WEEK# 48, 7 – 13 December 2020

In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Events 

C. Classifieds (jobs)

A. Announcements

1) The Hybrid Expert Talk on "Biotechnological Patent Protection in Thailand" by Dr. Monnat Theerachat

The next Hybrid Expert Talk on 8 December 2020, Tuesday at 2:30 PM (Bangkok time). The topic of the talk is Biotechnological Patent Protection in Thailand by Dr. Monnat Theerachat, Senior Licensed Patent Agent, Ananda Intellectual Property, one of Thailand's top 3 patent and trademark law firm (Tier 1- Legal 500; Tier 1- Trademark Prosecution Firm (Asia IP); Tier 2, Patent and Trademark Contentious Firm (Asia IP).

Dr. Monnat received a certificate in “Advance in Intellectual Property Law” from Institute of Legal Education of the Thai Bar and IP-UP Program certificate from Department of Intellectual Property-Thailand Research Fund. She has over 15 years’ scientific research experience, her areas of expertise include molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology and enzymology.
We hope you can all join us in this important talk. Please register at this link to get the meeting id.
Registration link: https://bit.ly/33kdnTg


2) The Meet the Expert Live Talk by Stefano Cammelli, Technical Director – Wind Engineering, WSP UK Limited on 8 December 2020 (04:00 PM-Bangkok time).

Topic - Tall Buildings: Wind, Forms and Structures

About the Speaker

Stefano is a wind engineering specialist with a demonstrated history of excellence in assisting clients in the successful delivery of large-scale projects. In his career, he has been directly involved in several hundred consultancy projects worldwide, providing experimental as well as numerical wind engineering services to designers and end-clients. Stefano has an active professional involvement in the global wind engineering community through participation in committees, working groups and peer reviews. He has proven experience in managing a wealth of industry-academic collaborations and he is also a regular presenter at international conferences, with dozens of publications in peers reviewed journals, magazines and books. Within WSP UK’s Specialists Group, Stefano now leads the Wind Engineering team.

To join, please register here:


AIT Solutions


Tel: + (662) 524 6388

unnamed (4)

3)  A Free ROVER Project Webinar on Future Secure eHealth Architecture

You are invited to join a Free ROVER Project Webinar on Future Secure eHealth Architecture
Date: 10 December 2020
Time: 5:00-6:15 (UTC/GMT +2) (12.00am - Local Time)
Register: https://bit.ly/3lciICb

Assoc. Prof. Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn from Telecommunications Program will be talking about the topic: In-body Capsule Endoscope Localization

The webinar info is also available on the project website:

ROVER EU H2020 MSCA RISE project (ID: 872752) focuses on seamless, dependable, energy-efficient and secure solutions for future wireless eHealth. The global project team brings together multidisciplinary expertise from Finland, Norway, United Kingdom, Italy, United States, Australia, Thailand and Japan.

ROVER Project Webinar on Future Secure eHealth Architecture offers a great opportunity to explore the proposed modular end-to-end healthcare concept for improved patient imaging, more accurate patient diagnosis, increased security and privacy.


4)  The Webinar on Innovations and Startups for Circular Economy

Mark your calendar, 16 December 2020, 2.00PM (Bangkok time)for the Webinar on Innovations and Startups for Circular Economy organized by EU SWITCH-Asia Programme in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) to be held at the AIT Entrepreneureship Center and Online. The webinar aims to provide a platform to identify the pathways in accelerating innovations for circular economy. The pathways include the enabling environment and capacity building for green startups, innovative policies and financing mechanisms, and creating demand for innovations sustainable consumption as a result of sustainable lifestyles.

Register now https://bit.ly/3fDKjLl



Friday, 18 December 2020

Robert B. Banks Auditorium, AIT Conference Center

Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani


08:00 hrs Photo session of Graduands with President, VPs and Faculty

10:00 hrs Graduation Ceremony

12:00 hrs Academic Recession


6) Library closure (5, 10-11 December 2020)

Due to the public holiday of His Majesty the Late King's Birthday and the additional holidays announced by the Government of Thailand, AIT Library will be closed on the following dates.

•Saturday,  5th December 2020

•Thursday, 10 - 11 December 2020

Library users who would like to return books, please drop them off at the Automated Book Return at the side of the Library.

For book renewal, please send an e-mail to library@ait.ac.th

For Library clearance, please send an e-mail to libraryclearance@ait.ac.th

AIT Library

Website: http://library.ait.ac.th

Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ

7) Submission of timesheet for December 2020

Dear Staff members, 
This is to kindly inform you that the cut-off for the payroll transaction will be on 14th December 2020. In this regard, we kindly request you to submit your timesheet on 8th December 2020 at the OHRS Office.  
Please be guided accordingly.
Thank you. 
Office of Human Resources Services 


8) December 31, 2020 closing announcement

To ensure that there will be no overlapping of transactions between 2020 and 2021, please strictly follow these guidelines:

1. 2020 Payments cut off

Email from the Finance Office on 30 November 2020.

•All “approved” 2020 Payment Requests/ Cash Payment Summary with attached supplier invoices/receipts (dated within 2020) should be received by Finance Office by 24th December 2020. 

•Please avoid any delay in submission of the above documents since Finance has deadline to close the annual account. Delay in submission means your request for payment will not be able to charge to 2020 budget.

2. Payroll

•Overtime cut off is 14th December.

•Actual overtime up to the cut-off date plus estimation of overtime for the remaining weeks up to 31st December 2020 must reach Finance Office by 14th of December 2020 for reserving in 2020 account.

•Failure to submit estimated overtime within the deadline means there will be no budget to pay the overtime.

•All completed documents for reimbursement/refund through salary should reach Finance before 14 December; if not, it will be paid together with January’s salary.

3. Purchase Requisition (PR) and Purchase Orders (PO)

Before issuing Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order in December 2020, please check whether works/services can be delivered/completed within the year 2020 or not.  If yes, Purchase Requisition must be approved before 14th December 2020 and all Purchase Orders must be approved before 18th December 2020. 

Work/service/Goods which cannot be completed/delivered by Suppliers/Contractors within 2020, will be charged to 2021 budget, even if Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders are issued in 2020. External Auditor will not accept to record goods /services delivered in 2021 as transactions of 2020. 

For materials/ services to be delivered in 2020, please request suppliers to submit their Suppliers’ invoices to Finance office by December 31 for recording in 2020 account.

Note: There is a common misunderstanding that by simply placing Purchase Requisition (PR) or Purchase Order (PO) in 2020, it is sufficient to utilize the 2020 budget. 

4 Settlement of outstanding Promissory Note and RTA  

       Please settle your Promissory note and RTA within 24th December 2020.                                                                                              

5. Invoicing Income

•Schools/Units are requested to submit Requests pertaining to work/services performed for third parties in 2020 (e.g. fees recoverable from donors, income due from project sponsors) to Finance Office by 24th December 2020.

6. Internal Charges

•All Units which have authority to update Internal Charges through ERP must ensure that the charges of 2020 have been completely updated by 24th December 2020. Units which do not have the authority must submit the Internal Charge Form to Finance Office by 24th December 2020.

Other issues

7. Sponsored Projects under Fund 30

Schools/Cost centers must ensure that Form E has been completely issued for all closing projects in 2020. Please also provide the list of the completed projects (both Academic and non-Academic projects) to Finance office. Khun Vandee, Administrative Staff, will contact schools/units for the list.

For further enquiries, please contact:

•Ms. Orawan Kosaipolkul, Senior Accounting Manager Ext # 6346

•Ms. Duangdao, Finance Manager Ext # 6342 (for Payment)

•Ms Pakkamol, Director, Procurement, Inventory and Assets Ext # 5029 (for Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order)


B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences

1) The 15th GMSARN International Conference 2020
Details and Registration: http://www.gmsarn.com/conference2020

Extended Abstract Submission: December 4 2020

Notification of Acceptance: December 7, 2020
Final Manuscript Submission & Early-Bird Registration: December 11, 2020
Conference Dates: December 21-22, 2020


2) Online training course on "AI in Agriculture and Food Supply"
Date: 14 - 23 December 2020


The usual agricultural practices will not be able to feed the World, as demand for agricultural products increases while agricultural land remains limited. In many ways today’s agricultural practices are inefficient, with irrigation wasting an estimated 80-90% of the water used and about 40% of farms globally overuse fertilizers and chemicals, leading to harmful effects on soil and water quality, and consequently yield per unit area. Digital Technologies (DTs) can tackle many food production and distribution challenges, such as low productivity, high transaction costs, limited use of inputs and minimal commercialization. Keeping in mind that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., emergence of ICT or DTs) is behind the disruption in all sectors and industries, agriculture, one of the oldest industries in human history, is also evolving more rapidly than ever. Smart farming technology is a technological solution that aims to create highly added value by integrating existing agricultural technologies with cutting-edge ICT solutions including Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Drone Technology. AIT Extension Program on Digital Disruption in Agriculture and Food Industry will be a set of independent as well as interconnected training courses (online, face2face, blended), which have been designed to equip you with better understanding, required knowledge and skills on Digital Disruption in Agriculture & Food Industry.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.asia/course/1130

 AI in Agriculture and Food Security

3) Online training course on "Sustainable and Smart Farming using Cutting Edge Technologies and IoT"
Date: 7 - 18 December 2020


The usual agricultural practices will not be able to feed the World, as demand for agricultural products increases while agricultural land remains limited. In many ways today’s agricultural practices are inefficient, with irrigation wasting an estimated 80-90% of the water used and about 40% of farms globally overuse fertilizers and chemicals, leading to harmful effects on soil and water quality, and consequently yield per unit area. Digital Technologies (DTs) can tackle many food production and distribution challenges, such as low productivity, high transaction costs, limited use of inputs and minimal commercialization. Keeping in mind that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., emergence of ICT or DTs) is behind the disruption in all sectors and industries, agriculture, one of the oldest industries in human history, is also evolving more rapidly than ever. Smart farming technology is a technological solution that aims to create highly added value by integrating existing agricultural technologies with cutting-edge ICT solutions including Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Drone Technology. AIT Extension Program on Digital Disruption in Agriculture and Food Industry will be a set of independent as well as interconnected training courses (online, face2face, blended), which have been designed to equip you with better understanding, required knowledge and skills on Digital Disruption in Agriculture & Food Industry.

For more information and registration pls.visit https://extension.ait.asia/course/1132

Sustainable and Smart Farming using Cutting Edge Technologies and IoT

4)  Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 7 - 14 December 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia 

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1054


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

5-Change Management_Banner_7 Dec - 14 Dec 2020


5) Online training course on "Blockchain in Agriculture and Food Industry

Date: 7 - 18 December 2020


The usual agricultural practices will not be able to feed the World, as demand for agricultural products increases while agricultural land remains limited. In many ways today’s agricultural practices are inefficient, with irrigation wasting an estimated 80-90% of the water used and about 40% of farms globally overuse fertilizers and chemicals, leading to harmful effects on soil and water quality, and consequently yield per unit area. Digital Technologies (DTs) can tackle many food production and distribution challenges, such as low productivity, high transaction costs, limited use of inputs and minimal commercialization. Keeping in mind that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., emergence of ICT or DTs) is behind the disruption in all sectors and industries, agriculture, one of the oldest industries in human history, is also evolving more rapidly than ever. Smart farming technology is a technological solution that aims to create highly added value by integrating existing agricultural technologies with cutting-edge ICT solutions including Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Drone Technology. AIT Extension Program on Digital Disruption in Agriculture and Food Industry will be a set of independent as well as interconnected training courses (online, face2face, blended), which have been designed to equip you with better understanding, required knowledge and skills on Digital Disruption in Agriculture & Food Industry.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.asia/course/1131

2_Blockchain in Agriculture and Food Industry

6) Online training course on "Data Analytics and Agricultural Intelligence"
Date: 7 - 18 December 2020

The usual agricultural practices will not be able to feed the World, as demand for agricultural products increases while agricultural land remains limited. In many ways today’s agricultural practices are inefficient, with irrigation wasting an estimated 80-90% of the water used and about 40% of farms globally overuse fertilizers and chemicals, leading to harmful effects on soil and water quality, and consequently yield per unit area. Digital Technologies (DTs) can tackle many food production and distribution challenges, such as low productivity, high transaction costs, limited use of inputs and minimal commercialization. Keeping in mind that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., emergence of ICT or DTs) is behind the disruption in all sectors and industries, agriculture, one of the oldest industries in human history, is also evolving more rapidly than ever. Smart farming technology is a technological solution that aims to create highly added value by integrating existing agricultural technologies with cutting-edge ICT solutions including Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Drone Technology. AIT Extension Program on Digital Disruption in Agriculture and Food Industry will be a set of independent as well as interconnected training courses (online, face2face, blended), which have been designed to equip you with better understanding, required knowledge and skills on Digital Disruption in Agriculture & Food Industry.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.asia/course/1133

 4_Data Analytics and Agricultural Intelligence

7)  Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification"

Duration: 14 - 23 December 2020
Instructor: Mr.Mohammad Ali Toosy, CEO Toosy Advisory Services, Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Asia, Executive Director Strategic Ratings
Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for manufacturing-focused to an enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature have evolved over a period of time. This training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Startup, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with a reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1047


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

 3-Lean Six Sigma Green Belt_Banner_14 Dec- 23 Dec 2020

8) Online training course on "Precision Farming and Climate Smart Agricultural"
Date: 14 - 23 December 2020

The usual agricultural practices will not be able to feed the World, as demand for agricultural products increases while agricultural land remains limited. In many ways today’s agricultural practices are inefficient, with irrigation wasting an estimated 80-90% of the water used and about 40% of farms globally overuse fertilizers and chemicals, leading to harmful effects on soil and water quality, and consequently yield per unit area. Digital Technologies (DTs) can tackle many food production and distribution challenges, such as low productivity, high transaction costs, limited use of inputs and minimal commercialization. Keeping in mind that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., emergence of ICT or DTs) is behind the disruption in all sectors and industries, agriculture, one of the oldest industries in human history, is also evolving more rapidly than ever. Smart farming technology is a technological solution that aims to create highly added value by integrating existing agricultural technologies with cutting-edge ICT solutions including Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Drone Technology. AIT Extension Program on Digital Disruption in Agriculture and Food Industry will be a set of independent as well as interconnected training courses (online, face2face, blended), which have been designed to equip you with better understanding, required knowledge and skills on Digital Disruption in Agriculture & Food Industry.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.asia/course/1134

5_Precision Farming and Climate Smart Agriculture


9) The 2nd AIT-BNU Joint Virtual Workshop on Water, Health, and Ecosystems: Current Challenges and Opportunities



With the rapid development of economy, urbanization and population growth globally, the water shortage becomes an essential social issue increasingly. The water shortage, which may be caused by the climate change, such as more frequent and intensified drought and/or water pollution may in turn has a large impact on the watershed or coastal ecosystems, fresh water sustainability, etc. The water shortage, water pollution and together with the degradation of ecosystems may in turn threaten the livelihood and human health eventually. The mechanisms underlying the water quantity and quality on human health and ecosystems, its major driving factors and responses of ecosystems to the water changes under climatic and anthropic influences is still not fully understood. Therefore, the International Workshop on ‘Water, Health, and Ecosystems: Current Challenges and Opportunities’ seeks to create a platform to present the current state of knowledge regarding the advanced methodologies, current progress and challenges, future opportunities in water-health-ecosystems management.

Host Organizations

School of Environment, Resources and Development, AIT

School of Engineering and Technology, AIT

College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University

AIT Belt and Road Research Center


Dr. Wenchao Xue, Environmental Engineering and Management, School of Environment, Resources and Development, AIT. Email: wenchao@ait.ac.th


8:00 – 8:30 (BKK) Welcome & Registration

8:30 – 8:50 (BKK) Opening Remarks

11:30 – 13:00 (BKK) Lunch Break

13:00 – 15:40 (BKK)

Section A-1: Assessment in water quality and ecosystem degradation

Section B-1: Remote sensing, field observation and combined use of multiple technologies

11:30 – 13:00 (BKK) Lunch Break

13:00 – 15:40 (BKK)

Section A-2: Ecosystem responses to climatic and/or anthropic influences

Section B-2: Integrated modelling on water quantity and quality

15:40 – 16:00 (BKK) Break

16:00 – 16:30 (BKK)

Panel Discussion: Water, Health, and Ecosystems: Challenges and Opportunities under the Framework of Belt and Road Initiative

16:30 – 16:40 (BKK) Closing Remarks


D. Classified (jobs)

Faculty Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Engineering & Technology (ISE-MEC)
School of Engineering and Technology
Industrial Systems Engineering
Ref. No. 6/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020
Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Engineering & Technology (ISE-IME)
School of Engineering and Technology
Industrial Systems Engineering
Ref. No. 7/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Development (FAB-AARM)
Ref. No. 8/20
Deadline: 15 December 2020

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Development (DDS-GDS)
Ref. No. 06/20
Deadline: 15 February 2021

Position: Technical staff, SERD-AARM (Hatchery)
Ref. No. 45/20
Deadline: 14 December 2020

Position: Technical staff, SERD-AARM (Farm)
Ref. No. 46/20
Deadline: 14 December 2020

Position: Web Developer, AI Center
Ref. No. 44/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020

Position: Network Engineer, AI Center
Ref. No. 43/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020

Position: Analytics Developer, AI Center
Ref. No. 42/20
Deadline: 31 December 2020

Position:  Software Developer, AIT Solutions
Ref. No. 34/20
Deadline: 20 December 2020



