WEEK# 51, 13 - 19 December, 2021

In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Events

C. Faculty and Staff Travel

D. Classifieds (jobs)

A. Announcements 

1) THE Campus Live Asia: New Strategies for University Success


Please be reminded to watch us live from the Times Higher Education (THE) Live Asia on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, where the AIT is a co-host and participating as speakers and moderators in various sessions, as follows:


THE Live Asia “New Strategies for University Success”

December 14, 2021


8:15 AM - 9:15 AM Bangkok Time

Opening remarks by AIT President Dr. Eden Woon

Opening Session: How can a more diverse and creative university leadership be nurtured?
Moderator: Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe, Professor of gender and development studies


9:25 AM - 10:25 AM Bangkok Time

Session: Are universities doing enough to ensure climate resilience?

Moderator: Prof. Shobhakar Dhakal, Vice-president for Academic Affairs


10:35 AM - 11:30 AM Bangkok Time

Session: Enhancing institutional reputation: Strategies for success

Panelist/Speaker  Eden Woon, President


11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Bangkok Time

Session: Teaching and learning: Sustainability strategies for the next generation


Russell Rein, Vice-president of Administration

Maria Eugênia Fernandes Freita, Student

Pongpatchara Klinsukont, President of the Student Union

Aujaswi Kumar Maurya, Student

Nophea Sasaki, Head of the Department of Development and Sustainability

Wenchao Xue, Assistant professor of Energy, Environment and Climate Change


Register Now! Free delegates representing a university, association, public sector, or NGO up to 10 people per registration.

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2) The Circular Economy Webinar Episode III: EV Battery Recycling

We are pleased to invite you to the Circular Economy Webinar Episode III: EV Battery Recycling hosted by the Embassy of Finland in Bangkok, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Ministry of Industry (MoI), Thailand.

Thailand aims to be an electric vehicle production hub, and the world largest EV battery factory is under construction here. What are the plans to develop EV battery recycling in Thailand?

Finland has been involved in the development of EU-level for EV battery recycling strategies and technologies. What are the experiences and learnings from Finland?

This webinar with the leading experts from Thailand and Finland aims to capture the robustness of these developments sharing the experiences and lessons learnt.

We hope that you will be able to join us and contribute to this event. Join us on Tuesday, 14 December 2021 at 13:30 hrs. (Bangkok time)

For registration, please click this link:  https://www.ait.ac.th/2021/12/invitation-to-the-circular-economy-webinar-episode-iii-ev-battery-recycling/

Thank you and look forward to seeing you there!

Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs (OAAA)


 3) The Global Webinar on "Prospects and Challenges in Digital Banking in the New Normal Era"

[Join Us] at the Global Webinar on "Prospects and Challenges in Digital Banking in the New Normal Era" on 16th December 2021, 9:00 - 11:00 hrs (Bangkok/ Jakarta Time) . This webinar is being jointly organized by the AIT Graduates Club, AIT Alumni Association, AIT Extension and AIT Solutions.

To join, please register here:


More details at:


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4) AIT Tech Talks on Tech for Sustainability: Leveraging Technology to Solve Sustainability Challenges

We are pleased to announce our fourth event of the AIT Tech Talks on Tech for Sustainability, which will be held virtually on December 17, 2021 Friday (10:00 - 12:00 hrs, Bangkok Time). This series of events will be organized under the AIT Enterprises Alliance (AEA) platform, to highlight the expertise of AIT in various emerging technologies and sustainability.

This fourth event will focus on the applications of Technologies for Sustainability: Leveraging Technology to Solve Sustainability Challenges ranging from nature networking for urban greening and wellness, near real-time technologies for monitoring land cover changes to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement, to technology for supporting farmers toward low-carbon emissions in the rural areas and bamboo management for community livelihoods. The event will also highlight AIT's strength, leadership, and positioning in Tech and Sustainability.

You are cordially invited to attend this exciting event.

Event highlights:
  • Keynote presentations from experts in AIT and from the Industry
  • Technical talks by AIT faculty and experts
  • Interaction with AIT Researchers

Register: https://forms.gle/ujWS8FipxiXFqgKu7
Website: http://www.aea.ait.ac.th/events/tech-talk-series-4/

5) 136th Virtual Graduation Ceremony


09:45 hrs: Assembly online

10:00 hrs: Virtual Graduation Ceremony

Introduction by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Shobhakar Dhakal

Graduation Message by the President, Eden Woon

Graduation Address by the Graduation Speaker

Dr. Axel Schweitzer

CEO/Owner Alba Group, and

Chairman Alba Group Asia

Conferment of Doctoral Degrees

Conferment of Master Degrees

Message by a Distinguished Alumni Speaker

Message by a Doctoral Graduate

12:00 hrs: Academic Recession

132nd Graduation (3).JPG


B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences/ Workshops

1) The 16th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC)

The 16th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC), in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM, provides an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia. AINTEC especially aims at addressing issues pertinent to the Asia and Pacific region, with vast diversities of socio-economic and networking conditions, while inviting high quality and recent research results from the Internet research community at large.

AINTEC 2021 follows the previous fifteen successful editions. The conference is single-track and features a technical program with significant opportunities for individual and small-group discussions among a diverse set of participants. The technical sessions will include invited talks by leading experts, presentations of papers, demos, posters. A student author of the AINTEC Best Paper Award affiliated in an Asian institution is eligible for the ACM SIGCOMM geo-diversity grant program to attend ACM SIGCOMM 2022.

More details:

Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2021) (ait.ac.th) 


2) Online Professional Development Course on Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Innovations, Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

(Batch 4) 04 - 21 December 2021

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 3) Online Professional Development Course on Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership

(Batch 4) 05 - 22 December 2021

Read more




 C. Faculty and Staff Travel

Prof. Sangam Shrestha / The New Orleans, LA, USA / 12 - 19 December 2021

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dash/ Phuket, Choburi, Thailand/ 6 - 9 December 2021

Dr. Adisorn Lertsinsrubtavee/ Maesot, Tak, Thailand/ 17 - 21 December 2021

Nisarat Tansakul/ Maesot, Tak, Thailand/ 17 - 21 December 2021


D. Classifieds (jobs) 

Faculty Position: Assistant Professor, School of Engineering & Technology (CIE-TRE)
Ref: 05/21
Deadline: 15 December 2021

Faculty Positions: School of Management
Ref: 7/ 21
Deadline: 14 January 2022

Position: Technician (Mechanical Engineering SERD-FEBT)
Ref: 38/ 21
Deadline: 10 January 2022

Position: Laboratory Supervisor, Sustainable Energy Transition Academic Program (SERD-EECC)
Ref: 31/ 21
Deadline: 31 January 2022

Position: Assistant Administrative Officer, Admissions and Scholarships Unit (OSA)
Ref: 29/ 21
Deadline: 15 December 2021

Position: Irrigation Engineering and Management (IREM) Lab Supervisor (SET-WEM)
Ref: 9/ 21
Deadline: 31 January 2022

Position: Laboratory Senior Technician, Hydraulic Lab (SET-WEM)
Ref: 7/ 21
Deadline: 31 January 2022
