WEEK# 49, 29 November - 5 December, 2021

In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Events

C. Faculty and Staff Travel

D. Classifieds (jobs)

A. Announcements 

1) Vaccination Status and Updates

Email from the Director, Office of Academic Administration on 25 November 2021

Dear AIT Family,

Online classes and Work-from-Home (WFH) – Online classes and Work-from-Home (WFH) will continue through December 2021.  AIT’s 135th Graduation Ceremony on 21 December 2021 will also be held virtually.  We look forward to the reopening of the AIT campus in January 2022 and will announce further details in the coming weeks.  The plan is to engage in hybrid instruction beginning in Spring Semester on 10 January 2022.


Extraordinary Leave Status – With the likelihood of the resumption of in-person / hybrid classes and employees returning to office when the Spring 2022 semester starts, the provision and length of Extraordinary Leave status will only be granted up to 10 January 2022, the day before classes are scheduled to begin.


Vaccination Status and ATK Policy – In our earlier message, we had mentioned about additional measures for re-opening the AIT Campus, and announced that all members of the AIT community will be required to submit their vaccination records, in order to be allowed entry into the AIT Campus once we are fully open early next year.  We thank all those who have already submitted their vaccination details.  If you have not yet done so, may we request you to send in your vaccination records to the Office of Human Resources Services (OHRS) for employees, the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) for students, and the Office of Facilities and Assets Management (OFAM) for contracted staff, at the earliest.  


Please kindly note that if you have not taken the vaccine and are not able to submit a vaccine certificate you will be required to take a weekly ATK test and submit the results to be allowed entry into the campus once AIT reopens fully.  The AIT Management Team (AMT) members will be monitoring and enforcing the above policy for the staff and students in their respective Schools, Centers and Units.


Overnight guests will be required to be vaccinated.  Vaccination policies regarding visitors to AIT are being formulated and will be announced in the next few weeks before our Opening.


Pfizer Booster Shot – Almost 250 AIT employees as well as dependents and two Emeritus Professors and a few students received Pfizer booster shots at the Thammasat University Hospital (TUH) on 14 and 23 November 2021.  This group comprised of those who received their two doses of Sinovac.  We are truly grateful to TUH for this very generous offer to AIT and for the earlier vaccination opportunities provided to members of the AIT community.


Other Vaccination Opportunities – Additionally, the Thai Government has extended the registration for vaccine through Thai mobile phone networks to 1-28 December 2021 for those who have been fully vaccinated with Sinovac and Sinopharm and those who have never received the vaccine before, comprising:


§  Those who have never gotten the vaccine before:

-        People of ages 12-17 years old will get Pfizer followed by another Pfizer shot

-        People of ages 18 and above will get AstraZeneca followed by a Pfizer shot

§  Those who have been fully vaccinated with Sinovac and Sinopharm will get AstraZeneca as the third booster shot.


Those who are interested may register through any of the below mobile networks, listed here:


§  AIS: https://ais.th/vaccinesforthais…

§  DTAC: https://dtac.co.th/vaccine/index-full.html…

§  True: https://vaccine.trueid.net

§  NT: https://covid19vaccine.ntplc.co.th/CVC/info?lang=en


Further details are available at: https://twitter.com/prdthailand/status/1463064015030996994


Please obtain your vaccines/boosters as soon as you can, both for protection of yourself and the community and because upon re-opening, vaccination documentation will become a requirement for access to AIT.  Finally, it is of utmost importance that despite the relaxation of measures we must still have a vigilant mindset and continue to adhere to good practices.  Please keep abreast of the news, and continue with D-M-H-T-T-A precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19: D – Distancing, M – Mask wearing, H – Handwashing, T– Temperature check, T– Testing for COVID-19, and A– alert application.


Please check with the Task Force if you have any queries and also visit the Intranet page where all COVID-19 related information and updates from the Task Force are available.

Thank you for your cooperation.


AIT COVID-19 Task Force


2) Regional Dialogue to promote the uptake of Eco-design approaches to green the SMEs in Asia on 30 November 2021

The EU SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Advocacy Component and United Nations Environment Programme (Regional Office for the Asia-Pacific) in partnership with Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT, Thailand) is pleased to invite you to attend the Regional Dialogue to Promote the Uptake of Eco-design Approaches to Green the SMEs in Asia on 30 November 2021, 13:30-16:30 hrs (GMT+7 Bangkok Time).

The objective of this dialogue is to continue the discussion on how to increase the understating of the eco-design approaches for their promotion and uptake by the SMEs in Asia. The deliberations during the event will deep dive on implementation challenges and benefits of adopting/instilling eco-design thinking for the key sectors in Asia through exchange of knowledge and good practices in the region. It will further gather perspectives on enabling factors/solutions that influence/support SMEs to incorporate eco-design approaches in their businesses.

We hope that you will be able to join us and actively contribute to this webinar. Don't miss it!

To go directly to registration page, click this link:

For more information please contact:
Ms. Pondchanok Piraintorn (Japan)
Project Coordinator, AIT

3) Webinar on “Freshwater Ecosystem Conservation and Management through Stakeholders Engagement: Challenges and Opportunities”

Water Engineering and Management (WEM) program of AIT along with its partners kicks off its new project “Towards mainstreaming ecosystem services in national policies for sustainable management of freshwater ecosystems in South and Southeast Asia (MESSEA)” virtually on 23 November 2021. The MESSEA project’s study areas are India, Thailand, and Vietnam and is jointly conducted by AIT, Thailand; WWF, Thailand; IIT-Bombay, India; An Giang University, Vietnam; Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population, Vietnam and Nextblue, the Netherlands.

Join us on the series of webinars to accelerate sustainable management of the freshwater ecosystems in south and Southeast Asia on the following dates and times:

Wednesday 1 December 2021

14:00 - 16:45 (GMT +5:30) India

“Freshwater Ecosystem Conservation and Management through Stakeholders Engagement: Challenges and Opportunities”

Register to join : https://next.blue/freshwater-ecosystems

The project is funded by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) under Strategic Collaborative Fund (SCF) Phase 2.


4) Webinar on Research and Societal Impact: Innovation for the Future

We would like to invite you to join the webinar on Research and Societal Impact: Innovation for the Future on Wednesday, 1 December 2021 from 2.00 - 4.00 P.M. (Bangkok time). This webinar organized by Elsevier in collaboration with World Bank.


Research and its Societal impact have been a prominent topic of discussion between academicians striving for measurement of their success beyond the usual. However, with the presence of multiple strategies, policies, and implementation, making this evaluation becomes very tough for the Academicians as they sometimes don’t know where to start. In an endeavor to resolve or at least give a head start in this direction, we have planned a special event with the thought leaders, experts, and researchers across the Asia Pacific.


  1. Ylann Schemm - Director Elsevier Foundation.
  2. Smita Kuriakose - Senior Economist the World Bank

With a keynote remark from Saurabh Sharma - Vice President Asia Pacific Elsevier Research Solutions.

REGISTER here (via Zoom) to secure your spot:


The webinar is free, open to the public, and with an e-certificate available.

Dec 1 Expert Series Poster

5) World Bank's virtual event on Understanding Risk Asia Forum

The World Bank is organizing an event in Singapore called Understanding Risk Asia (https://understandingrisk.asia/) from 2 to 3 December, 2021 and I am pleased to inform you that they have kindly agreed to waive the registration fee for AIT faculty members and students to participate the event virtually.

The following code can be entered by AIT faculty and students to register and participate in the event.


Code: UR-AIT


6) THE Campus Live Asia: New Strategies for University Success

Agenda: https://www.timeshighered-events.com/live-asia-2021

Registration Link: https://www.timeshighered-events.com/live-asia-2021/page/1839009/register

Date: 14 December 2021

Time: 8:15 AM to 3:45 PM

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B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences/ Workshops

1) Certificate Course on Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

14 August - 08 December 2021

Read more

unnamed (2)


2) Online Professional Development Course on Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Innovations, Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

(Batch 4) 04 - 21 December 2021

 unnamed (6)

 3) Online Professional Development Course on Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership

(Batch 4) 05 - 22 December 2021

Read more




 C. Faculty and Staff Travel

Dr. Indrajit Pal / India / 23 October 2021 - 10 December 2021



D. Classifieds (jobs) 

Faculty Position: Assistant Professor, School of Engineering & Technology (CIE-TRE)
Ref: 05/21
Deadline: 15 December 2021

Faculty Positio: School of Engineering & Technology (CIE-WEM)
Ref: 06/21
Deadline: 30 November 2021

Faculty Position: Associate/Assistant Professor, School of Engineering & Technology
Ref: 04/20
Deadline: 30 November 2021

Faculty Positions: School of Management
Ref: 7/ 21
Deadline: 14 January 2022

Position: Business Development Manager, AI Center
Ref: 37/ 21
Deadline: 30 November 2021

Position: Assistant Administrative Officer, Admissions and Scholarships Unit (OSA)
Ref: 29/ 21
Deadline: 15 December 2021

Position: Irrigation Engineering and Management (IREM) Lab Supervisor (SET-WEM)
Ref: 9/ 21
Deadline: 31 January 2021

Position: Laboratory Senior Technician, Hydraulic Lab (SET-WEM)
Ref: 7/ 21
Deadline: 31 January 2021

