WEEK# 37, 21 – 27 September 2020

In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Events 

C. Classifieds (jobs)

1. Update on Quarantine and Precautions on AIT Campus 

Email from AIT President on 18 September 2020.

Dear AIT Family:

I announced in my message to the AIT community on August 25 that AIT was approved by the Thai Government to be an Organizational Quarantine (OQ) site.  In that email, I alerted you that “… we would expect the first students to arrive gradually starting in September…” to take advantage of the AIT OQ.  After further procedural coordination within the Thai Government, the first students for the AIT OQ began to arrive on Sunday, September 13.  And as I mentioned in that same email, our overseas students would be arriving in batches probably in the next couple of months.  Since they arrive in irregular intervals, we will manage our OQ—namely, Dormitory A, B, and C in a barricaded green-fenced area—so that it can accommodate these students for their 14-day quarantine.   

As I have always stressed since COVID-19 hit Thailand in January, keeping the campus safe and free of this coronavirus is a top priority for AIT.  This has not changed, and it is due to the recognition by the Thai Government of our vigilance and strict attention to precautionary measures that the Government made AIT the first university in Thailand to house an OQ site.  The meticulous OQ process was approved by various agencies of the Thai Government, and we follow this process rigorously to make sure the students and the whole community are safe.  The Thai Government oversees our OQ operation, from how the AIT OQ staff is protected, down to the size of daily intake.  You can see the details of our OQ Process on the AIT Intranet

Moreover, AIT is taking additional precautions to ensure the community feels more safe and at ease.  First, these students, after a 14-day quarantine, will enter a 7-day Self-Isolation period (also described in our Intranet) at another single unit with single toilet, with movement restricted and class and meeting attendance not allowed.  In addition, we have the policy that, after self-isolation, these students—even though they would be free to move around the campus, must remain in that single room with single toilet for five more weeks.  We apologize for the additional inconvenience, especially to continuing students who may want to move back to their original rooms.  But we believe that it would be prudent to delay any return by these students to shared apartment/shared toilet units, which are scattered around the campus.  Again, during the COVID-19 pandemic, sacrifices have to be made by everyone, and precautionary measures have to be taken—and we admit that AIT’s precautionary measures have always been on the strict side, to good effect thus far.  Our responsibility is to the whole AIT community, from those who just arrived from overseas, to those who have been in Thailand all through this time.

Speaking of precautionary measures, sanitizing and cleaning on campus continue to be done frequently.  But I do note that, around campus, some people have become lax in their observing of the cautious approach, foregoing masks and not adhering to social distancing.  I remind everyone that masks, social distancing, personal hygiene, and staying away from crowds remain the most effective preventative measures against this tricky virus.  I urge you all to practice these with diligence and keep yourself and AIT safe, as the pandemic is still very much alive globally.  

Thank you, and please stay healthy!

Dr. Eden Woon


2. Join us: EC Expert's Talk on the Innovation for Health Care and Beyond by Prof. Pattarachai Kiratisin, Mahidol University

Dear AIT Community,
We are pleased to invite you to attend the next online Expert Talk on 21 September 2020, Monday at 2:30 PM (Bangkok time). The topic of the talk is Innovation for Health Care and Beyond and the speaker is none other than Prof. Pattarachai Kiratisin, Director, Institute of Technology and Innovation Management (iNT), Mahidol University. iNT oversees the strategic plan of the university in relation to translational research, technology transfer and university-industry collaboration, supporting all faculties and students in developing research to the prototype and commercialization. iNT assists with intellectual property management to promote innovation and research utilization. iNT also fosters startup and business development from university research.
We hope you can all join us in this important talk. Please register at this link to get the meeting id.
AIT Entrepreneurship Center
Email: ec@ait.ac.th
Tel: + (662) 524 5322

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3. Free webinar on: AIT's unique role on the promotion of Tilapia Farming for Food and Nutrition Security
Date: 23 September 2020
Time: 15:30 - 16:30 hrs. (Bangkok time)
Speaker: Dr. Ram C. Bhujel
Director, Aqua-Center and Research Associate Professor
Department of Food, Agriculture and Bioresources,
School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD)
Asian Institute of Technology
Moderator: Dr. Md. Zakir Hossain
Director (Programs)
AIT Extension, Asian Institute of Technology
For more information and registration pls. visit https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1116

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4. Student Welfare, Counseling, Code of Conduct and Emergency Contact numbers Reminder

Email sent from the Student Welfare Unit, Office of Students Affairs on 15 September 2020.

Dear students,

Please note that the Student Welfare Unit of the Office of Student Affairs is responsible for all non-academic matters relating to students. In a multinational environment and campus like AIT, the role and function of the Student Welfare Unit is to advise and counsel students on:

1.  Student Welfare Matters

Student welfare matters can comprise: gender related matters and the strict no harassment policy on campus; personal counseling; dispute mediation; student accommodation problems; the Student Union organization, and any other problem that a student may wish to seek advice on.

2.  Feeling of Academic Inadequacy

In cases where students are not doing well academically (especially students on probation), students are advised to consult very closely with their Advisors and Faculty on how to improve their studies. However, if reasons for poor academic performance are due to various factors outside academic/technical reasons, i.e. traumatic events old or new; adjustments to a new country, food and culture; homesickness, etc., further advice on how to improve performance can be provided by the Student Welfare Unit.

3.  Medical Insurance/AIT Student Health Benefits Program

All new AIT degree program students are required to enroll in the compulsory standard medical insurance plan from Generali Life Assurance (Thailand) Co. Ltd.  Details about the benefits are in the Student Welfare website (URL: https://students.ait.ac.th/welfare/). Medical claims can be done through the Student Welfare Unit by submitting the original medical receipt and doctor's certificate. Please obtain your medical insurance cards from the Student Welfare Unit, which can be presented to Generali network hospitals (including our AIT Clinic).

4. Code of Conduct at AIT 

i. No Harrassment Policy on Campus

Given the unique diversity of our community, it is important that we ALL develop special awareness and sensitivity to deter or respond to the problem of harrassment on campus, and particlarly sexual harassment.

As per Student Handbook on Page 25, “1.3 Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical, oral or written conduct or visual manifestations of a sexual nature.” 

This is to confirm explicitly and clearly that any form of harassment will not be tolerated. If any student experiences any form of harassment, please report this immediately to the Student Welfare Unit through email (student-welfare@ait.ac.th). Any student who will be reported harassing someone within the campus will face strict disciplinary action and details of the misconduct will be noted in the student's record. 

ii. Stealing, shoplifting or theft of any kind is a serious criminal offence punishable under Thai law. The ramifications could be significant financial penalty and/or imprisonment. 

Strict observance of the laws of Thailand is mandatory for all.  All students are strongly reminded to observe proper conduct inside and outside of AIT. Any student who will be reported or caught committing any unlawful action within or outside the campus, could also face immediate dismissal from the Institute.  

AIT cannot and will not intervene with the appropriate penalties according to the law of Thailand if any case is filed to the Royal Thai Police.  Moreover, the Institute is not in any way obliged to provide financial or legal support to the concerned student. Unfortunately, AIT cannot and will not intervene with the legal processes of Thailand, as applicable to any criminal case.

As students of AIT, and ambassadors of your country, you are expected to show moral integrity to uphold the good reputation of the Institute and project a good impression of your home country.  As short-term guests in your adopted home, we look forward to your compliance with the AIT regulations and laws of Thailand.

iii. AIT Accommodation Rules

Please also follow AIT Accommodation Rules and respect your neighbors and roommates in your dorms through:

1. NOT making loud noises/partying, esp. after 11 PM

2. NOT cooking in non-cooking dorms

3. NOT smoking

4. NOT having pets/cats/dogs

5. NOT subletting 

6. Keeping your dorms/rooms and other AIT facilities clean and orderly and

7. For safety and security reasons, inform Security (02-524-6000) if you see any suspicious looking individuals near your dorms

Please instill a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere inside the campus. Violators will be dealt with accordingly. 

For more information and/or to report harassment, for personal counseling, or for medical insurance inquiries, please email: student-welfare@ait.ac.th

5. Emergency Contact Numbers 

AIT Security, Fire, Ambulance, Emergency-02 524 6000

AIT Medical Clinic Emergency - 02 524 5555

AIT Medical Clinic (office hrs) - 02 524 5286

AIT Taxi Service - 02 524 6300

AIT Police Box - 02 524 5051

Facility Services (Accommodation) - 02 524 5800, 524 5093

ITServ/Help Desk - 02 524 6082/ email helpdesk@ait.ac.th 

AIT Conference Center (AITCC) Front Desk - 02 524 5250

AIT Student Welfare Unit - 02 524 6744 (office hrs)

Government Relations Unit (GRU) - 02 524 5022 (office hrs),  081 821 1903 (Khun Pathumanee for passport emergency pick-up til 9 p.m., with Baht 500 service fee)

Thammasat Hospital - 02 926 9999

Thailand Emergency Hotline - 191

6. Important Website Links:

AIT website: https://www.ait.ac.th/admissions/what-next/

AIT Student Welfare website: https://students.ait.ac.th/welfare/

AIT Student Handbook: https://students.ait.ac.th/services/regulations_old/student-handbook-2/

Student Welfare Unit

Office of Student Affairs

Tel: (662) 524-6744

Email: student-welfare@ait.ac.th



5. The 1st Anniversary of the AIT Entrepreneurship Center on 28 September 2020

Email from AIT Entrepreneurship Center on 3 September 2020

Dear Students, Faculty and Staffs,

We are pleased to invite you to the 1st Anniversary of the AIT Entrepreneurship Center on 28 September 2020. Please join our Distinguished Entrepreneur Talk featuring esteemed academic-entrepreneur, AI and robotics expert, Professor Li Zexiang, Chairman of DJI, world's top drone company and Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

Join in person at AIT or online.


2:30 – 3:00 PM | High tea and networking

3:00 – 3:15 PM | Welcome remarks by Professor Dieter Trau, AIT EC Director

3:15 – 3:30 PM | Opening remarks and introduction of speaker by Dr. Eden Woon, AIT President

3:30 – 4:30 PM | Live online Distinguished Entrepreneur Talk by Professor Li Zexiang

4:30 – 5:00 PM | Q&A Session

Kindly confirm your participation by registration at this link:



6. Training opportunity from EPIC - Network

Email sent from Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific on 14 September 2020

Dear AIT Community and AIT Alumni, 

We are pleased to share information with you about an upcoming training opportunity through the EPIC network to gain skills and understanding of how cities and universities can more effectively partner to address critical challenges related to climate change adaptation and resilience. 

The online EPIC-Asia workshop, available to cities and universities in the Asia-Pacific region, will take place on 08 to 09 March 2021. The workshop will provide a unique opportunity for you to be paired with a university researcher/faculty member/local government/municipality partner to gain skills in the use of the EPIC model for strengthening capacities to achieve more effective university-city partnerships. 

Furthermore, through this workshop, participants will be a part of a growing network in Asia-Pacific committed to forging stronger partnerships between universities and cities to address local sustainability challenges. In that spirit, the EPIC model looks to build upon and strengthen existing or interested partnerships within local communities, so we’re asking for names of counterparts on both city and university side in the application form. Together, the suggestions for projects can be further elaborated upon in the training and with the potential of seed grant funding to help get some of the projects started. 

Click here for additional information about the EPIC Asia workshop and the application form.  

The application is due on 01 November 2020. We look forward to hearing from you. For more information, follow-ups or questions, please contact Mzime Murisa at mmurisa@start.org

7. Extended Library hours until 1 AM (18 Sep. - 1 Oct. 2020

Email from AIT Library on 16 September 2020

Dear All,

AIT Library is pleased to announce that Library hours will be extended until 1 a.m., starting Friday, 18 September - Thursday, 1 October 2020. Group Study Rooms are also provided to serve you until 1 a.m.

To check available past examination papers, please click on this link: https://bit.ly/3a9mok6.

Please note that the e-files cannot be downloaded from the Library database as the past examination papers are available only in hard copies during this time.

For on-campus students

To borrow the past examination papers, please contact the Library staff at the Reference Section. 

For overseas students

To request for past examination papers, please send e-mail to library@ait.ac.th by copying the call number of your required past examination papers.

Keep studying and preparing yourself for exams.

AIT Library

Web Site: http://library.ait.ac.th

Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ 

8. Social Security contribution

Email from Office of Human Resources Services on 16 September 2020.

Dear Social Security Members, 

Following the announcement of the Ministry of Labor, effective September to November 2020, the 5% monthly contributions to the Social Security fund by both the employer and employee will be reduced to 2%.

Starting September 2020,  AIT's and employee’s contributions to the Social Security fund will be 2% of salary, with a maximum contribution of Baht 300 per month, based on the maximum salary calculation of Baht 15,000. 

9. Personal data for 2020 Income Tax calculation

Email from Office of Human Resource Services on 8 September 2020

Dear Faculty and Staff,

To ensure that personal income tax of AIT faculty and staff comply with Tax Regulation, it is imperative that we have a correct record of your personal data in our system. Please log in the web link, https://hris.ait.ac.th to update your personal data. Use your AIT email account credential to login then click “View Employee Profile”.  Furthermore, please update or complete your contact information such as the name and telephone number of your emergency contact person. 

For employees with children, particular attention is required on the status of your children as recorded in the system, check if it is correct. Update the system if they are studying or working either here in Thailand or abroad. Please request to amend as appropriate.   

Any changes in your personal data from previous to current year should be supported with documents in hard copies. These include passport copy, marriage certificate, child's birth certificate as well as receipts of investment in retirement mutual fund (RMF), personal health insurance and personal long term life insurance.

Please submit it to Khun Lalana in the Office of Human Resources Services (OHRS), Room 223, Second Floor of the Administration Building within 8 October 2020. 

Thank you for your cooperation.  

Office of Human Resources Services 


 B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences

1. Online Training Course on "Digital Transformation Addressing Pain Points" (Batch 1)
Date: 22 September 2020
Time: 10:00 - 13:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)
Registration fee: USD 95
Pre-COVID 19, digital transformation was included in corporate strategies as a concept or goal – something to think about in the future. With new meaning now to the phrase “hindsight is always 20/20”, in this course we will review the challenges corporations and organizations faced without the right tech tools and processes in place, and map solutions to address those pain points.
For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1111



2. Online Training Course on "Creating an Agile Culture in your Workspace" (Batch 1)
Date: 22 September 2020
Time: 14:00 - 17:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)
Registration fee: USD 95

Adopting agile practices in the workplace means taking a people-centric approach to organizational transformation, shifting mindsets, and empowering your teams to respond quickly to problems and challenges organically, rather than through set, or fixed processes. It requires strong leadership, yet flat management structures on teams rather than traditional hierarchies, where each team member has a valued voice and collaboration and teamwork is fostered, with shared vision and purpose (your North Star). The agile workspace is flexible, it embraces the imperative on upskilling employees in both hard and soft skills, and it is nimble, enabling rapid decision-making and change.

This course will offer an in-depth look at agile methodologies for the workplace, how they help attract and retain talent, increase productivity and engagement, and drive business growth.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1112



3. Online Training Course on "Creating an Agile Culture in your Workspace" (Batch 2)
Date: 24 September 2020
Time: 10:00 - 13:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)
Registration fee: USD 95

Adopting agile practices in the workplace means taking a people-centric approach to organizational transformation, shifting mindsets, and empowering your teams to respond quickly to problems and challenges organically, rather than through set, or fixed processes. It requires strong leadership, yet flat management structures on teams rather than traditional hierarchies, where each team member has a valued voice and collaboration and teamwork is fostered, with shared vision and purpose (your North Star). The agile workspace is flexible, it embraces the imperative on upskilling employees in both hard and soft skills, and it is nimble, enabling rapid decision-making and change.

This course will offer an in-depth look at agile methodologies for the workplace, how they help attract and retain talent, increase productivity and engagement, and drive business growth.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1112

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4. Online Training Course on "Digital Transformation Addressing Pain Points" (Batch 2)
Date: 24 September 2020
Time: 14:00 - 17:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)
Registration fee: USD 95
Pre-COVID 19, digital transformation was included in corporate strategies as a concept or goal – something to think about in the future. With new meaning now to the phrase “hindsight is always 20/20”, in this course we will review the challenges corporations and organizations faced without the right tech tools and processes in place, and map solutions to address those pain points.
For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1111

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5. Online Training Course: English for Specific Purpose I - Batch I

Speaker: Dr. Analiza P. Amurao

Date: 26 September 2020

Time: 10:00 - 12:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)

For more information please visit https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1106

Or send your inquiry to

Ms. Parichad Nuntavong

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension, AIT

Email: parichad@ait.ac.th

Tel: +66 2 524 5224



6. Online Training Course: The Language of Research (Batch I)

Sat Sep 26th 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Online Training Course: The Language of Research (Batch I)

Speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G.A. Sarausad

Date: 26 September 2020

Time: 13:00 - 15:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)

For more information please visit https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1108

Or send your inquiry to

Ms. Parichad Nuntavong

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension, AIT

Email: parichad@ait.ac.th

Tel: +66 2 524 5224



7. Online Training Course: TOEIC Bridge Preparation Course (Reading Skills) - Batch I

Speaker: M.L. Thanisa Choombala

Date: 26 September 2020

Time: 13:00 - 15:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)

For more information please visit https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1105

Or send your inquiry to

Ms. Parichad Nuntavong

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension, AIT

Email: parichad@ait.ac.th

Tel: +66 2 524 5224



8. Online Training Course: TOEIC Bridge Preparation Course (Listening Skills) - Batch I

Speaker: M.L. Thanisa Choombala

Date: 26 September 2020

Time: 15:30 - 17:30 hrs. (Bangkok time)

For more information please visit https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1107

Or send your inquiry to

Ms. Parichad Nuntavong

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension, AIT

Email: parichad@ait.ac.th

Tel: +66 2 524 5224

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9. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 28 September - 2 October 2020

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Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 28 September - 2 October 2020
Instruction: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1051

Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

10. Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" from 5 - 16 October 2020

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Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 5 - 16 October 2020
Instructor: Mr. Mohammad Ali Toosy, CEO Toosy Advisory Services, Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Asia, Executive Director Strategic Ratings

Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for manufacturing-focused to an enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature have evolved over a period of time. This training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Startup, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with a reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1046


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

11. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 19 - 23 October 2020

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Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 19 - 23 October 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1052


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

12. The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020

The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020 follows the series of ICUE conferences organized by the Asian Institute of Technology since 2006, and has the theme – Energy, Environment and Climate Change for its 2020 edition. 
Date: 20 – 22 October 2020 at Pattaya City, Thailand

13. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management from 2 - 9 November 2020

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Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 2 - 9 November 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1053


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


14. Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification" from 2 - 27 November 2020

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Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 2 - 27 November 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for a manufacturing focused to enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature has evolved over the period of time. This Training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Start up, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This Training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1049


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

15. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 7 - 14 December 2020

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Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 7 - 14 December 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia 

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1054


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


16. Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" from 14 - 23 December 2020

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Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 14 - 23 December 2020
Instructor: Mr.Mohammad Ali Toosy, CEO Toosy Advisory Services, Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Asia, Executive Director Strategic Ratings
Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for manufacturing-focused to an enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature have evolved over a period of time. This training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Startup, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with a reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1047


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th




D. Classified (jobs)P

Position: Assistant Professor Position for Bio-Nano Material Science and Engineering

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering (ISE)

School of Engineering and Technology (SET)

Ref. No. 03/20
Deadline: 30 September 2020

Position: Associate/Assistant Professor, School of Engineering & Technology 

Information & Communication Technologies Department (ICT)

School of Engineering and Technology (SET)
Ref. No. 4/20
Deadline: 30 September 2020
Faculty Position in Agricultural Systems and Engineering [ASE]
Department of Food, Agriculture and Bioresources (FAB)
School of Environment, Resources and  Development
Ref. No. 5/20
Deadline: 15 October 2020
Faculty Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Engineering & Technology (ISE-MEC)
School of Engineering and Technology
Industrial Systems Engineering
Ref. No. 6/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020
Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Engineering & Technology (ISE-IME)
School of Engineering and Technology
Industrial Systems Engineering
Ref. No. 7/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020
Position: IT HelpDesk Officer, intERLab  
Ref. No. 25/20
Deadline: 30 September  2020
Position: Consultant (Preliminary Analysis and Field data collection)
Ref. No. 28/20
Deadline: 25 September 2020
