WEEK# 16, 2 - 8 May, 2022

In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Workshops/ Conferences

C. Faculty & Staff Travel

D. Classifieds (jobs)

A. Announcements 

1) New Measures on Entry to Thailand and AIT and Updates from the AIT COVID-19 Task Force

Email from the Director, Office of Academic Administration on 28 April 2022.

Dear AIT Family,

Thailand – Updated Measures on Entry to Thailand from 1 May:

Thailand’s Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has approved the lifting of the RT-PCR testing requirement for international arrivals beginning 1 May 2022, and introduced two new entry schemes specifically customized for vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers as follows:

A.    For vaccinated travelers – International travelers who are fully vaccinated will no longer be required to show proof of a pre-arrival negative RT-PCR test nor undergo an arrival test.  They are still required to register for a Thailand Pass (https://tp.consular.go.th/home) with a Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination and an insurance policy with coverage no less than US$10,000 (reduced from US$20,000).  Once arriving in Thailand, they will be allowed entry and are free to go anywhere in the kingdom.  No test of any kind is required upon arrival.  The Thailand Pass website (https://tp.consular.go.th/home) has been updated and will start accepting applications with the new rules on 29 April with entry allowed from 1 May.  For vaccinated people it could take 2-3 days. 

B.    For unvaccinated travelers

Option 1: International travelers who are unvaccinated or are not fully vaccinated will also no longer be required to show proof of a pre-arrival negative RT-PCR test nor undergo an arrival test.  They are required to register for a Thailand Pass with a 5-day hotel booking and an insurance policy with coverage no less than US$10,000 (reduced from US$20,000).  Once arriving in Thailand, they must proceed to undergo the quarantine for 5 days and undergo an RT-PCR test on Day 5.

Option 2: Exception is made for unvaccinated travelers who are able to upload proof of a negative RT-PCR test within 72 hours of travel via the Thailand Pass system, they – like those fully vaccinated – will be allowed entry and are free to go anywhere in the kingdom.

AIT – Updated Measures on Entry to AIT (from overseas) from 1 May:

In light of the new Thailand entry measures, there will be the following AIT Protocols for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Travelers:

A.    For vaccinated travelers – Vaccinated travelers from overseas coming to AIT will be required to take an ATK upon arrival in Thailand, before coming to AIT.  If negative, there will be no more quarantine/SI requirements at AIT.

B.    For unvaccinated travelers – Those entering under Option 2 above and coming to AIT will be required to do a 3-day Self-Isolation (SI) on- or off-campus upon arrival, and take an ATK at the end of the 3-day SI period.  They are strongly encouraged to immediately get vaccinated within a week after completion of their 3-day SI.  (Those who live alone or  have a private living space to isolate themselves away  from other  family members can do SI in their own accommodation units on campus.)

The Thai Government is encouraging everyone to get vaccinated and continues to make available various channels such as through the below COVID-19 Vaccination Centers open to Thai and foreign nationals. 

§  MBK Center and the Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment of the Ministry of Public Health have been operating a COVID-19 vaccination center that provides Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines for any dose, from first injections to booster for Thai and foreign nationals, including migrant workers.  The capacity of inoculation is up to 1,200 persons per day for those who walk in or register through mobile service providers.  The center is open from Mondays to Fridays (except on national holidays) to the end of April on the 6th floor of Zone B-C at MBK Center.  For further information, please contact the Contact Center, dial 1285.  

§  The Central Vaccination Center at the Bang Sue Central Station has also been operating a vaccination service for both Thai and foreign nationals.  The service operates daily from 9 am to 4 pm at Gate 2.

§  The Thammasat University Hospital (TUH) offers walk in vaccinations for Pfizer on 6, 20, and 27 May for those aged 12 years and older, and only for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th dose.  It is open for both Thais and non-Thais.  The vaccination certificates for the earlier doses have to be presented along with the Thai National ID card or passport.  It will be administered at the Borigarn Building in TUH (where the earlier AIT vaccinations were administered).

Adjustment in Length of Quarantine and Self-Isolation for High-Risk Contacts – There has also been an adjustment in the length of quarantine required for people who have had high risk contact with a positive case.  This has now been reduced to 5+5 days (from 7+3 days).  This will now be made applicable at AIT for close contacts of positive cases, who will be required to do a 5-day SI.  Then, do an ATK test on Day 5, and if the result is negative, you no longer have movement restrictions and can already attend classes and other meetings/events in person.  Then continue to self-monitor until a 2nd ATK test on Day 10. 

Designated Dorms on Campus – As mentioned in the most recent email message from the VP-Administration on update on Organizational Quarantine (OQ), among others, the operations of the OQ Dorms A, B, and C will be temporarily suspended and kept empty from 1 May 2022 until August 2022, when a final decision to end our OQ program and open them up for regular occupancy will be made.  Dorm H will continue to serve as a Community OQ (COQ) for AIT campus residents who test positive for COVID-19 and do not live alone or do not have private living space to isolate themselves from unit cohabitants or family members.  Dorm D will continue to be used as a SI-designated dorm for those who do not live alone or do not have private living space to isolate themselves from unit cohabitants or family members.

Hybrid Instruction and Work from Home Status – With the infection levels in Thailand remaining high and the occasional positive cases of AIT community members, the Hybrid mode of instruction, and staggered workdays or shift work up to 50% of the workforce will be extended and continue until 31 May 2022.  We will monitor the situation closely to see when we could eventually transition to full workforce reporting to the office. 

All the other earlier announced COVID-19 policies of AIT still stand, and please check with the Task Force if you have any queries and also visit the Intranet page  where all COVID-19 related information and updates from the Task Force are available.

We urge you to continue to maintain a high level of safety and hygiene measures, like regularly washing your hands, wearing masks in public places and when in the company of people, maintaining social distancing, avoiding large crowds, and please visit the AIT Medical Center if you feel unwell.  Check yourself with ATK test when you feel you have been exposed or feel unwell.  We wish to reiterate and emphasize that if you feel unwell, please do not report to work or attend classes in person until you have fully recovered from any illness. 

AIT COVID-19 Task Force

2) Medical Center appointment

The mission of the AIT Medical Center is to provide the best possible medical care, disease prevention, and health promotion to AIT students, employees, and their dependents.  

In addition to the general medical care and health counseling given by the general practitioners, the Medical Center also provides consultations in ENT (ear, nose, throat) and physical rehabilitation.

We are pleased to announce that you can now reserve your appointment online through this link or scan the QR code below.  You can reach us by phone at 02-524-5286 during office hours (from 8.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.), from Monday to Friday; and through 02-524-5555 for 24-hour medical emergency service.

Thank you.

No photo description available.

3) OPPORTUNITY for AITians: Applications are open for THE SUP CHALLENGE (Thailand & Philippines)

We would like to share with you this new opportunity for entrepreneurs.  

Seedstars joined forces with The Incubation Network, Prevent Waste Alliance and RISE Impact to organize The SUP Challenge, an Acceleration program with the initiative to support local entrepreneurs, SMEs, and startups working on solutions that focus on the reduction of Single-Use Plastics (SUP). Up to 20 participants will be selected to join the program and receive support to pitch, design, and run pilot solutions with our F&B partners to help them reduce single-use plastic waste.

 *This program is free of charge*

Apply here if:

You're an early-stage entrepreneur, startup, SME in Thailand or the Philippines. 

 You're working on a product/ service that is applicable to help reduce Single-Use Plastics

 You have an existing product/services that will be ready to run a short pilot with our F&B partner in Aug 2022

Programs Benefits:

- You'll be supported by RISE IMPACT or Seedstars

- You'll have the opportunity to pitch, design, and run a 2 month pilot with our local F&B partner to help reduce their use of Single-Use Plastic

- Receive up to 800 USD grant and close support for your pilot

- Capacity Building Workshops on entrepreneurship and venture building

- 1:1 Mentorship

Application dates: Now- 16 May 2022

Announcement: 30 May 2022

B. Workshops/ Conferences 

Performance Management in the Public Sector | AIT Extension

Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Innovations, Emerging Opportunities and Challenges | AIT Extension

Advanced Shrimp/Prawn Farming | AIT Extension

Advanced Training of Trainers | AIT Extension

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Auditing for Development Project | AIT Extension

Project Monitoring and Impact Evaluation | AIT Extension

Management of Training Center | AIT Extension

Safeguarding Organizations: Implementing Effective Measures through Cybersecurity | AIT Extension

 C. Faculty & Staff Travel


Mr. SK Shah Hossain, AIT Extension/ Dhaka, Bangladesh/ 20 March 2022 - 14 May 2022

Dr. Attapong Taparugssaragorn, SET/ Oslo, Norway/ 1 - 31 May 2022

Prof. Joyashree Roy, Bangabandhu Chair/ Ireland/ 23 - 29 April 2022



D.Classifieds (jobs) 

Faculty Position in Urban Innovation and Sustainability (UIS) Department of Development and Sustainability (DDS)
School of Environment, Resources and Development
Ref: 02/ 22
Deadline: 15 May 2022

Position: Program Officer/Specialist, RRCAP
Ref: 32/ 22
Deadline: 22 May 2022

Position: Lab Supervisor, Environmental Engineering and Chemical Analyses
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change
School of Environment, Recources and Development
Ref: 15/ 22
Deadline: 15 May 2022

Position: Administrative Secretary, SERD-EECC
Ref: 31/ 22
Deadline:  31 May 2022
