WEEK# 26, 29 June – 5 July 2020


 In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Events 

C. Classifieds (jobs)


A. Announcements


1. AIT Re-Opens on 1 July

Email from AIT President on 26 June 2020

Dear AIT Family: 

The AIT Campus will re-open on 1 July.  In the past few months, due to the gradually implemented strict measures and the vigilance of the entire community, our campus has stayed safe from Covid-19, and academic instructions went on without delay.  Work was going on in many different areas, and we thank all those mission-essential personnel who had to come in to serve our students and community, and we also thank all those who worked from home diligently.  In less than one month, more students will graduate from Intersem, thus completing their very challenging final six months at AIT.  We appreciate their perseverance and we congratulate them!

Even though the campus will re-open on 1 July, work will be on a shift basis for one month, plus certain cautionary measures will still be in place, so please pay attention to the Covid-19 Task Force messages and the Intranet for these measures and any gradual relaxation. The Covid-19 situation in Thailand seems to be under control, but globally the pandemic still rages on.  At AIT, we must continue to be watchful, and social distancing in gathering and seating will still be the mandatory practice for some time.  We are requiring health checks for all employees and vendors and students, and new dormitory assignments will be made with proper separations in mind.  Our highest priority continues to be the health of everyone at AIT.

As for academics, we are installing a system which will provide Hybrid Instruction this Fall and more innovative teaching beyond that.  A number of Smart Modified Classrooms are being outfitted—with support by several generous donors—with technology that will make the experience of those students who are not on AIT campus as interactive and close to being here as possible.  It will also allow the Instructors to focus on the teaching with ease.  Continuing research students who are overseas will have special arrangements being put together by the Schools.  For the students who are able to come on campus, their AIT experience will be even better than before with the new equipment, and classrooms and laboratories will also be arranged with social distancing in mind, providing a safe place to learn. 

We know that some AIT students who are at home overseas may not be able to come back to our campus in time for the start of the Fall (August) Semester—classes are scheduled to begin on 4 August.  But we are getting excellent support from various offices of the Thai Government—from the Prime Minister’s Office, to the Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, to Thai embassies in different countries, as well as from various Ambassadors here, to facilitate the arrival of our students as quickly—and as safely—as possible.  As you can imagine, because of varying seriousness of the Covid-19 situation in each country and the very cautious and prudent attitude of the Thai Government, because of the uncertainties of international air travel and other restrictions, because of visa processing and a likely quarantine requirement, a number of our overseas students may not be present in the classrooms on time.  But as I mentioned above, with our Hybrid Instruction system in place, AIT “will not miss a beat”, and instruction and learning will continue for ALL our students, wherever they may be.

We are well-prepared and very much looking forward to the Fall Semester.  Please continue to take care and stay safe, and the whole AIT family will get through this difficult period together successfully—that is the AIT Spirit!

Dr. Eden Woon


Asian Institute of Technology  


2. Appointment of the Dean of the School of Environment, Resources & Development

Email from AIT President on 24 June 2020.

Dear AIT family members,

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Shobhakar Dhakal as the new Dean of the School of Environment, Resources & Development starting from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2022.

Professor Dhakal has been a faculty member of the School of Environment, Resources & Development since 2012.  As the Dean, he will lead the School and all its activities and is accountable to the President for the delivery of all education, research, consultancy and outreach activities of the School, for marketing and promotional activities, and for the internal management of the School.

Professor Dhakal can be reached by his email shobhakar@ait.ac.th or at his office extension numbers 6074 and in 5403. 

Let us wish Prof. Shobhakar success in this new role and give him our strong support and cooperation. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to express our sincerest appreciation to Prof. Rajendra Shrestha for his dedicated service to the School of Environment, Resources & Development in his capacity as the School Dean for more than four years.  He has also been a valuable member of the AIT Governing Team since I came to AIT in September of 2018.  I thank him for his representation of SERD and his contribution on policy matters which are instrumental to Transforming AIT. 

Dr. Eden Woon

AIT President  


3.  Alumni Talk Series with Dr. Bindu Nath Lohani and Mr. Mangesh Lal Shrestha

[Join us] Alumni Talk Series on Opportunities for Innovation: Conquering COVID-19

Speakers :

Dr. Bindu Nath Lohani (AIT Alumnus) and

Mr. Mangesh Lal Shrestha (Frost & Sullivan)

Date : 30 June 2020, Tuesday

Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM [Bangkok Time]

Register Now:



4. The Second Distinguished Entrepreneur Talk by Mr. Pham Thanh Hung

Join us for Second stinguished Entrepreneur Talk by Mr. Pham Thanh Hung on Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 4.30 PM (Bangkok Time).
Register Now

AIT Entrepreneurship Center
Email: entrepreneurship@ait.ac.th


5.  A free e-workshop on 3D Printing Technology and Design Thinking


We are collaborating with DKSH Thailand, one of the largest organizations in the country, to give you a free e-workshop on 3D Printing Technology and Design Thinking on 3 July 2020 at 2:00 PM (Bangkok time). This workshop will help the audience, even learners with no prior experience with additive manufacturing, better understand various 3D printing technologies and explore the different types of materials that can be 3D printed.

This workshop will also provide an introduction to design thinking and the available software that can be used in designing, as well as converting the design to make it ready for 3D printing.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be asked to submit their designs and the three best designs will be printed by AIT and DKSH and sent to the owners.

To join, please register:





 B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences

1. Online Training Course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" 

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Course Banner (1)


Online Training Course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" 
Date: 29 June - 10 July 2020
Time: 09:00 - 12:00 weekday (Bangkok time)

Course information:

Lean Six Sigma is Rigorous adherence to proven methodologies, tools and techniques that will enable a Leader to confidently solve process problems using data-driven approaches so that the problems stay solves. Lean Six Sigma is the synthesizing agent of business performance improvement that, like an alloy, is the unification of proven tools, methodologies, and concepts, which forms a unique approach to deliver rapid and sustainable cost reduction. In Lean Six Sigma once avoids the tendency to jump to conclusions and make assumptions about things. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt is a Practitioner Level Training & Certification. It covers the introduction to Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) road map, Basics of Change Management.

This course is good and suitable for “team members, supervisors, project managers, functional and technical experts, consultants, senior executives, business leaders and sponsors from a wide variety of manufacturing, service and transactional business environments. Someone who anticipates using Lean Six Sigma as an improvement methodology within his/her work. A Student of business, operations, Computer Science or Industrial Engineering”.

For more information and registration pls. visit www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1026
Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang
Program Coordinator at panchica@ait.ac.th

2.  Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 13-20 July 2020

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Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 13-20 July 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder the Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1055


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

3.  Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" from 10 - 21 August 2020

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Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 10 - 21 August 2020
Instructor: Mr. Mohammad Ali Toosy

Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for manufacturing-focused to an enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature have evolved over a period of time. This training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Startup, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with a reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1045

Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

4.  Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 24 August - 1 September 2020

 1-Change Management_Banner_24 Aug - 1 Sep 2020
Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 24 August - 1 September 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1050 


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


5. Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification" from 31 August - 25 September 2020

1-Six Sigma Black Belt _Banner_31 Aug - 25 Sep 2020

Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 31 August - 25 September 2020
Instructor: Mr. Mohammad Ali Toosy, CEO Toosy Advisory Services, Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Asia, Executive Director Strategic Ratings and Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia
Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for a manufacturing focused to enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature has evolved over the period of time. This Training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Start up, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This Training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1048


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


6. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 28 September - 2 October 2020

2-Change Management_Banner_28 Sep - 2 Oct 2020

Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 28 September - 2 October 2020
Instruction: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1051

Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

7. Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" from 5 - 16 October 2020

2-Lean Six Sigma Green Belt_Banner_5 Oct- 16 Oct 2020

Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 5 - 16 October 2020
Instructor: Mr. Mohammad Ali Toosy, CEO Toosy Advisory Services, Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Asia, Executive Director Strategic Ratings

Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for manufacturing-focused to an enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature have evolved over a period of time. This training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Startup, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with a reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1046


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

8. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 19 - 23 October 2020

3-Change Management_Banner_19 Oct - 23 Oct 2020

Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 19 - 23 October 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1052


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

9. The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020

The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020 follows the series of ICUE conferences organized by the Asian Institute of Technology since 2006, and has the theme – Energy, Environment and Climate Change for its 2020 edition. 
Date: 20 – 22 October 2020 at Pattaya City, Thailand


10. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management from 2 - 9 November 2020

4-Change Management_Banner_2 Nov - 9 Nov 2020

Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 2 - 9 November 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1053


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


11. Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification" from 2 - 27 November 2020

2-Six Sigma Black Belt _Banner_2 Nov - 27 Nov 2020

Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 2 - 27 November 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for a manufacturing focused to enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature has evolved over the period of time. This Training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Start up, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This Training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1049


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

12. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 7 - 14 December 2020

5-Change Management_Banner_7 Dec - 14 Dec 2020h


Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"


Duration: 7 - 14 December 2020


Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1054


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


13.Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" from 14 - 23 December 2020


3-Lean Six Sigma Green Belt_Banner_14 Dec- 23 Dec 2020


Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 14 - 23 December 2020
Instructor: Mr.Mohammad Ali Toosy, CEO Toosy Advisory Services, Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Asia, Executive Director Strategic Ratings
Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for manufacturing-focused to an enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature have evolved over a period of time. This training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Startup, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with a reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1047


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


14. The 16th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2020)

The 16th Asian Internet Engineering Conference will be held at Satellite Campus Hiroshima,
Hiroshima, Japan from 2-4 December 2020.
The 16th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) provides an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia. AINTEC especially aims at addressing issues pertinent to the Asia and Pacific region, with vast diversities of socio-economic and networking conditions, while inviting high quality and recent research results from the Internet research community at large. AINTEC 2020 follows the fifteenth successful editions held in Thailand. The conference is single-track and features a technical program with significant opportunities for individual and small-group discussions among a diverse set of participants. The technical sessions will include invited talks by leading experts, presentations of papers, demos, posters.
For further information:
AINTEC2019 (5)


D. Classified (jobs)


Position: Assistant/Associate Professor (ETM) (School Of Environment    Resources and Development)
Ref. No. 1/20
Deadline: 30 June 2020


Position: Associate/Assistant Professor (STE) (School of Engineering & Technology )
Ref. No. 04/20
Deadline: 31 August 2020


Position: Technical Staff, Technician
Ref. No. 15/20
Deadline: 31 July 2020


Position: Executive Director, AIT Extension
Ref. No. 16/20
Deadline: 30 July 2020

