WEEK# 16; 20 – 26 April 2020

 In this issue:

A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Classifieds (jobs)


A. Announcements

1)  Social Security Contribution
Email from Office of the Human Resources Services on 15 April 2020.

Following the announcement of the Ministry of Labor, effective March to May 2020, the 5% monthly contributions to the Social Security fund by the employer and employee has been reduced to 4% and 1%, respectively.

Starting April 2020, AIT employee’s contribution to Social Security fund will be 1% of salary, with a maximum contribution of Baht 150 per month, based on the maximum salary calculation of Baht 15,000.  The contribution for the month of March, which has already been deducted, will be reconciled and refunded in a future payroll. 

AIT will contribute 4% of salary or a maximum of Baht 600 per month.
This measure is to help alleviate the financial burden of employers and employees during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Office of the Human Resources Services

2)  2 free online seminars by TECH PLANTER Thailand
Email from AIT Entrepreneurship Center on 17 April 2020.

TECH PLANTER Thailand is organising 2 free online seminars on the following dates and times on ZOOM platform.

Topic: Accelerating Technology to Impact Society
Date: 28th April 2020, Tuesday
Time: 4pm-5.30pm Thai time

Topic:  How Researchers can Benefit by Having Entrepreneurship Mindset
Date: 4th May 2020, Monday
Time: 4pm-5.30pm Thai time

Kindly find the summarised information in the link here.

For details about the TECH PLANTER Thailand programme and sign up,
please check out the link here.

AIT Entrepreneurship Center
Email: entrepreneurship@ait.ac.th

3) The next SOM e-speaker series, 18 April 2020, 10.30am

The next in the SOM guest speaker series provides a change of scenery from the last three speakers who have been quite finance focused.

Vincenzo Carrieri completed his EMBA from HKUST and has a long history of working in the FMCG industry. He is currently Regional Director at Canali and his talk focuses on the way consumer analytics is being used to change business decision-making, especially in marketing. The talk makes reference to a number of mini cases that show how such changes have occurred in practice.

The date/time is 10.30-11.30am Bangkok time this coming Saturday, 18 April. The Zoom ID for the session is 96883619. See as many as possible, bright and early on Saturday.


4) The EC Expert's Talk (Live online) on How 3D Printing Process and Supply Chain Modeling Impacts Business on 24 April.
Email from AIT Entrepreneurship Center on 13 April 2020.
Join us for the EC Expert's Talk  (Live online) on How 3D Printing Process and Supply Chain Modeling Impacts Business
Speaker: Dr. Kasin Ransikarbum, Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Ubonratchathani University
Time: 2.00 – 3.30 pm.
Date: 24 April 2020.

5) Printers Service in the Library
Email from AIT Library on 14 April 2020.

According to the requests from the users to use the printer in the Library and as the Library is closed, AIT Library would like to inform you that students who would like to print your thesis especially graduating students can send your request to library@ait.ac.th.

Please note that this service is for urgent need only. You can make an appointment with us from Monday to Saturday (8.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.).  We hope for your understanding in this difficult time.

Website: http://library.ait.ac.th
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ
Google hangout: library@ait.asia


6) Medical Center, Restricting Movements, and Off-Campus Members
Email from Vice-President for Administration on 11 April 2020
Dear AIT Family,
The AIT Covid-19 Task Force (TF) continues to monitor the global Covid-19 situation and on Thailand.  We are continuously implementing additional precautionary measures, as the situation changes and as required. Please pay attention to the latest changes always.
The TF has the following updates to share with you:
Medical Center:
As mentioned in our earlier messages our Medical Center remains open in case any member of our community feels unwell and needs to consult a doctor.  In addition to its regular medical services, we can inform the AIT Community that our Medical Center is also able to issue a fit-to-travel medical certificate for 100 Baht. The fit-to-travel medical certificate must be issued no more than 72 hours before travelling. If you wish to obtain a fit-to-travel medical certificate, please make an appointment at our Medical Center by email, medical@ait.ac.th, or call its extension number 5286.  Of course, the TF has issued a NO TRAVEL policy for all AIT members, and air flights out of Thailand is almost non-existent at this point.  But for emergency travel, this medical certificate service is available at our Medical Center.
One of the precautionary measures the TF takes to protect our AIT community is to check the body temperature of everyone entering Gate 1. If a resident, student, or AIT employee is found to have an elevated body temperature at the entrance, that person is brought directly to the Medical Center for medical evaluation. (The Medical Center has established its guidelines to evaluate the person and if necessary, will refer the person to the hospital for a more detailed medical evaluation.) All mission-essential contractors (e.g., food service) also have their temperatures checked daily when they enter Gate 1, together with AIT Visitors/Guests, and anyone with elevated temperatures are DENIED access to AIT.
Trips To-and-From the Campus:
For AIT campus residents, the Task Force STRONGLY urges you to limit your trips off campus, preferably to NO MORE THAN TWICE a week, and then ONLY for necessary and essential errands!
For employees identified/required to provide mission-essential services for students and the broader AIT community, it is strongly recommended that coming to the office be avoided as much as possible, definitely not more than TWICE per week, during this Work From Home period. In addition, we have asked all units to identify one day a week when that office will be completely closed.
AIT Members Not On Campus:
For those AIT students and employees who have either gone back to their home country or are living off-campus in Thailand, AIT wants you to make sure that you are taking serious measures to stay safe wherever you are.  We want to let you know that we are thinking about you during these challenging times. With the worldwide reach of this Covid-19 pandemic, please stay healthy! Feel free to drop the TF a line at vpa@ait.ac.th to keep us updated, or if you have any questions.
Once again, we continue to advise everyone to practice Social Distancing and the universal precautionary measures conscientiously, and seek medical attention if you have a general feeling of being unwell.  Please STAY HOME and HEALTHY! Thank you very much for your cooperation!
AIT Covid-19 Task Force
7) Open Call: AIT's Fight Against COVID-19
Email from Entrepreneurship Center on 9 April 2020
The AIT Entrepreneurship Center (EC) invites you to take part in "AIT's fight against COVID-19" by submitting your ideas and projects in this open call. We seek projects that can create real impact to fight COVID-19 within 6 month. Our President has released 250k Baht to fund several projects of up to 50k Baht per project for a proof-of-concept (POC), follow up funding needs to be arranged on individual project bases.
Teams shall be composed of AIT members (Faculty, Students, Alumni, Staff and Family members). Teams that include Faculty/External Members with particular expertise are encouraged.
Any type of project with impact potential will be considered such as software, hardware, devices, prevention, treatment, behaviour, diagnostic, there is no limitation. Projects will be evaluated on:
• Impact to fight COVID-19
• Team strength
• Ability to execute project and to perform POC within 1 month and create impact within 6 month
• Ability to work remotely on project (you can send files for rapid prototyping to the AIT EC)
• Ability to attract external funding or support
• Scalability of technology or approach to create wider impact
The evaluation panel will be from AIT EC and at least one invited external expert.
To apply, please download the Powerpoint template at this link 
All submission must be done on or before 30 April 2020 at this link.
We need your expertise, ideas and passion, please join us to fight COVID-19!!!
Best regards,
Dieter Trau
Director, AIT Entrepreneurship Center

8) Computer Science eBook collection (Springer Nature)
Email from AIT Library on 9 April 2020.
Did you know that Springer Nature’s eBook collection includes Computer Science textbooks, lecture notes, and proceedings? Springer Nature publishes textbooks at all levels to support undergraduate students, post-graduate students, and professionals. All Springer Nature eBook collection titles are available on link.springer.com, allowing for unlimited usage by AIT users 24/7. 
Please find below the spotlight titles.
The Data Science Design Manual, Steven S. Skiena
This engaging and clearly written textbook/reference provides a must-have introduction to the rapidly emerging interdisciplinary field of data science. It focuses on the principles fundamental to becoming a good data scientist and the key skills needed to build systems for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. Find out more
The Algorithm Design Manual, Steven S. Skiena
This book is an algorithm-implementation treasure trove, and putting all of these implementations in one place was no small feat. The list of implementations [and] extensive bibliography make the book an invaluable resource for everyone interested in the subject." -- ACM Computing Reviews. Find out more
Recent award winning Computer Science Textbooks
Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA) & CHOICE Awards
TAA: 2020 McGuffey Longevity Award  
TAA: 2020 Most Promising New Textbook
 Recognizes textbooks whose excellence has been demonstrated over time.  Recognises excellence in 1st edition textbooks and learning materials
CHOICE: Outstanding Academic Titles, 2019 
CHOICE: Outstanding Academic Titles, 2019
 Presents a unique combination of accessible cryptographic algorithms and history  Fundamental concepts and engineering techniques relevant to applications of software languages in software development
Lectures Notes & Proceedings   
Computational Methods and Clinical Applications in Musculoskeletal Imaging
 This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Musculoskeletal Imaging, MSKI 2018,
More new textbooks, lecture notes and proceedings
AIT Members who live off-campus, please access this e-resource via AIT VPN.
• how to install OpenVPN on Windows: https://helpdesk.ait.ac.th/services/ait-vpn/vpn-windows
• how to install OpenVPN on Mac: https://helpdesk.ait.ac.th/services/ait-vpn/vpn-mac
• how to install Open VPN on iOS: https://helpdesk.ait.ac.th/services/ait-vpn/vpn-ios
• how to install Open VPN on Androids: https://helpdesk.ait.ac.th/services/ait-vpn/vpn-android
The Library hopes this collection will be useful to you. If you have any questions or need further information, please send e-mail to library@ait.ac.th.
Please stay safe and take care of yourself and those around you.
Thank you.

9) Behavior on Campus

Email from the Vice President for Administration on 6 April 2020.

It was with much disappointment that the AIT Covid-19 Task Force (TF) received a report of an incident that happened very early on the morning of 6 April — around 2-3am.  A gathering was hosted at one of the student accommodation units on-campus, which violated Social Distance and group gathering guidelines and the spirit of adherence to the National Curfew.  The incident also involved the consumption of alcoholic drinks and causing disturbance to other residents in this accommodation building.

We do not need this irresponsible behavior, especially at this time when we are utilizing all our energy and resources to protect our community during the current Covid-19 crisis, and when an overwhelming majority on campus are cooperating with policies for the safety of AIT.  The TF message of 3 April 2020 specifically mentioned that AIT has not completely adopted a curfew on campus, in the hopes that sensible individual activities in late night can still continue.

If transgressors continue to fail to comply with TF Coronavirus directives and measures and on-campus accommodation regulations, the TF will be forced to implement stricter measures, such as enforcing the National Curfew on our campus.  Also, strong disciplinary actions WILL be taken against those who violate our rules and regulations.

The TF appreciates the responsible members of our AIT community who bring these incidents to our attention for immediate and proper action.  We continue to call on everyone's cooperation for the good of the community.

Your safety and health, and that of our AIT Community, is of high priority to us.

The Covid-19 Task Force

10) OHRS Sevices
Email from OHRS Services on 2 April 2020.

Following the email of the President on 30 March 2020 that AIT will continue to practice work-from-home until 30 April 2020, OHRS will carry on providing its services to employees. 

For any HR-related transactions and inquiries, please send these to the following HR staff.

1. Employment certificates - please send your request to hro@ait.ac.th, specify the purpose of your request i.e. work permit, visa extension or for other purposes. We will send you the scanned certificate by email. Certificates for work permits will be provided directly to GRU.

2. Employment contract - to follow up on your employment contract, please email Khun Sawan, sawan@ait.ac.th.

3. Medical benefits - please send your inquiries to Khun Jirada, jirada@ait.ac.th.

4. Recruitment and advertisements - please email Mr. Ric, malkiel@ait.ac.th.

5. Others - any other HR-related issues, please send it to the OHRS Director, director-ohrs@ait.ac.th.

Please help prevent the spread of the virus by staying at home and stay healthy.

Office of Human Resources Services

11) AIT's thesis/dissertation formatting and style guide: updated edition
Email from VPAA on 3 April 2020

The Language Center has made some major revisions to the old version of AIT’s thesis/dissertation formatting and style, parts of which are based on the 7thedition of the APA Publication Manual.  This would ensure uniformity across disciplines and conformity with other universities.  Please check the following links and read them carefully.

Additional formatting and style guidelines will be provided in the near future. We thank the Language Center for its initiatives.

12) Extend the library closure until Friday, May 1, 2020
Email from AIT Library on 31 March 2020.
Following the President's message on AIT closure, AIT Library will extend the Library closure until Friday, May 1, 2020. The books which are on loan will automatically be extended to 1 May 2020, and overdue fines will not be charged to you from 19 March 2020 to 1 May 2020.
As the Library is closed and some of books could not be found online, the Library has provided the new services called "Book Loan Ride-Thru" to support your studies and research.
Library users who would like to borrow books, please search your required book from the library catalog. Then copy the call numbers or titles of books and send your request to library@ait.ac.th. The Library staff will find and collect books for you. You can make an appointment with us and ride to pick up books in front of the library every day from 8.00 AM. - 4.30 PM.
NOTE: To help prevent the spread of Coronavirus-19, we encourage you to use all the online resource options first.
AIT Library will also continue to provide you more resources, services, and consulting online. Please find below the direct link to online resources and services.
Research and reference services
Online Journal Databases:
- ACM Digital Library: https://dl.acm.org/
- ASCE Library: https://ascelibrary.org/
- EBSCO Business Sources Complete: https://bit.ly/2w39apC
- Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies: https://www.emerald.com/insight/underDevelopment? 
- Emerald Management e-Journal Premier: https://www.emerald.com/insight/
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp
- Knovel: https://app.knovel.com/web/
- ScienceDirect : https://www.sciencedirect.com/
- Springer Nature e-Journal: https://link.springer.com/
Abstract and Citation Databases
- Journal Citation Report: https://bit.ly/2WSkUWY
- SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/
- Web of Science: https://bit.ly/39w3nqd
e-Books and e-books databases
- Elsevier e-Books: https://www.sciencedirect.com/browse/journals-and-books
- Springer Nature e-Books: https://link.springer.com/
- Individual e-books list: https://libopac.ait.ac.th/search?/ftlist^bib23%2C1%2C0%2C1313/mode=2
Reference Tools
- Mendeley Reference Manager: http://www.mendeley.com/
Library Clearance: send your request to libraryclearance@ait.ac.th
AIT Library will try to serve you in this difficult time. Please stay healthy, be safe, and take care of yourself!
Thank you.
AIT Library
13) Free access to all textbooks from Elsevier
Email from AIT Library on 3 April 2020.
We are pleased to inform you that Elsevier has made all textbooks freely accessible to AIT Members from now until 15th June 2020.
For 2020, AIT members can have access to Elsevier e-books published from 2017 -2020. With this offer from Elsevier, you will have access to and download the textbooks from 1992 -2020. Please make use of these free textbooks to support your online learning.
To access ScienceDirect, please go to https://www.sciencedirect.com/
Off-campus access to ScienceDirect, please access the database through AIT VPN or log in with your Elsevier account.
To check free titles, please click on this link: https://bit.ly/2X5uHcr
(NOTE: There are more than 3,000 titles, the Library will update more titles soon.)
The Library hopes you are staying healthy and safe. We will try to serve you as much as we can.
Thank you.


14) Extra EET sessions for March through May
Email from AIT Language Center on 26 March 2020.

In light of the current situation, a lot of our applicants may now have difficulty obtaining English test scores from other testing centers such as IELTS and TOEFL. Thus, LC is offering more EET sessions to ensure that we can help our applicants fulfill their requirements.

 March 31
 April 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29
 May 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27

More information on the EET dates and online registration form here.

Please communicate to your applicants. These dates are also open to the current RTG fellowship applicants who have yet to fulfill their English requirement.

The Language Center


15) Free access to Annual Reviews and Knowable Magazine

Email from AIT Library on 23 March 2020.

We are pleased to inform you that  Annual Reviews and Knowable Magazine are now available for you to read and download from now until the end of April 2020.

For your information:

Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society.

Who uses Annual Reviews?
•  Researchers who want to keep abreast of their field and integrate this information with their own activities;
• Researchers who want an introduction to new fields, with a view to developing an interface between different areas of research;
• Students at all levels who want to gain a thorough understanding of a topic; and
• Business people, journalists, policy makers, practitioners, patients and patient advocates, and others who wish to be informed about developments in research.

To access Annual Reviews, please click on this link: https://www.annualreviews.org/

Knowable Magazine - the digital publication from Annual Reviews, seeks to make that knowledge accessible to all. Knowable Magazine explores the real-world significance of scholarly work through a journalistic lens. We report on the current state of play across a wide variety of fields — from agriculture to high-energy physics; biochemistry to water security; the origins of the universe to psychology.

To access Knowable Magazine, please click on this link: https://www.knowablemagazine.org/

Please try!

Web Site: http://library.ait.ac.th
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ
Google hangout: library@ait.asia and watcharin@ait.asia


16) Remote access to Knovel Database

Email from AIT Library on 19 March 2020.

To facilitate online learning and easy access to the Knovel database off-campus, AIT Library has asked Knovel to provide AIT students, faculties, and staff remote access options.

To register for Knovel remote login, please follow the steps below.

• Click on this link: https://app.knovel.com/web/verify-access.v
• Type in your institutional e-mail
• Fill in the registration form
• Confirm the link in your email inbox
• Done!

Web access to Knovel database: https://app.knovel.com/web/index.v


You can also download KNOVEL® TOGO mobile app from Google Play or App Store for tablets and smartphones and log in with Knovel registered account.
By using KNOVEL® TOGO Mobile App, you may:
• use it to catch up on a new project while traveling, consult critical guidelines at a worksite, and have trusted, verified technical data right at your fingertips - anytime, anywhere.
• use Knovel ToGo offline to read during your commute and sync bookmarks when you are online
• search and save resources on your device and read them later on your laptop
• search and save resources on your laptop and read them later on your mobile device


AIT Library
Web Site: http://library.ait.ac.th
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ

17) Remote access to ScienceDirect and SCOPUS

Email from AIT Library on 19 March 2020.

Please be informed that Remote Access to ScienceDirect and SCOPUS is now available for you to register.  To apply for the remote access, please follow the steps below.

1. Go to http://sciencedirect.com/
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the ScienceDirect page and click on the Remote access link.
3. Enter your AIT e-mail address, and click on “Continue”.
4. You will be sent a confirmation email.
5. Open the e-mail and click the link to Activate your remote access.
6. Click on Register with us now.
7. Fill in the Form, and then click on the Register button.
8. Done!

After following these steps, you will be able to use ScienceDirect from any location.

• As it is a single-sign-on (SSO) so the same credential may be used to access ScienceDirect and Scopus from any location. No separate registration required.
• There is no official App for ScienceDirect and SCOPUS during this time. The library will inform you when it will be available.
If you do have any problems with access to databases off-campus, please send e-mail to library@ait.ac.th. We are prompt to help.

AIT Library
Web Site: http://library.ait.ac.th
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ

18) Elsevier’s free health and medical research on novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Email from AIT Library on 17 March 2020.

AIT Library would like to share with you the Novel Coronavirus Information Center, which is Elsevier’s free health and medical research on novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The center provides access to more than 19,500 freely available articles on ScienceDirect and Elsevier’s platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. It is continually updated daily with the latest research information on the virus and the disease.

To access the center, please click on the link below.

We do hope that you will find the center stimulating and useful.

AIT Library



 B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences

a) Professional Development Course on "Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership"

Professional Development Course on "Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership" 

Duration: 18 - 22 May 2020
Venue: AIT Conference Center

For more information about the training, you can download the attached brochure and course outline or visit us at www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/897

b) A training course on "Organizational Culture Certification: Cultural Ambassador Program"

The Cultural Ambassador Program is a two-day intensive program designed for managers and senior managers in all fields.

Duration: 8-9 June 2020

Venue: AIT Conference Center

For more information about the training please visit at https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1019

Professional Development Course on "Organisational Culture Certification: Accredited Practioner Program (AP)"

c) Professional Development Course on "Organisational Culture Certification: Accredited Practioner Program (AP)"

Professional Development Course on "Organisational Culture Certification: Accredited Practioner Program (AP)"

Duration: 9-12 June 2020
Venue: AIT Conference Center

For more information about the training please visit at www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1018

d) The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020

The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020 follows the series of ICUE conferences organized by the Asian Institute of Technology since 2006, and has the theme – Energy, Environment and Climate Change for its 2020 edition. 
Date: 20 – 22 October 2020 at Pattaya City, Thailand
IAU is delighted to announce the second site visit since the launch of the "IAU Institutional Site Visits" programme in 2019. This year, the visit will take place at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand on 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2020 and the main topic will be "Social Impact with Innovation".

Don’t miss out this unique oportunity to discover an innovative institute and learn about leveraging technologies for a sustainable world! Learn more and register here. The site visits are open to IAU Members only.


 C. Classified (jobs)

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor (ETM) (School Of Environment    Resources and Development)
Ref. No. 1/20
Deadline: 30 June 2020
Position: Assistant Professor (NT) (School of Engineering and Technology)
Ref. No. 03/20
Deadline: 30 April


