WEEK# 36, 6- 12 September, 2021

In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Events 

C. Classifieds (jobs)

A. Announcements 

1) Revised Restrictions and Updates from the AIT COVID-19 Task Force

Email from the Director, Office of Academic Administration on 31 August 2021

Dear AIT Family,

Easing of Certain Restrictions by Thai Government and Implications for AIT – As you will have seen from the news, the Thai Government has eased certain COVID-19 restrictions with effect from 1 September until further notice.  Based on our interpretation of the measures and in consultation with the Department of Disease Control (DDC), we would like to announce the following modifications for the AIT campus:

§  Online classes and Work-from-Home (WFH) will continue until the end of September 2021.  We will be monitoring the situation closely to see if it is necessary to adjust this later.

§  Gatherings of up to 10 persons are now allowed.  But you must inform the Task Force.  However, organizing any activities that are prone to the spread of disease are still not allowed. 

§  Dine-in is allowed until 8pm with 50% capacity in all eateries on campus.

§  All outdoor sports are now allowed, but with no spectators.  Please be reminded that the sports fields and other sporting facilities are RESTRICTED for use by the AIT community only.  Sports that allow outside visitors and non-AIT residents to participate in sporting activities on the AIT campus will lose the privilege to use the facilities on campus.  Indoor sports are still not allowed, and the swimming pool remains closed.

§  The hair salons will be allowed to accept customers with an advanced appointment, but no waiting allowed.

§  Visitors / Guests.  The TF continue to discourage inviting personal and professional guests/ visitors from coming to AIT for any visit.  Other casual day visitors (e.g. to buy take-out food, coffee, or deliver goods, etc) will have to make arrangements with the concerned establishment, which are allowed to ONLY make deliveries at the Main Gate.

§  Our reduced service by contractors on campus will continue through September.

Please note that Thailand’s color-coding system for COVID-19 control remains in place and Pathum Thani, where AIT is located, is still classified as a “Maximum and Strict Controlled Area or Dark-red Zone”.  The night-time curfew in the 29 dark-red zone provinces remains in place between 2100 to 0400 hours.

It is of utmost importance that in spite of the relaxation of certain measures we must still have a vigilant mindset and continue to adhere to good practices.  The Thai Government has urged people nationwide to continue abiding by the health and safety measures in place, such as, always wearing face masks while outside of their residence, regularly washing hands with soap and water/cleaning alcohol, and avoiding unnecessary close contact with others.  They also remind everyone to continue with D-M-H-T-T-A precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, i.e. D–Distancing, M–Mask wearing, H–Hand washing, T–Temperature check, T–Testing for COVID-19, and A–Alert application.  The numbers of positive cases are going down, but the pandemic still very much exists in Thailand. Please continue to be very careful!!

Discontinuation of Phase 3 (after Self-isolation) from 1 October 2021 – The current Organizational Quarantine (OQ) requirements at AIT entail three phases i.e.

§  Phase 1: 14 or 21-day mandatory quarantine period either at the AIT OQ or an Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) hotel.

§  Phase 2: 7-day Self-Isolation (SI) with its current restrictions, such as can only go out twice a day but no more than 90 minutes in total per day and  CANNOT: attend classes in person; report to office; meet, visit or talk with others in person; leave the campus.

§  Phase 3: A 3-week period after Phase 2 in an unshared single-toilet room on campus with no restrictions on movement and meetings etc. 

We are pleased to announce that with effect from 1 October 2021, Phase 3 will no longer be required. Therefore, students and staff completing Phases 1 and 2 after this date, are required to immediately return on October 1 to either their old rooms or to other available units allocated to them on campus.

Please check with the Task Force if you have any queries and also visit the Intranet page where all COVID-19 related information and updates from the Task Force are available.

Thank you for your cooperation.

AIT COVID-19 Task Force

2) A Better Working Environment

Email from AIT President on 3 September 2021.

Dear members of the AIT family,

I am committed to creating an environment at AIT that enables us to take the Institute to a higher level.  To do so, it is essential that we foster a positive and team attitude.  This is why this important reminder message is sent out to the AIT community at the beginning of every semester.  

But there will be instances where a person may feel that an unsatisfactory situation has developed at AIT which requires addressing, and thus wish to lodge a complaint or express a grievance.  For these, AIT already has policies and procedures for addressing grievances, such as sexual harassment, bullying, invasion of privacy and discrimination, among others (PA 2-1-2) and on disciplinary action (PA 1-3-3, X; PA 1-1-1, IX). Procedures for handling the grievances of students are set out in the Student Handbook.

In short, 

1. All complaints from within a unit must be addressed through the chain of command within the unit.

2. Complaints about other units/persons must be addressed by the complainant, through his/her supervisor, to the supervisor (or next  chain of command) of the other unit.

3. For students, complaints must be addressed through the relevant chain of command: academic advisors; Department Heads; Dean; Director of the Office of Student Affairs.

However, if after following these established procedures, it is felt that the complaint or grievance cannot be resolved through these channels and it is of a serious nature, it should be drawn to the attention of the AIT Administration.  Should the matter reach this point, here is the system for complaint or grievance:

Step 1 — Make a report and send it, using your AIT email address, to report@ait.ac.th.  Any complaint or grievance reported in this way will be addressed seriously, and in utmost confidence.  No anonymous complaints will be accepted.

Step 2 — The Director of the Office of Academic Administration (OAA), Ms Izel Ann Dante, has been entrusted by me to make an initial assessment of all complaints and grievances (including, but not limited to, cases of unethical behavior and misconduct) and to determine whether there is a case.  She will do this by first ascertaining all facts material to the complaint.  This may involve speaking confidentially to the complainant.  She will also review the relevant Institute Policies and Procedures.

Step 3 — Based on her assessment, she will submit a confidential report to the Vice President for Administration and to me, recommending either that there is a case, or that no further action is required.  I will then decide the actions that the Institute needs to take.

I would like all of us to focus on the challenges facing AIT.  But to do so requires that we address legitimate concerns about the governance of the Institute.  Before making a complaint, you should be confident of its legitimacy and seriousness.  And if you are confident of that, we will take your concern seriously.  This system described above will provide an equitable and confidential channel for students, faculty and staff to put forward their grievances and complaints.  The administration will do its utmost to try to reach a fair resolution.

Let’s all strive to have a better working environment at AIT!

Thank you!

Dr. Eden Woon


3) The webinar on Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation: From Concept to Implementation

The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP), located at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is pleased to invite you for the upcoming webinar on:

Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation: From Concept to Implementation

09 September 2021, at 10.00 – 11.30 hours (Bangkok Time, UTC+7) | Virtual via Webex

Click here to register and for more information

This webinar is hosted by (AIT RRC.AP) to help identify opportunities for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in adaptation to climate change, particularly, having a common understanding and interpretation of NbS concepts and take advantage of existing traditional ecological knowledge in NbS application. It will provide experiences, and emerging priorities of key donors and implementing agencies in supporting nature-based solutions for adaptation and benefits of investing in nature-based solutions.

For inquiries, please contact Ms. Asmita Poudel: Asmita.Poudel@rrcap.ait.ac.th

4) A Sub-Regional Dialogue: Promoting Sustainable Food Consumption in Southeast and Northeast Asia through Farm-to-Fork Concept

The EU SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Advocacy Component and United Nations Environment Programme (Regional Office for the Asia-Pacific) in partnership with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT, Thailand) is pleased to invite you to attend A Sub-Regional Dialogue: Promoting Sustainable Food Consumption in Southeast and Northeast Asia through Farm-to-Fork Concept on 14 September 2021, 09:30 hrs (Bangkok time).

We hope that you will be able to join us and actively contribute to this webinar. Don't miss it!

To go directly to registration page, click this link:

For more information please contact:
Ms. Pondchanok Piraintorn (Japan)
Project Coordinator, AIT

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!


5) The Webinar on Machine Learning and Deep Learning – Machines Getting Smarter and Smarter

AIT Extension Welcomes to join the Webinar on Machine Learning and Deep Learning – Machines Getting Smarter and Smarter

16 September 2021, 10:00-11:30 am Bangkok Time 


Machine Learning and Deep Learning-Banner (1)

6) Finland Day

AIT is pleased to join hands with the Embassy of Finland in Thailand as a partner university and invite our students, faculty and staff to join -- Finland Day on 17 September 2021 -- a special virtual event to introduce Finland; its culture, knowhow, companies and study and working opportunities.

The program of the day includes welcome words from the Ambassador of Finland in Thailand H.E. Mr. Jyri Järviaho and company presentations from Edunation, e-Ville.com, Finclass Thailand, Finnair and Nokia. The day will end with a Finnish Online Cinema, where you will be able to learn about the remarkable designer and modern architect, Alvar Aalto. After the main event, AIT Staff are warmly welcome to join the Information Session about the Finnish Education System.

All the participants of the Finland Day will be automatically joining a lucky draw, where you have a chance to win prizes from our Finnish event sponsors Polar, Biokia, Benecol and Moomin. Moomin Café Thailand is also offering you an opportunity to pre-order a Moomin Snack Package with tasty drink and pastries, so that you can enjoy the Finnish program with one of the most famous Finnish characters!

Kindly find more information of the event at the Links Below and Attached. Looking forward to seeing you on September 17!

Don’t forget to pre-order your Moomin Snack Package via Line @moomincafe_th before 12 September 2021.

To Register:

Finland Day Main Program: 9am – 1:30pm, RSVP: www.lyyti.in/FinlandDay

Finnish Online Cinema: 1:30pm (limited amount of tickets available on first come first served basis), RSVP: www.lyyti.in/FinnishOnlineCinema

Information Session for AIT Staff:

4pm - 5pm, RSVP: www.lyyti.in/infosession

Office of International Affairs (OIA)

Email: oia@ait.ac.th

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)



7) The Meet the Expert by Dr. Fumio Yamazaki on "Monitoring and Sensing Technologies of Earthquake Engineering in Japan"

We are pleased to invite you to the Meet the Expert by Dr. Fumio Yamazaki, Professor Emeritus, Chiba University, Japan, and Research Fellow at National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Tsukuba, Japan, on 23rd September 2021 (2.00 PM Bangkok time).

Topic - Monitoring and Sensing Technologies of Earthquake Engineering in Japan

About the Speaker

Dr. Fumio Yamazaki is currently Research Fellow at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), Tsukuba, Japan and Professor Emeritus at Chiba University, Japan. He received his M.S. degree in civil engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1978. After working for Shimizu Corporation, Japan and serving as a visiting scholar at Columbia University, USA, he earned his Ph.D. degree in civil engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1987. He joined the Institute of Industrial Science at University of Tokyo in 1989 as Associate Professor and was there until 2003. He also served as a team leader of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research Center (EDM) in Kobe, Japan in the period of 1998 to 2004.

Dr. Yamazaki was dispatched as a JICA expert to Thailand and served as Professor at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) from 2001 to 2003. He joined the Graduate School of Engineering at Chiba University as Professor in 2003 and stayed there until his retirement in March 2019. His research interests include earthquake engineering, stochastic mechanics, and more recently, application of GIS and remote sensing to disaster management. He is a member of many professional organizations in Japan and USA including ASCE, EERI, JSCE, JAEE. He received Doctor Honoris Causa from National University of Engineering, Peru in 2007, and he was designated as Distinguished Adjunct Professor at AIT in 2015.

To join, please register here:


Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!


8) Direct Link to Online Databases and e-Resources

Email from AIT Library on 3 September 2021.

Due to the problem with Library Website, now we cannot access the library resources through http://library.ait.ac.th.  To help you access our e-resources during this time, the library has provided the direct link to each database as below.

Search Library books: https://libopac.ait.ac.th/

Search e-Theses:

Online/Journal Databases   

ACM https://dl.acm.org/

Subject areas: Applied Computing: Industry/Business, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Education, Law, Forensics, Arts/Humanities, Entertainment,Architecture, Embedded Systems and Electronics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural language processing, Computational Theory, Algorithms and Mathematics, Graphics and Computer-Aided Design, Hardware, Power and Energy, Human Computer Interaction, Information Systems, Search, Information Retrieval, Database Systems, Data Mining, Data Science, Networks and Communications,Security and Privacy, Society and the Computing Profession, Software Engineering and Programming Languages, Web, Mobile and Multimedia Technologies.

ASCE https://ascelibrary.org/

Subject areas:

Codes and Standards, Structural engineering, Water and water resources, Construction engineering, Materials, Disasters, Pipelines, Transportation engineering,

Architectural engineering, Environmental engineering, Geotechnics, Energy engineering, Urban planning and development, Forensic engineering, Lifeline systems, Pavements, Tunnels and underground construction, Coastal engineering, Risk management, Cold regions, and Computing in civil engineering.

EBSCO https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&group=main&profi...

Subject areas: Accounting Education, Accounting & Tax, Banking, Business Management, Commercial Law, Customer Behavior & Theory, Decision Science, Economics, Organizational Studies, Employment Law, Finance & Investing, Industrial Engineering, Management Information Systems, Management, Marketing, and Sociology 

EBSCO Newspaper Source Plus http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&def...

Full-text digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires, and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.

Emerald E-Journals (Prefer Firefox Web Browser)  https://www.emerald.com/insight/

Subject areas: Accounting, Finance and Economics, Accounting and Finance, Economics, Business, Management and Strategy, Climate Change and the Environment, Education and Research Methods, Engineering, HR, Learning and Organization Studies, Health and Social Care Management, Information and Knowledge Management, Library and Information Science, Marketing and PR, Operations, Logistics and Quality, Property Management and Built Environment, Sociology, Criminology and Public Policy, Tourism and Hospitality, and Transport.

Emerald Market Case Studies (Prefer Firefox Web Browser) https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/case-studies

Subject areas: Accounting and Finance, Built Environment, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Management, Human Resource Management, International Business, Management Science, Marketing, Operations and Logistics, Public Sector Management, Strategy, Tourism and Hospitality and Other. (More than 2,000 cases)

IEEE Xplore digital library (Prefer Firefox Web Browser)  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp 

Subject areas: Aerospace, Bio-engineering, Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies, Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems, Computing and Processing, Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasma, Engineering Profession, Fields, Waves and Electromagnetic, General Topics for Engineers, Geoscience, Nuclear Engineering, Photonics and Electrooptics, Power, Energy and Industry Applications, Robotics and Control Systems, Signal Processing and Analysis, and Transportation.

(244 journals, 40 open access journals, 55 magazines, 2,195 IEEE standards, conference proceeding : 1,600 conferences)

Knovel https://app.knovel.com/kn

Subject areas: Adhesives Coatings Sealants & Inks, Aerospace & Radar Technology, Biochemistry Biology & Biotechnology, Ceramics & Ceramic Engineering, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering & Construction Materials, Composite, Computer Hardware Engineering, Earth Sciences, Electrical & Power Engineering, Electronics & Semiconductors, Engineering Management & Leadership, Environment & Environmental Engineering, Fire Protection Engineering & Emergency Response, Food Science, General Engineering & Project Administration, Industrial Engineering & Operations Management, Manufacturing Engineering, Marine Engineering & Naval Architecture, Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering, Metals & Metallurgy, Mining Engineering & Extractive Metallurgy, Nanotechnology, Nondestructive Testing & Evaluation, Oil & Gas Engineering, Optics & Photonics, Pharmaceuticals Cosmetics & Toiletries, Plastics & Rubber Process Design Control & Automation, Safety & Industrial Hygiene, Software Engineering  Sustainable Energy & Development, Textiles, Transportation Engineering, and Welding Engineering & Materials Joining.

(13,851  titles)

Science Direct https://www.sciencedirect.com/

Subject areas: Agricultural and Biological Science, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Business, Management and Accounting, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Decision Science, Earth and Planetary Science, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Energy, Engineering, Environmental Science, Health Science, Immunology and Microbiology, Materials Science, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Nursing and Health Professions, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, Social Science, Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine. 

(2,319 journals  + 1,028 open access journals)

Springer Nature e-Journals https://link.springer.com/

Subject areas: Behavioral Science and Psychology, Biomedical and Life Sciences,  Business and Management, Chemistry and Materials Science, Computer Science, Earth and        Environmental Science, Economics and Finance, Education, Energy, Engineering, Law and Criminology, Mathematics and Statistics, Medicine, Physics and Astronomy, Political Science and International Study, and Social Sciences.

(2,114 subscribed titles + 952 open access journals)

E-Books Databases

Elesevier e-books https://www.sciencedirect.com/

Subject areas: Agricultural, Biological, and Food Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Bio-Chemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Business, Management and Accounting, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Decision Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Energy, Engineering, Environmental Science, Immunology and Microbiology, Materials Science, Mathematics, Medicine and Dentistry, Neuroscience, Nursing and Health Professions, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine. 

(6,303 titles)

Springer Nature e-books https://link.springer.com/

Subject areas: Biomedical and Life Science, Chemistry and Materials Science, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental Science, Energy, Engineering, Professional and applied Computing, Behavioral Science and Psychology, Business and Management, Economics and Finance, Political Science and International Studies, and Social Sciences.

(19,392 e-books, 587 protocols, 148 reference works, 4,231 proceedings)

Abstract and Citation Databases   

Scopus https://www.scopus.com/

Web of Science https://www.webofscience.com/wos

Elsevier Researcher Academy: https://researcheracademy.elsevier.com/

E-magazines: http://library.ait.ac.th/2021/06/21/e-magazines-periodicals/

Lecture note book series: http://library.ait.ac.th/2021/06/29/lecture-notes/

To search and download our e-resources. 

On-campus, you can access and download through AIT Wifi

Off-Campus, please access through AIT VPN. You need to install Open VPN software on your PC, Laptop, or other mobile devices.  


B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences/ Workshops

1) Certificate Course on Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

14 August - 08 December 2021

Read more

unnamed (2)


2) Accounting for IFRS 17 (Insurance Contract) and IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments)

17 August - 01 September 2021

Read more

unnamed (10)

3) Online Professional Development Course on Innovation in Corporate Culture – How to lead change in a VUCA Environment

(Batch 3) 04 - 21 September 2021

Read more

(Batch 4) 06 - 23 November 2021

Read more

unnamed (3)


4) Online Professional Development Course on Managing Organizational Change: Integrating Agile for Transformation

(Batch 3) 05 - 22 September 2021

Read more

(Batch 4) 07 - 24 November 2021

Read more

5) Online Training Course on Management of Training Center: Redesigning Your Learning

Organization Architecture to Make Differences and Create High Value Workforce

06 - 28 September 2021

Read more


unnamed (5)

6) The “Capacity Development Program on Air Quality Management and Emission Reduction of PM2.5 for Asian Countries” 

AIT RRC.AP, along with partners, will organize the “Capacity Development Program on Air Quality Management and Emission Reduction of PM2.5 for Asian Countries” from 13-17 September 2021 on an online platform.

This one-week training programme is aimed to build the capacities of the Asian countries for better management of air quality and to enhance the technical capabilities of the countries to support their national efforts to address air pollution issues. The modules of the program will include air quality monitoring, emission inventory development, air quality modeling, impact assessment, and policy measures for air pollution mitigation. The program is targeting about 200 participants from Asian countries including policymakers, air quality managers, and technical staff of pollution control agencies, meteorological agencies, and associated government departments. Additionally, air quality professionals, students, young scientists are also encouraged to participate.

For more information and registration, please visit http://www.rrcap.ait.ac.th/apn/.

Alternatively, interested participants may also send their registration detail to Secretariat (capacity.building@rrcap.ait.ac.th) by September 5, 2021.


7) Online Professional Development Course on Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Innovations, Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

(Batch 3) 02 - 19 October 2021

Read more

(Batch 4) 04 - 21 December 2021

 unnamed (6)


8) Online Professional Development Course on Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership

(Batch 3) 03 - 20 October 2021

Read more

(Batch 4) 05 - 22 December 2021

Read more

 9) Online Training Course on Training Of Trainers: Become Disruptive Knowledge Leader and Influencer

Who Drive Change from Inside, and Build Teams of Business Innovator

04 - 27 October 2021

Read more

unnamed (8)

10) Online Professional Development Course on Managing Organizational Change: Integrating Agile for Transformation

(Batch 3) 05 - 22 September 2021

Read more

(Batch 4) 07 - 24 November 2021

Read more

unnamed (4)

11) Online Training Course on Business Integrity Essentials: A Value-Chain Strategy for Sustainable Growth

of Small and Medium Size Enterprises

13 - 28 November 2021

Read more

unnamed (9)


C. Classifieds (jobs) 

Position: Assistant Professor, School of Engineering & Technology (CIE-TRE)
Ref: 5/ 21
Deadline: 15 October 2021

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Development (DDS-Gender and Development Studies)
Ref: 9/ 20
Deadline: 30 September 2021

Position: Manager, Office of Advancement and Alumni Affair
Ref: 26/ 21
Deadline: 17 September 2021

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor, School of Environment, Resources, and Development (DDS/UIS)
Ref: 04/ 21
Deadline: 15 September 2021

Position: Center Manager, Asian Center for Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics (ACSIG-SET)
Ref: 27/ 21
Deadline: 20 September 2021

Position: Public Relations Officer, Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Ref: 25/ 21
Deadline: 15 September 2021

Position: Project Development Officer, Office of Academic Administration (OAA)
Ref: 28/ 21
Deadline: 15 October 2021
