and has a very broad range of applications across a multitude of industries. The need and use of artificial intelligence are becoming a required skill set in many fields. 

For more information please visit at extension.ait.ac.th/course/1003


b) Professional Development training program on “Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Innovations, Challenges Emerging and Opportunities”

This one-week professional development training program on “Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Innovations, Challenges Emerging and Opportunities” is designed to help healthcare professionals learn about myriad AI technologies for healthcare, explore possible applications, and understand the issues these applications might cause, for example, whether AI is dehumanizing healthcare and how AI might improve today’s healthcare systems.

Professional Development Course on "Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Innovations, Challenges and Emerging Opportunities"
Duration: 6-10 April 2020
Venue: AIT Conference Center

For more information about the training, you can download the attached brochure or visit at https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1012


 c) Professional Development Course on "Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership"

Professional Development Course on "Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership"
Duration: 18 - 22 May 2020
Venue: AIT Conference Center

For more information about the training, you can download the attached brochure and course outline or visit us at www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/897


d) A training course on "Organisational Culture Certification: Cultural Ambassador Program"

The Cultural Ambassador Program is a two-day intensive program designed for managers and senior managers in all fields.

Duration: 8-9 June 2020
Venue: AIT Conference Center

For more information about the training please visit at https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1019


C. Visitors

The meeting of AIT and NSTDA Board meeting of  Research of  High Calibre project on Monday, 16 March 2020 at AIT.




E. Faculty and Staff Travel




F. Classifieds (Jobs)

Position: Faculty Positions (School of Management)
Ref. No. 12/20
Deadline: 31 March 2020

Position:  Manager/Coordinator/Administrator Executive MBA (School of Management)

Ref. No. 13/20
Deadline: 20 March 2020

Position: Program Coordinator/Administrator MSc Programs (School of Management)
Ref. No. 14/20
Deadline: 20 March 2020

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor (School of Environment Resources and Development)
Faculty position in Environmental Technology and Management
Ref. No. 1/20
Deadline: 31 March 2020



