WEEK# 5, 31 January - 6 February, 2022

In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Classifieds (jobs)


A. Announcements 

Positive Cases and Update from the AIT COVID-19 Task Force

Email from the Director, Office of Academic Administration on 28 January 2022.

Dear AIT Family,

State of Emergency and Campus Reopening – Although the Thailand State of Emergency was extended until 31 March 2022, it was decided, from 1 February 2022, to reopen the campus, return to offices in a measured gradual manner, including resuming Hybrid mode of instruction in the Spring 2022 Semester.  We still need to be cautious during the transition and shall only be resuming Hybrid instruction for small class sizes and not for large lectures or classes.  If students have questions on attendance, they should speak with their advisor or instructors.  The Office of Student Affairs will liaise with the School Deans in working out the details on this. 

This re-opening will only be successful if all of us take care of protective measures.  Unit Heads are advised of the principles to be followed, primarily to meet the recommended social distancing criteria especially in shared offices and classrooms.  OFAM is working with the offices to reconfirm that spacing for social distance is possible after our employees return to work in their office.  During the first month of resuming work in the office, staggered workdays or shift work will be temporarily put in place, up to 50% of the workforce at any given time, and to eventually transition to full workforce reporting to the office from 1 March 2022 or at a later date, if necessary.

As alerted earlier, although most of the AIT students, employees and contractors should have already been vaccinated, those who have not taken the vaccine and are not able to submit a vaccine certificate will be required to take a weekly ATK test and submit a negative result to be allowed entry into the campus once AIT reopens from 1 February 2022.

§  For Employees – Immediate supervisors will manage the vaccination status of their respective employees, as well as monitor and enforce this policy for employees.

§  For Students – Heads of Departments, with the assistance of Academic Program Chairs, will manage the vaccination status of their respective students, as well as monitor and enforce this policy for students. 

§  For Contractors – OFAM will manage the vaccination status of all contractors and concessionaires, as well as monitor and enforce this policy for them. 

§  Overnight Guests – Hosts of overnight guests at AIT (AIT Conference Center and on-campus residents) must inform the Task Force and present proof of vaccination status or submit a negative ATK test result (with certificate) of their guests 72 hours prior to check-in.

§  Sponsored Day Guests – They will need to submit their vaccination record to their sponsor prior to their visit.  This is the responsibility of the unit, and if the size of the group is over the AIT-prescribed limit, then the TF needs to be informed.

All the other earlier announced COVID-19 policies of AIT still stand, and please check with the Task Force if you have any queries and also visit the Intranet page where all COVID-19 related information and updates from the Task Force are available.

Positive Cases – (i) A student in our Organizational Quarantine (OQ) tested positive for COVID-19 on 25 January 2022 while in quarantine and was transported to Thammasat University Hospital (TUH) for treatment and recovery.  

(ii) Two community members, a student (W44A, last day on campus 26 January) and a staff (on WFH off-campus), also tested positive for COVID-19 (ATK on 25 January), which were confirmed by RT-PCR test results on 26 January.  They were most likely infected in a restaurant off campus on 22 January.  The student is now in home isolation, while the staff is in hotel isolation, both off campus.  

(iii) In addition, two of our contractors (roving security guards) tested positive on 27 January and had their last day on campus on 25 January.  Both of them were infected from family members and friends, and had no interaction with AIT community members while on duty (one on night duty at the Arcade area, and the other on day duty at AITIS, AIT Square, and Dorm S areas).  They are both undergoing treatment at hospitals off campus. 

Our thoughts are with them, and we wish them a speedy and complete recovery.

Please find below the timeline of presence at AIT of the student.  If any member of the AIT community has been to the AIT places listed, please be careful and closely self-monitor yourselves for seven days for any symptoms.  Those who had direct close contact with this community member since 22 January (i.e., within less than 1 meter for more than 15 minutes or interaction without wearing a mask) may request an ATK from OSA (osa@ait.ac.th) and self-isolate at their own home for a week from the last interaction.  They may also initially observe for any symptoms and test later.  OFAM will perform thorough cleaning of the visited areas, including the student’s on-campus accommodation unit, and will discuss with those responsible for those areas so that they can take the necessary follow-up precautionary measures.

  19-21 Jan (off-campus)

o   22 Jan (7-11 pm) – had dinner at a restaurant off-campus, where positive cases were reported and informed their customers on 24 Jan

o   23 Jan – self-isolated in dorm, no symptoms

o    24 Jan – self-isolated in dorm until 11am, and from 2pm

o   11 am to noon – visited the AIT Arcade (Thai restaurant; salon; UF

o   12 noon to 2 pm – HomKrun coffee shop

o   7 pm – Visited 7-11 (AIT)

o   negative ATK test result, no symptoms

o    25 Jan – self-isolated in dorm until 9pm

o   experiencing symptoms: sore throat, dry cough, fever

o   8 am – negative ATK test result

o   4 pm – positive ATK test result

o   9 to 11.50 pm – went to a hospital for an RT-PCR test

o   26 Jan – self-isolated in dorm until 2.40 pm.

o   2:45 pm – left AIT for home (off campus) isolation (after receiving positive RT-PCR test result

o   Symptoms persisted: sore throat, dry cough, headache, exhaustion

Vaccination Opportunities – (i) We are still waiting for details on the date and venue for the Pfizer booster (3rd dose) vaccination from Thammasat University Hospital (TUH).  (ii) However, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) will provide AstraZeneca vaccinations for people of all nationalities aged 18 years or older from Monday, 31 January 2022, for their first, second, or booster injection while supply lasts, either by appointments through the QueQ app or walk-in at seven (7) BMA-associated hospitals.  While the announcement states that this vaccination opportunity is open for anybody, foreigners are required to bring their passport as well as a pink card or social security card.  Thai citizens will need to bring their ID card

(iii) The AIT International School (AITIS) is coordinating with the parents of their pupils for the vaccination of AITIS pupils (aged 5-11 years) through the Pathum Thani Provincial Education Office.

Change in Quarantine Period and Phase 2 for Arrivals from 1 February 2022 – From 1 February 2022, fully vaccinated travelers from any country can apply for a Test & Go Thailand Pass, via https://tp.consular.go.th/ , up to 60 days in advance of their travel to Thailand.  The system will reopen for the new Test & Go applications from 1 February 2022 (0900 hours Thailand Time). 

(i)         AIT community members (students, employees, and their dependents aged 12 years and above) can continue to book at the AIT Organizational Quarantine (OQ) for the required 7- or 10-day quarantine period and two RT-PCR tests.  With effect from 1 February 2022, the 7-day Self-Isolation (SI, Phase 2) after quarantine discharge will no longer be required.

(ii)       Those arriving under the new Test & Go will have the following options:

a.      Stay off campus from when they arrive in Thailand until after their 2nd negative RT-PCR test result.  They can move to their accommodation units on campus on the 6th day of their arrival in Thailand.  They will no longer be required to undergo Phase 2 (7-day SI) once on campus.

b.     Or, move to their accommodation units on campus on their 2nd day of arrival in Thailand after their 1st negative RT-PCR test result.  While on campus, prior to obtaining their 2nd RT-PCR test (on their 5th day of arrival in Thailand), they will be required to strictly comply with the SI guidelines until after their 2nd negative RT-PCR test result. 

Please stay updated on news from the Government of Thailand and other updates from the AIT COVID-19 Task Force.  We urge you to continue to maintain a high level of safety and hygiene measures, like regularly washing your hands, wearing masks in public places and when in the company of people, maintaining social distancing, avoiding large crowds, and please visit the AIT Medical Center if you feel unwell.  We must all continue to remain vigilant.

AIT COVID-19 Task Force


B. Classifieds (jobs) 

Position: Laboratory Supervisor, Sustainable Energy Transition Academic Program (SERD-EECC)
Ref: 31/ 21
Deadline: 31 January 2022

Position: Irrigation Engineering and Management (IREM) Lab Supervisor (SET-WEM)
Ref: 9/ 21
Deadline: 31 January 2022

Position: Laboratory Senior Technician, Hydraulic Lab (SET-WEM)
Ref: 7/ 21
Deadline: 31 January 2022

Position: Recruitment and Liaison Staff, SERD-DDS
Ref: 04/ 22
Deadline: 15 February 2022

Position: Finance and Accounting Officer, AI Center
Ref: 03/ 22
Deadline: 31 January 2022

Position: Administrative Officer, AI Center
Ref: 02/ 22
Deadline: 31 January 2022

Position: IT Officer for System Administration, AI Center
Ref: 07/ 22
Deadline: 15 February 2022

Position: Administrative Officer, OHRS
Ref: 09/ 22
Deadline: 15 February 2022

Position: Cash Card Counter Staff, OFAM
Ref: 05/ 22
Deadline: 15 February 2022
