WEEK# 4, 25 – 31 January 2021




In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Events 

C. Classifieds (jobs)

A. Announcements 

1) Thailand Situation and AIT Update

Email from the Director, Office of Academic Administrationon 23 January 2021

Dear AIT Family 

The Task Force would like to provide you with the following updates. 

Organizational Quarantine (OQ) Updates – We wish to inform you that two students in our Organizational Quarantine (OQ) tested positive for COVID-19, and were transported on 20 January and 22 January respectively from the OQ and AIT campus by a Thammasat University Hospital ambulance for treatment at the Hospital. We wish them a speedy and complete recovery. Our OQ continues to receive overseas international students and by 23 January 2021, 173 AIT students from overseas will have gone through our OQ broken down as follows: continuing students (32), new students - Fall 2020 (110); new students - Spring 2021 (31).

No Decision Yet to Reopening of AIT - As communicated earlier, all classes will continue to be Interactive Online until 31 January 2021, and AIT’s current Work from Home (WFH) status, with only mission-essential personnel coming to the office when absolutely necessary, will also be in effect until at least 31 January 2021. Any adjustment to these decisions will be made towards the end of this month and we will also be guided by subsequent announcements put forward by the Thai authorities. The Spokesperson of the Government of Thailand’s Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has stated in the daily briefing on 21 January that 31 January 2021 will be the day to make a decision whether the country should strengthen or relax prevention measures. With regard to the reopening of schools, the Education Ministry has been assigned to assess whether reopening is feasible from 1 February 2021 

Organization of Events and Gatherings - The earlier announced regulations on gathering still stand i.e. gatherings of any size larger than 15 are not allowed, and organisers of any gathering of more than 5 people must receive permission from the AIT COVID-19 Task Force. In addition, please note that a detailed email describing the event and safety protocols must be sent to the Task Force requesting approval at least 5 days prior to the event or activity being held. The organizer or host of the event will also be required to sign a consent form accepting responsibility for the safe and proper conduct of the activity or event. Given the fluid nature of COVID-19, event plans may need to be adjusted as conditions change to support the health and safety of the campus community.

Other Policies – All the other earlier announced policies still stand and please check with the Task Force if you have any queries and also visit the Intranet page where all COVID-19 related information and updates from the Task Force are available.

Thai Government Advice – The Thai authorities continue to emphasize that people should practice "DMHTT" measures, which are distancing, mask-wearing, hand washing, testing (temperature check), and Thai Chana and Mor Chana applications use, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Please stay updated on news from the Government of Thailand and other updates from the AIT COVID-19 Task Force and the Intranet. We want you to know that AIT takes strict measures to protect our community, and all of us now need to be very vigilant and cooperative to keep our community and our campus safe during this New Wave.

AIT COVID-19 Task Force

2) Research Support Courses for January 2021 Semester

Email from AIT Language Center on 21 January 2021

We are pleased to offer the following courses this semester. Please feel free to email us for questions at lcresearchsupport@ait.ac.th.

Introduction to Research Writing:

5 February - 9 April 2021, Friday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Total 10 weeks (20 hours)


Thesis Writing: Proposal Writing:

1 February - 6 April 2021, Total 10 weeks (20 hours)


Writing the Final Chapters:

1 February - 6 April 2021, Total 10 weeks (20 hours)


Writing a Publishable Paper:

3 February - 7 April 2021, Wednesday, 13:00-15:00 pm, Total 10 weeks (20 hours)


Basic Statistics in Research:

6 February - 6 March 2021, Saturday 1:00-3:00 pm, Total 5 weeks (10 hours)


Advanced Statistics in Research:

13 March - 10 April 2021, Saturday 1:00-3:00 pm, Total 5 weeks (10 hours)


Our monthly workshops will be announced soon.

Language Center


3) Upcoming AIT Roadshow Live Webinars for the month of January 2021


4) 2021 AIA Insurance Medical Cards are now available

Email from the Office of Human Resources Services on 8 January 2021. 

Dear AIA Medical Insurance Policy Holders, 

Please be informed that the new AIA medical insurance cards are now available. Please collect it at the Office of Human Resources Services during office hours. 

Important reminders: 

•If you are a foreigner, please provide your passport and your AIA medical insurance card to the hospital reception staff before seeing a doctor.

•If you are a Thai person, please provide your Thai identification card. 

•You can also use the AIA cardless or eCard system (attached is the manual for your easy reference).

•Laboratory coverage is up to a maximum of Baht 5,000. To claim your reimbursement for your laboratory expenses, please submit to OHRS the original receipt and the medical certificate.

•For consultations/hospitalizations in a non-network hospitals, please pay the bill first then submit the original receipt and medical certificate to OHRS to process the reimbursement. 

•Medical reimbursement is valid only within 90 days from the date of the consultation/discharge, otherwise, AIA will not process the reimbursement.

The AIA handbook and the list of AIA network hospitals can be found on the HRIS. Please click "About the Medical Plan". 

If you or your dependents have recently changed your passport number, please contact Khun Jirada immediately by email at jirada@ait.ac.th.  




B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences

1) 100 Innovations x Entrepreneurs : What Drives the Future?


The first 100 Innovations x Entrepreneurs (100X) event was organized by the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in 2019 as Southeast Asia’s first Research-to-Commercial conference to bridge the gap between academia and industry. The event also served as the venue to launch AIT’s Entrepreneurship Center, a breeding ground for future business leaders as well as a learning center with the ultimate goal of enhancing economic and social development. As our signature annual event, this year also AIT is organizing the second 100X in a new normal hybrid mode, a combination of online and in-person to also reach out to more people from different parts of the world. The theme for this event is What Drives the Future with a mindset to rethink our future by focusing on how we can improve the basic human needs such as Food, WellBeing, Living, Education, and Communication in context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).We believe that collaboration among different stakeholders: University, Industry, Government, and Civil Society is the key to safeguard our future and each stakeholder has a critical role to play in achieving the SDGs. Through this event, AIT, as one of the stakeholders, is reaching out to the Government, Industry and Civil Society to collaborate with us as co-organizer, partner, and participants.

More details:

100 Innovations X Entrepreneurs (ait.ac.th)



2) Online training course on "Connect Learning with Monitoring and Evaluation: A Strategy for Project M&E in Current COVID-19 Pandemic"

Date: 26 April - 13 May 2021
Time: 14:00 - 16:00 hrs. (Bangkok time)
Learn from practitioners on how to develop M & E pathways that foster measurement of results and respond to current changes of M&E contexts. Broadening perspectives for innovative ways to develop tools and reporting mechanisms that help to make decisions for project implementation. 

Aims of the program

Enhance practical knowledge and scope for M&E approach and practices during COVID-19.
Be acquainted with appropriate research design and data collection tools.

Apply M &E concept to create information sharing and reporting strategies.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1127


 Banner of M&E 26  Apr - 13 May 2021

D. Classified (jobs)

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Engineering & Technology (ISE-IME)
Ref. No. 7/20
Deadline: 31 January 2021

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Development (DDS-GDS)

Ref. No. 9/20
Deadline: 15 February 2021

