WEEK#21, 25 – 31 May 2020

In this issue:

A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Classifieds (jobs)

A. Announcement

 1) A resent to Residents: Gradual Measured Resumption of Operations at AIT: 2nd Phase
Email sent from the Director, Office of Academic Administration on 20 May 2020

Following the Royal Thai Government‘s recent announcement of the second phase of gradual easing of restrictions and allowing certain businesses to resume operations with strict limitations, AIT is reviewing its procedures to keep the community safe and prevent us from the Covid-19.  Here is the updated status at AIT:

State of Emergency, Curfew, and Work from Home
The Thailand State of Emergency still applies until 31 May 2020, and AIT will remain on Work From Home status until then.  The Thailand curfew hours were shortened by one hour, which is now from 2300 to 0400 hours (11pm to 4am), and thus the AIT main entrance Gate #1 will be closed from 2300 to 0400 hours.

Subject to easing of Thailand’s national state of emergency, the reopening of the campus and return to offices in a measured gradual manner is imminent, possibly as early as from 1 June 2020.  Unit Heads are advised of the principles to be followed, primarily to meet the recommended social distancing criteria especially in shared offices.  OFAM is working with the offices now to ensure that spacing for social distance is possible after our employees return to work in their office.  Reconfiguration of some shared offices is underway and is scheduled to be completed by 31 May 2020.

During the first month or so after resuming work in the office, staggered workdays or shift work will be temporarily put in place, and to eventually transition to full workforce reporting to the office at a later date.

Travel Ban
The temporary ban of all commercial international flights to Thailand has been extended until 30 June.  The TF received confirmation that there are some very limited flights leaving Thailand, mostly repatriation flights arranged by embassies.  The TF STRONGLY ENCOURAGES that continuing students consider staying in AIT and Thailand for this year's summer break, considering the very uncertain flight restrictions and quarantine requirements at the time of your return, by either Thailand or your home country.

Food outlets
The Cafeteria, SU Snack Bar and the West Lake Restaurant (Som Tam) will continue to serve ONLY TAKE OUT for the time being.  AITCC Dining Room and Hom Krun will be available for DINE-IN with effect from 22 May 2020, complying with the required government regulations and strict social distancing guidelines.  The TF is still coordinating possible changes with the Cafeteria, SU Snack Bar, and the West Lake Restaurant (Som Tam).

We already confirmed in the 5 May TF message that the two Hairdressers in the Arcade are now open, following the strict guidelines for such establishments.  In addition to haircuts, shampooing, and hair drying, they can now also do nails. Customers MUST make appointments (Extn: 5296 and Extn: 5291).

Sporting Activities
Team and contact sports are still NOT allowed.  DOUBLES lawn tennis / badminton / table tennis, etc, are NOW ALLOWED.  However, the swimming pool and SU gym will remain CLOSED.

In these challenging and changing times, although the Thailand case numbers appear to be doing better, the situation remains fluid, and the TF reminds you to maintain a high level of precautionary measures; like regularly washing your hands, wearing a mask in public places, avoiding large crowds, maintaining social distancing, and please visit the Medical Center if you feel unwell.  And the TF STRONGLY SUGGESTS that you still limit your movements on-and-off campus to essential trips only.

New Chair of Task Force
The President has asked the VP-Administration, Mr. Russell Rein, to be in charge of the new Hybrid Instruction Task Force starting from 17 May in preparation for the Fall Semester. The members of the TF thank Mr. Rein for his leadership and service to the TF and the AIT Community.  Thus, from 18 May, Mrs Izel Ann Dante will serve as Chair of the Covid-19 Task Force.  Messages and requests to the TF can still be sent to vpa@ait.ac.th

Please take care, stay safe, and remain healthy too.

AIT Covid-19 Task Force

2) Final Reminder: Invitation - Virtual Stakeholder Conference on CounterMEASURE for Plastic Free Rivers

Email sent on behalf of the Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (RRCAP) on 25 May 2020

We are pleased to invite you to the final stakeholder conference of the project on Promotion of Countermeasures Against Marine Plastic Litter in Southeast Asia and India (CounterMEASURE) which will be held from 25 to 28 May 2020. The virtual stakeholder conference will showcase achievements and findings of the CounterMEASURE project during its first phase and preview what is in store for 2020 on its second phase of implementation. The conference aims to highlight key stories and innovative solutions that gained through the project CounterMEASURE.
Considering the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the programme will be fully virtual. This digital programme will target and involve wider stakeholders, including policymakers, researchers, engineers, private sectors, civil society groups, through streamed keynotes, breakout sessions, interactive learning and “ask an expert” sessions with CounterMEASURE technical partners and experts.
To REGISTER in this virtual conference use the following this link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join the virtual conference.
Please note participation is free of cost, so register early to participate. Also, please feel free to share this invitation to your networks or contacts that might be interested in this conference on plastic pollution into rivers.
For more information and details about this event, please visit this site: https://www.conference2020.countermeasure.asia/.

3) The opening of Thai Courses (online via ZOOM)
Email from AIT Language Center on 21 May 2020

Speaking and Listening Thai for Beginners (Online course)
The 20-hour online course is an introduction to the Thai language covering basic words, phrases, simple daily expressions and basic grammatical structures to communicate with Thais. The purpose of the course is to introduce participants to the principles and basics of the Thai language as used in everyday conversation. 

Course timetable 
8 June – 22 July 2020
Monday and Wednesday from 17:00 – 18:30
Click here to register
Reading and Writing Thai for Beginners (Online course)
This course is an introduction to Thai reading and writing. It is a 7-week course that is designed for those who do not know how to read or write Thai. The participants will practice reading letters and learn how to spell and form words in the Thai language.
Course timetable 
9 June – 23 July 2020
Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 18:30
Click here to register
Course Fee: 2,500 baht for AIT community and 3,000 baht for outsiders. Click here to make a payment.

The Language Center

4) Reopening Library: 23 May 2020 onwards from 8.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Email from AIT Library on 22 May 2020

Please be informed that AIT Library will be open from 23 May 2020 onwards from 8.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.  To protect yourself and others around you at the Library, please follow the guidelines below.


• Check your temperature at the checkpoint. (Near the access gate.)
• Do wear a face mask when entering the Library.
• Wash your hand with the provided alcohol-based gel at the checkpoint.
• Stay at least 1-2 meters away from other users in the searching areas, reading areas, and other study spaces.
• Small-Group Study Rooms are limited from 6 to 2 persons.
• Large-Group Study Rooms are limited from 10 to 4 persons.
• Training Room is limited from 50 to 20 persons.
• Online Studio Room is limited from 25 to 10 persons.
• Video Teleconference Room is limited from 35 to 15 persons.
The persons below are not allowed to enter the Library.
• High temperature, fever, or heavy cough
• A person who doesn't wear a mask
• A person who do not practice social distancing
• Please also avoid shaking hands or touching your face.
The Library greatly appreciates everyone’s cooperation during this periods. We are ready to serve you!


5) Expert Workshop Live on Patent Landscape for Researchers on 28 May 2020

Email from AIT Entrepreneurship Center on 14 May 2020.

Join us for the EC Expert Workshop Live on Patent Landscape for Researchers on 28 May 2020.

Topic: Patent Landscape for Researchers
1. Dr. Anna Fong
Head of Consulting and Services, APAC
Questel: Intellectual Property Software and Services

2. Ms. Alice Razon
IP Consultant
Questel: Intellectual Property Software and Services

Date: 28 May 2020, Thursday
Time: 14:00 - 15:00 (Bangkok time)

Register Now

6) Decision to Leave Thailand to Travel Home in the Summer

Email from AIT Vice-President for Administration on 11 May 2020.
Now that final exams have been concluded, the AIT Covid-19 Task Force is aware that continuing students may be contemplating returning home for the summer break. However, the TF wants you to be aware of some special considerations during a time when the COVID-19 situation is still affecting many countries in Asia, including Thailand.
Even though the virus situation in Thailand has shown steady improvement, the Civil Aviation Authority Of Thailand (CAAT) has continued to ban all commercial international flights into Thailand until 31 May 2020.  However, we do realise that in addition to outbound chartered repatriation flights arranged through Embassies, there are a very limited number of commercial flights leaving Thailand to select destinations.  It is expected that on 1 June 2020, more flights will be available both ways.
We fully expect that AIT will be open for classes on August 4, and we also expect a large number of new students coming to our Fall Semester at that time.  However, before you make the decision to go home, you should be aware that since the COVID-19 situation is still unstable, air traffic availability is unknown for at least the following few months, so there may still be flight restrictions at the time of your return, by either Thailand or your home country.  In addition to these flight restrictions, there may also be quarantine requirements imposed by the Thai Authorities and/or AIT on your return.
Therefore, the TF STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you factor this into your planning and assessment, prior to making the final decision whether to return to your home country, or to stay in AIT and Thailand for this year's summer break, during this unusual and uncertain time.

The TF will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates regarding the Fall semester as the situation in Thailand, and your home countries, becomes clearer in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and please take care, stay safe, and remain healthy too.
AIT Covid-19 Task Force
7) Join Springer Nature Online Quiz from 10 May - 11 July 2020
Email from AIT Library on 11 May 2020.
AIT Library in collaboration with Springer Nature would like to invite you to take part in Springer Nature Online Quiz from 11 May - 11 July 2020.
To join the quiz, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Go to https://bit.ly/2zxYnoD or scan the QR code.
Step 2: Enter your information and answer six questions.
Step 3: Click "Submit".
You are entitled to win a prize if answer all questions correctly.
• Grand prize: Samsung Galaxy Tab
• 2nd prize: Apple Airpod
• 3rd prize: Starbucks voucher
• Consolation prizes (10 prizes) : Charging cables (5 prizes) & Wireless chargers (5 prizes)

All winners will be notified by email individually.

Best of luck!



8) Gradual Measured Resumption of Operations at AIT

Email from the Vice President for Administration on 4 May 2020.

The AIT Covid-19 Task Force (TF) reminds you that the Thailand State of Emergency still applies until 31 May 2020, which also includes the Curfew from 10:00pm to 4:00am. AIT will remain on Work From Home status until the end of May.  However, the Government of Thailand recently announced that they would begin easing their restrictions and allowing certain businesses to resume operations. These measured changes will gradually be phased in over the next few weeks, while ensuring that these revised operations include strict limitations that continue to minimize the spread of Covid-19.

The TF has taken note of these measured changes and will continue to monitor the situation with a view to gradually open up AIT. These measured and gradual changes will be shared with our community in the coming weeks. The current updated status at AIT is as follows:

Food outlets
These will continue to serve ONLY take-out for the time being. The TF is currently coordinating possible future changes with the Cafeteria, SU Snack Bar, Hom Krun, AITCC Dining Hall, and the West Lake Restaurant (Som Tam), including preparing the venues to comply with the required government regulations and guidelines.

We are able to confirm that the two Hairdressers in the Arcade are now open, following the strict guidelines for such establishments. These limitations include: ONLY haircuts, shampooing, and hairdrying are allowed; frequent cleaning of the premises MUST take place; haircutting equipment MUST be cleaned after each customer; customers MUST make appointments (X5296 and X5291) and may NOT wait to be served; face masks MUST be worn by customers, staff MUST wear face masks and face shields; records of customers MUST be kept; and NOT more than 2 customers are allowed in the establishment at one time. The operating hours of the Hairdressers will be between 10:00am and 6:00pm.

Golf Course
The Golf Course is now open, but ACCESS is only off the main highway or via the front of the Klong Luang Post Office. NO group activities are allowed during or after playing golf. NO competitions can be held and social distancing APPLIES on the course. If food is consumed at the golf course clubhouse, the following limitations apply: ONLY the downstairs open area CAN be used; seating MUST be 2 meters apart; ONLY one person to a table; only a-la-carte orders are allowed (buffets are NOT allowed); and social distancing MUST be observed when queueing at cashiers.

Sporting Activities
Individual sports CAN continue, with social distancing being observed. Team Sports are still however NOT allowed. Please be reminded that, in addition to our usual team sports, forbidden team sports include doubles tennis/badminton/table tennis etc. The swimming pool also continues to be CLOSED.

The TF reminds you that during this time of easing restrictions, you MUST continue to be extra vigilant, and STRONGLY SUGGESTS that you still limit your movements on-and-off campus to essential trips only.

In these challenging and changing times, although the Thailand case numbers appear to be doing better, the situation remains fluid, and the TF reminds you to maintain a high level of precautionary measures; like regularly washing your hands, wearing a mask in public places, avoiding large crowds, maintaining social distancing, and please visit the Medical Center if you feel unwell.

Please take care, stay safe, and remain healthy too. 

AIT Covid-19 Task Force 


9) An End-of-Semester Message from the President
Email from AIT President on 24 April 2020.

Dear AIT Family:
Today is April 24, the last day of classes for the January Semester at AIT.  For those students who are graduating this May, this has been a semester you will never forget.  You will remember how the world, your home country if you come from overseas, Thailand, and AIT battled the Coronavirus these past few months.  Your alma mater closed on March 18 and moved all its classes to interactive online instruction.  Some of you went back home right after that, but others stayed on campus.  Your final exams in a few days will also be online, and sadly, your May 22 Graduation Ceremony has been cancelled.  We apologize for not being able to give you one of the momentous occasions of your life, but we hope that we can welcome you back to our December Graduation Ceremony! 
All of us, from the May graduates to the continuing students, to the faculty and staff of AIT, have lived through a difficult period so far in 2020, and the end is not in sight. We have learned that staying healthy and cooperating with one another become priorities in our life, and we all realize that this is not only a life-changing crisis we are going through right now, but a world-changing crisis.  Academia, of which AIT is a member, will never be the same again. 
When I came to AIT in the Fall of 2018, among other things, I advocated more innovation in our teachings, and we have learned that we must do that not just to be better, but to survive.  With almost all universities around the world closed without a clear re-start-date, we must engage more and more with students online.  AIT’s expertise is based on valuable experience and student feedback in the past six weeks, on technology AIT has developed, on individual online initiatives by different units at AIT, on learning from best global practices, on acquisition of new technology, and on “out of the box” thinking in web-based education.  Earlier this year, I set up the AIT Academic Contingency Task Force—headed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Knowledge Transfer—to explore and devise and coordinate ideas of innovative interactive platforms for education, including faculty training, and ensure that these will be applied not only if classes cannot begin in August, but for the future when they will be interwoven into our stimulating face-to-face residential experience, resulting in an even more innovative education at AIT.
We hope that as Thailand’s COVID-19 situation improves, as the global battle against this virus turns the corner, AIT will be able to open its doors in August of 2020.  But as I said above, even if the global situation prevents AIT and other universities from opening on time this Fall, AIT is ready to welcome new and continuing students to pursue their education “without missing a beat”!  Whenever all of you do enter AIT’s Gate, you will find a safe and creative environment where education and research will continue on the five strategic focus areas of AIT:  Smart Communities, Climate Change, Food-Energy-Water, Infrastructure, and Technology, Policy, and Society.  And it is so clear to us that sustainability issues in which AIT specializes are key to this planet’s survival, as we now witness firsthand the formidable power of nature.
Now a word about what is happening at AIT at present.  So far, the campus continues not to have a confirmed case of COVID-19.  We have been blessed with proactive cooperation by all students and residents, with steady efforts by mission-essential personnel and faculty, and with heart-warming generosity by donors.  Just today, we are completing distribution of 10 free masks to every student and resident on campus, thanks to a 20000-mask donation from the AIT Belt and Road Research Center, with funds from the AIT Chinese Alumni.  We are also grateful to other donors who, in this very difficult economic period, have shown their belief in AIT by continuing to support AIT’s education and infrastructure. 
Thailand seems to be doing better with COVID-19, but it continues to be in a state of National Emergency, and as long as that is the case, AIT will remain vigilant and closed, with staff working from home.  For those who are on campus, we thank you so much for the sacrifices due to the restrictive measures we have had to implement to keep the campus safe.  For those who are at home outside AIT or outside Thailand, please take care!  For those who are leaving AIT after this semester, good luck, safe travels, and stay healthy please!
Dr. Eden Woon

10) Availability of our own Audio/Video conferencing system
Email from AIT Helpdesk on 21 April 2020.
We are pleased to announce the availability of our own audio/video conferencing system called VClass. The servers are located in our campus and Bangkok. It has almost every feature as commercial system (e.g. Zoom) and can be used by any AITans at no costs.

Since the servers are located on campus and Bangkok, it will preserve expensive Internet bandwidth and provide better connection speed. AIT users will use AIT servers inside AIT whereas AITians outside the campus have an option to create meeting rooms in Bangkok.

It has better security since there is no recording service.

Therefore we would like to encourage AITans to use this facility for internal meetings or any collaboration among us. To access this service, please go to


In order to be able to create rooms (i.e. schedule meetings), you need to register. The password used is not related to AIT's email password. For more details, you can click Help at the top

Please contact helpdesk@ait.ac.th if you encounter difficulty or require more details

Email: helpdesk@ait.ac.th
URL: https://helpdesk.ait.ac.th

11)  Social Security Contribution

Email from Office of the Human Resources Services on 15 April 2020.

Following the announcement of the Ministry of Labor, effective March to May 2020, the 5% monthly contributions to the Social Security fund by the employer and employee has been reduced to 4% and 1%, respectively.

Starting April 2020, AIT employee’s contribution to Social Security fund will be 1% of salary, with a maximum contribution of Baht 150 per month, based on the maximum salary calculation of Baht 15,000.  The contribution for the month of March, which has already been deducted, will be reconciled and refunded in a future payroll. 

AIT will contribute 4% of salary or a maximum of Baht 600 per month.
This measure is to help alleviate the financial burden of employers and employees during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Office of the Human Resources Services

12) Computer Science eBook collection (Springer Nature)
Email from AIT Library on 9 April 2020.
Did you know that Springer Nature’s eBook collection includes Computer Science textbooks, lecture notes, and proceedings? Springer Nature publishes textbooks at all levels to support undergraduate students, post-graduate students, and professionals. All Springer Nature eBook collection titles are available on link.springer.com, allowing for unlimited usage by AIT users 24/7. 
Please find below the spotlight titles.
The Data Science Design Manual, Steven S. Skiena
This engaging and clearly written textbook/reference provides a must-have introduction to the rapidly emerging interdisciplinary field of data science. It focuses on the principles fundamental to becoming a good data scientist and the key skills needed to build systems for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. Find out more
The Algorithm Design Manual, Steven S. Skiena
This book is an algorithm-implementation treasure trove, and putting all of these implementations in one place was no small feat. The list of implementations [and] extensive bibliography make the book an invaluable resource for everyone interested in the subject." -- ACM Computing Reviews. Find out more
Recent award winning Computer Science Textbooks
Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA) & CHOICE Awards
TAA: 2020 McGuffey Longevity Award  
TAA: 2020 Most Promising New Textbook
 Recognizes textbooks whose excellence has been demonstrated over time.  Recognises excellence in 1st edition textbooks and learning materials
CHOICE: Outstanding Academic Titles, 2019 
CHOICE: Outstanding Academic Titles, 2019
 Presents a unique combination of accessible cryptographic algorithms and history  Fundamental concepts and engineering techniques relevant to applications of software languages in software development
Lectures Notes & Proceedings   
Computational Methods and Clinical Applications in Musculoskeletal Imaging
 This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Musculoskeletal Imaging, MSKI 2018,
More new textbooks, lecture notes and proceedings
AIT Members who live off-campus, please access this e-resource via AIT VPN.
• how to install OpenVPN on Windows: https://helpdesk.ait.ac.th/services/ait-vpn/vpn-windows
• how to install OpenVPN on Mac: https://helpdesk.ait.ac.th/services/ait-vpn/vpn-mac
• how to install Open VPN on iOS: https://helpdesk.ait.ac.th/services/ait-vpn/vpn-ios
• how to install Open VPN on Androids: https://helpdesk.ait.ac.th/services/ait-vpn/vpn-android
The Library hopes this collection will be useful to you. If you have any questions or need further information, please send e-mail to library@ait.ac.th.
Please stay safe and take care of yourself and those around you.
Thank you.
AIT Library
Web Site: http://library.ait.ac.th
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ
Google hangout: library@ait.asia and watcharin@ait.asia




 B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences


a) The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020

The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020 follows the series of ICUE conferences organized by the Asian Institute of Technology since 2006, and has the theme – Energy, Environment and Climate Change for its 2020 edition. 
Date: 20 – 22 October 2020 at Pattaya City, Thailand
IAU is delighted to announce the second site visit since the launch of the "IAU Institutional Site Visits" programme in 2019. This year, the visit will take place at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand on 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2020 and the main topic will be "Social Impact with Innovation".

Don’t miss out this unique oportunity to discover an innovative institute and learn about leveraging technologies for a sustainable world! Learn more and register here. The site visits are open to IAU Members only.


 C. Classified (jobs)

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor (ETM) (School Of Environment    Resources and Development)
Ref. No. 1/20
Deadline: 30 June 2020

Position: Associate/Assistant Professor (STE) (School of Engineering & Technology )
Ref. No. 04/20
Deadline: 31 August 2020
